Questões de Concurso Sobre preposições | prepositions em inglês

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Q2847374 Inglês


Taking into account that (T) means True and (F) means False, the correct sequence of propositions is, respectively:

(__) ‘worse’ (l.4) is a comparative form of bad;

(__) ‘higher’ (l.10) and ‘older’ (l.12) are used to characterize passages of equality;

(__) ‘better’ (l.13) is an exception to the rules of the nouns’ comparison. 

Q2847372 Inglês


Analyze the propositions and select the right alternative:

I- ‘age-related’ (l.8) is a hyphenated compound word;
II- ‘middle age’ (l.4, 5) is working as a noun;
III- ‘healthfully’ (l.18) is an adverb built by prefixation;
IV- ‘outside’ (l.6) is a preposition. 
Q2815874 Inglês

Match Column A with Column B to fill in with the appropriate preposition of place.


I. into.

II. at.

III. in.

IV. on.


My father is arriving ______ February.

The party starts ____ ten o’clock.

My classes are ____ the morning.

He dived _____ the river.

Select the CORRECT answer

Q2808868 Inglês

Read the following quotes and mark the alternative that fills in the blanks with the appropriate preposition.

“A sentence starts out like a lone traveler heading into a blizzard ______ 1 midnight, tilting into the wind, one arm shielding his face.” (Billy Collins)

“My heart leaps up when I behold a rainbow ______ 2 the sky.” (William Wordsworth)

“But I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread ______3 my dreams.” (William Butler Yeats)

“When we begin to take our failures non-seriously, it means we are ceasing to be afraid ______4 them.” (Katherine Mansfield)

“You have been the last dream ______5 my soul.” (Charles Dickens)

Q2787513 Inglês

Considerando-se as preposições sublinhadas, assinalar a alternativa CORRETA:

Q2787507 Inglês

Quanto aos uso de artigos indefinidos, assinalar a alternativa que preenche as lacunas abaixo CORRETAMENTE:

We leave in __ week for vacation, and we still need to rent __ car and __ apartment!

Q2782082 Inglês

What preposition can complete the sentence below accordingly?

“Blended learning is different _____________________ remote learning.”

Q2776451 Inglês

“When he sets prices for upcoming trips, he is guessing _______________what things will cost him.”

Complete with the right preposition.

Q2776450 Inglês

“Is there any way that the authorities can control the area and discourage sharks _________________ coming in?”

Fill in the blank with the right preposition.

Q2759093 Inglês

Complete in the gap with the best preposition.

“Americans suffer ______________ an ignorance that is not only colossal, but sacred.” (James Baldwin)

Q2750134 Inglês


Important reasons for teaching kindness in schools

Most people have heard the phrase random acts of kindness, which refers to a selfless act of giving

resulting in the happiness of another person. Terms like this are increasing in popularity around the

world, as more people identify a deficiency in their lives that can only be fulfilled by altruism.

It seems we just can't get enough of those addictive feel good emotions and with good reason.

5 Scientific studies have shown that kindness has a great number of physical and emotional benefits,

and that children require a healthy dose of the warm and fuzzies in order to flourish as health, happy,

well-rounded individuals.

Patty O'Grady, PhD, is an expert in the area of neuroscience, emotional learning, and positive

psychology with special attention to the educational arena. She believes that kindness changes the brain

10 by the experience of kindness. Children and adolescents do not learn kindness by only thinking about it and

talking about it. Kindness is best learned by feeling it so that they can reproduce it. Kindness is an emotion that

students feel and empathy is a strength that they share.

A great number of benefits have been reported to support the theory of teaching kindness in schools:

1. Happy Children

15 Science explains that the good feelings we experience when being kind are produced by endorphins

that activate areas of the brain that are associated with pleasure, social connection and trust, and it's

proven that these feelings of joyfulness are contagious, encouraging more kind behaviour by the giver

and recipient.

2. Increased Peer Acceptance

20 Research on the subject has determined that kindness increases our ability to form meaningful

connections with others. Studies show that kind, happy children enjoy greater peer acceptance

because they are well-liked and that better than average mental health is reported in classrooms that

practice more inclusive behaviour due to an even distribution of popularity.

3. Improved Health and Less Stress

25 It's widely documented that being kind can trigger a release of the hormone oxytocin which has a

number of physical and mental health benefits as it can significantly increase a person's level of

happiness and reduce stress. More recently though, it's been found it plays a significant role in the

cardiovascular system, helping protect the heart by lowering blood pressure and reducing free

radicals and inflammation, which incidentally speed up the aging process.

