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Sobre preposições | prepositions em inglês
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In the sentence “Italian is not so different from Spanish”,
the preposition is correct.
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Traditional grammatical rules say that we should not have a preposition at the end of a clause or sentence, as in th sentence: “She was someone who he could talk to”. The correct formal sentence would be: “She was someone to whom he could talk”.
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In the sentence “She is very good in sports”, the
preposition is correct.
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Prepositions, such as “in,” “on,” and “between,” convey
relationships between elements in a sentence, specifying
location, direction, or time. Mastering prepositions is
crucial for accurate spatial and temporal communication,
as their precise usage enhances the clarity and coherence
of English sentences.
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Phrasal prepositions, composed of multiple words,
introduce complexity into English grammar. Expressions
like “in spite of” or “due to” function as single prepositional
units, and understanding their nuances is essential for
conveying nuanced relationships within sentences.
Proficiency in phrasal prepositions enriches language
usage and expression.
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Prepositions of movement, such as “to,” “from,” and
“through”, elucidate the direction of action within a
sentence. Proper application of these prepositions
ensures precise communication, allowing speakers and
writers to convey movement and spatial relationships
with accuracy. Proficiency in using prepositions of
movement enhances overall language proficiency.
Mary is away. She’s been away _____ Wednesday.
Internet: <> (with adaptations).
In the construction “whence the state derives its name.” (lines 5 and 6) “whence” means from where and its is a possessive adjective related to “the state”.
Internet: <> (with adaptations).
In the first paragraph of the text the preposition “by” (lines 1 and 2) can be correctly substituted by the preposition from in all its occurrences.
In the continuation of Text 3, choose the option that best completes it to answer the question.
My advice to political leaders in developing nations: adopt an educational strategy
that focuses digital technology on primary education, particularly in the poorest and most
rural areas. The mission is to learn a lot more about learning itself . ___________ the process
Um dos aspectos a ser abordado em aulas de língua inglesa é o do uso de preposições após verbos, substantivos e adjetivos. Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da linha 14.
Fill out the gaps below with one the following words: that / where / which / who.
1. That’s the store ___ they buy their shoes.
2. The book, ___ we’ve been reading at school, was written long ago.
3. These are the directors and movies ___ I like.
4. Marie Curie is the woman ___ discovered radium.
Mark the alternative that fills out, correctly and respectively, the gaps in the sentences above.
Mark the alternative that fills out, correctly and respectively, the gaps in the sentences above.
• Can you come __ Monday? • She's __ Korea for the holidays. • They can't work __ night this week. • I hate it when people are too excited early __ the morning.
Mark the alternative that fills out, correctly and respectively, the gaps in the sentences above.