30 4. Greater Sense of Belonging and Improved Self Esteem

Studies show that people experience a 'helpers high' when they do a good deed, a rush of endorphins

that creates a lasting sense of pride, wellbeing and an enriched sense of belonging. Even small acts of

kindness are reported to heighten our sense of wellbeing, increase energy and give a wonderful

feeling of optimism and self worth.

35 5. Increased Feelings of Gratitude

When children are part of projects that help others less fortunate than themselves, it provides them

with a real sense of perspective and helps them appreciate the good things in their own lives.

6. Better Concentration and Improved Results

As it increases serotonin, which plays an important part in learning, memory, mood, sleep, health and

40 digestion, kindness is a key ingredient that helps children feel good. Having a positive outlook allows

them greater attentions spans and enables more creative thinking to produce better results at school.

7. Less Bullying

Two Penn State Harrisburg faculty researchers, Shanetia Clark and Barbara Marinak say, unlike

previous generations, today's adolescents are victimizing each other at alarming rates. They argue adolescent

45 bullying and youth violence can be confronted through in-school programs that integrate kindness the

antithesis of victimization.

Many traditional anti-bullying programs focus on the negative actions that cause children anxiety and

often with little impact. Teaching kindness and compassion in schools, not only fosters the positive

behaviour that creates warm and inclusive school environments, but helps children feel that they

50 belong. It's documented that the effects of bullying can be significantly reduced by integrating

kindness based programs in schools.

8. Reduced Depression

Dr. Wayne Dyer, internationally renowned author and speaker, says research has discovered that an

act of kindness increases levels of serotonin (a natural chemical responsible for improving mood) in

55 the brain. It's also found that serotonin levels are increased in both the giver and receiver of an act of

kindness, as well as anyone who witnesses that kindness, making it a wonderful natural


Maurice Elias, a professor at Rutgers University Psychology Department says that as a citizen,

grandparent, father, and professional, it is clear to me that the mission of schools must include teaching kindness.

60 Without it, communities, families, schools, and classrooms become places of incivility where lasting learning is

unlikely to take place.

We need to be prepared to teach kindness, because it can be delayed due to maltreatment early in life. It can be

smothered under the weight of poverty, and it can be derailed by victimization later in life. Yet despite these and

other travails, the receipt of kindness and the ability to show kindness through service are both growth enhancing

65 and soul cleansing.

Kindness can be taught, and it is a defining aspect of civilized human life. It belongs in every home, school,

neighborhood, and society.

It's become quite clear that modern education must encompass more than just academics, that in order

for children to develop into happy, confident, well-rounded individuals, matters of the heart must be

70 taken seriously and nurtured as a matter of priority.

Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 15 set. 2016.

Maurice Elias, a professor at Rutgers University Psychology Department says that as a citizen, grandparent, father, and professional, it is clear to me that the mission of schools must include teaching kindness. (l. 58-59)

In this sentence as is

Q2743700 Inglês

“Since the 1990s, research and theories from cognitive psychology have become increasingly central to our understanding of second language development. Some of these theories use the computer as a metaphor for the mind, comparing language acquisition to the capacities of computers for storing, integrating, and retrieving information. Some draw on neurobiology, seeking to relate observed behaviour as directly as possible to brain activity” (LIGHTBOWN; SPADA, 2013, p.108).

The current cognitive perspectives related to second language development are: Information Processing, Usage-based learning and The competition model. Correlate these perspectives with their main propositions:

1. Information Processing

2. Usage-based learning

3. The competition model.

A. This perspective sees second language acquisition as the building up of knowledge that can eventually be called on automatically for speaking and understanding. It has suggested that learners must pay attention (use cognitive resources) at first to any aspect of the language that they are trying to learn or produce. The model also suggests that there is a limit to how much information a learner can pay attention to.

B. This perspective emphasizes the frequency with which the learners encounter specific features in the input and the frequency with which language features occur together. According to this view learners develop a stronger and stronger network of associations or connections between these features as well as between language features and the contexts in which they occur.

C. This perspective is based on the hypothesis that language acquisition occurs without the necessity of a learner's focused attention or the need for any innate brain module that is specifically for language; it can be described as an explanation for language acquisition that takes into account not only language form but also language meaning and language use.

Choose the alternative which CORRECTLY correlates these perspectives with their main propositions:

Q2736403 Inglês

Without proper grammar, written or spoken words usually lose their exact meaning and much of their value as well. […] However, the task becomes much tough to teach in an ESL setting.

One common way is to focus _____ the different forms and rules and helping students to learn the subject with help of rote memorization.

Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 18 fev. 2017.

Qual preposição completa corretamente o texto?

Q2713173 Inglês

Look at the picture and choose the CORRECT answer.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

“The airplane is flying _______ the house.”

Q2713168 Inglês

Complete the sentence below with the correct word. Choose the CORRECT answer.

“Lisa is going to the cinema ______ Wednesday morning.”

Q2708489 Inglês

Considering the grammar point Prepositions, which is the best alternative to complete the following sentence? “A lot of people are afraid _____ losing their jobs.”

Q2679882 Inglês

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder às questões de 28 a 32.

Popular hot drink 'lowers blood glucose levels in weeks - and could help prevent diabetes and silent killers'

(1º§) Drinking more green tea made significant improvements to health - a finding which surprised US researchers. They believe the brew could offset risk factors that are linked to metabolic syndrome.

(2º§) Metabolic syndrome, according to the NHS, is the medical term for a combination of diabetes, high blood pressure (hypertension) and obesity. Therefore, people are more likely to have metabolic syndrome if they are overweight, and have poor or high levels of cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar.

(3º§) However, the new study, by Ohio State University, suggests green tea could improve all these factors. And in turn, it could slash the odds of deadly complications related to metabolic syndrome - coronary heart disease and stroke. A group of 40 people were recruited for the study. For one part of the study, they took green tea supplements for 28 days.

(4º§) The gummy sweets contained the compound catechinsdose and was the equivalent of five cups of green tea. ___ another 28 days, they had dummy pills, according to the findings published in Current Developments in Nutrition. In both parts of the experiments they ate a diet that was low in fruit and veg to make sure any positive results could be attributed to green tea, and not a healthy diet.

(5º§) The results showed that fasting blood glucose levels for all participants were significantly lower during the green-tea phase. Poo samples showed fewer markers of gut inflammation, and "leaky gut" was reduced. Leaky gut, or gut permeability, is when the gut lining has cracks or holes in, allowing bacteria to enter the bloodstream and cause inflammation.

(6º§) This is thought to be an "initiating factor for obesity and insulin resistance, which are central to all cardiometabolic disorders", according to Richard Bruno, senior study author and professor of human nutrition. He said: "If we can improve gut integrity and reduce leaky gut, the thought is we'll be able to not only alleviate low-grade inflammation that initiates cardiometabolic disorders, but potentially reverse them."

(7º§) All the participants - half healthy and half with metabolic syndrome - saw benefits, an unexpected finding for the research team. Prof Bruno said: "What this tells us is that within one month we're able to lower blood glucose ___ both people with metabolic syndrome and healthy people.

(8º§) "The lowering of blood glucose appears to be related to decreasing leaky gut and decreasing gut inflammation - regardless of health status." But Prof Bruno added: "We did not attempt to cure metabolic syndrome with a one-month study. "But based on what we know about the causal factors behind metabolic syndrome, there is potential for green tea to be acting at least in part ___ the gut level to alleviate the risk for either developing it or reversing it if you already have metabolic syndrome."

(9º§) Most often, doctors will tell people at risk of metabolic syndrome to improve their lifestyle habits - eat healthier and exercise more. "Unfortunately, we know most persons can't comply with lifestyle modifications for various reasons," Prof Bruno said. Green tea isn't as popular in the Western world as it is in the East, where it has origins in China.

(10º§) It's touted as a healthy drink because studies have found evidence it helps with weight loss, heart disease risk and even cancer. But the findings aren't very strong and are often observational, have small sample sizes or other limitations.


Choose the alternative that correctly fills in the blanks of paragraphs 04, 07 and 08.

Q2672302 Inglês


The Psychology of Computer Games

These days, everyone is playing computer games: whether on their PC, games console, or smartphone.

In the busy modern world, we rarely have total control of our lives. .....(1)..... . Some computer games provide an antidote to this because they let players create and control the whole world. One example is Civilization, where players build a modern society from nothing. In earlier versions of the game, creator Sid Meier introduced a crisis. Some games included a moment where the player’s civilization collapses. The players then had to overcome these new difficulties to rebuild their civilization again from the beginning. In reality, the majority of players simply ignored the collapse. Most people just returned to an older version of the game. They had saved it for this purpose. People like computer games because it gives them total control.

In most computer games, you only learn one skill at a time. .....(2)..... . Once you have mastered this skill, you progress to the next level. Unlike real life, computer games give you plenty of time to learn. You aren’t immediately asked to do something too difficult. Users have control of the situation and that is very motivating.

This learning needs to work for everyone. In the game World of Warcraft, a player operates an avatar .................. himself or herself in an online fantasy world. The beginning of the game is easy, and .................. getting over the first challenges quickly, this gives players a feeling of achievement. However, the game is enormous. People who persevere with difficult tasks will learn a lot of new skills and explore areas that are inaccessible .................. beginners. Both beginners and experts can become immersed .................. a huge artificial world.

Most games are repetitive, and games designers need to find ways to stop people from becoming distracted and giving up. There are two ways of doing this. The first is the random reward where players win a surprise prize. .....(3)...... . In the real world, most people don’t notice when we do good things, but games are different.

Furthermore, games use clever AI (artificial intelligence). If you are inexperienced and play a soccer computer game against the computer, the computer could always win. Using AI, the computer adjusts its level of ability to equal the player. This means the human opponent always has a chance to win, and it keeps players interested in the game.

Winning isn’t everything, however. In computer games, failure is fun if the final screen shows an entertaining end for the character. Some players lose a game just to see what happens.

.....(4)..... . The virtual world is both more entertaining and less stressful than reality.

Many criticize computer games as just a waste of time. In fact, computer games are one of the greatest learning tools ever invented. Look at their uses in other fields. Flight simulators teach pilots how to cope with many difficult situations, which would be impossible any other way. A flight simulator is just a more sophisticated form of a computer game.

There are some prepositions missing in the third paragraph.

Choose the alternative that contains the correct ones to complete the sentence.

Q2661641 Inglês

The Rise of the “Bike Bus” Movement

01 On Earth Day* 2022, Sam Balto, a physical education teacher in Portland, convinced a few

02 dozen parents to send their kids to school on their bikes and posted the first in a series of videos

03 that turned his “bike bus” into a viral sensation. Balto has continued documenting his weekly

04 bike buses with joyous videos that show students rolling to school while he blasts music from an

05 eclectic collection of artists, including AC/DC, Metallica, and OneRepublic. Over time, these

06 boisterous bike buses have grown to more than 150 kids. “The more these kids practice riding

07 bikes, the more confident they become. And now they want to keep riding on non-bike bus days,

08 and even on rainy days!” said Balto.

09 Balto’s bike bus is much more than a fad. His TikTok and Twitter videos have raked in

10 millions of views, inspiring similar initiatives in New York, New Jersey, Florida, Utah, Ohio, and

11 Texas. Bike buses previously existed in European cities such as Barcelona and London, but new

12 ones in cities like Cape Town are now joining the trend. Nancy Pullen-Seufert, the director of the

13 National Center for Safe Routes to School, said biking and walking to school have myriad benefits,

14 including “improving air quality, improving safety for walkers and bicyclists, increasing physical

15 activity, and making it easier for school buses and others who can’t actively travel to school to

16 arrive to school on time.”

17 Balto has also triggered real political change by working with lawmakers to pass a so-called

18 “Bike Bus Bill”, that was signed into law by Oregon Governor Tina Kotek in August. “The bill

19 brings flexibility so school districts can now use student transportation funds, which were

20 previously only for school buses, to pay for crossing guards or adults to lead walking school buses

21 or bike buses. It’s awesome.” Balto said. And he is not the only bike bus leader driving positive

22 change in Oregon… Last year, Megan Ramey, who has been organizing a bike bus ___ 2020, was

23 named the Safe Routes to School Manager at Hood River County School District and since then,

24 she has secured nearly $11 million in funding to make it safer for kids to walk and bike to school.

25 “I feel like I'm in a cash-grabbing machine. We just got $7 million to create an off-road trail to

26 the high school. This means kids will be able to bike to high school on a green trail instead of a

27 car-centered road,” said Ramey.

28 Nearly 90% of kids walked to school in 1969. Half a century later, in 2017, that number

29 had fallen to just 10%. That year, a third of students took the school bus and more than half

30 were driven in a private vehicle. This has led to more pollution, with researchers finding that

31 toxic car fumes have an adverse effect on attention, reasoning, and academic performance

32 among school children. In New York, the Open Schools Program has helped increase biking and

33 walking in the 65 schools that restricted traffic during drop-off and pick-up times this year, said

34 Sabina Sethi Unni, who works at Open Plans, a non-profit that supports the shift to walkable

35 cities. “This program makes kids more comfortable with walking and biking at a young age. When

36 they get older, they will be cyclists instead of car users,” said Unni.

(Available in: – text especially adapted for this test).

*Earth Day: a day in April designated for promoting concern for the environment (Merriam-Webster).

The word that correctly completes the gap in line 22 is:

Q2645233 Inglês

In terms of the use of prepositions, which sentence is wrong?

41: C
42: C
43: D
44: A
45: A
46: C
47: C
48: B
49: C
50: C
51: A
52: B
53: C
54: A
55: A
56: B
57: D
58: A
59: B
60: B