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Sobre preposições | prepositions em inglês
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“...died on 19 December..” The preposition ON was incorrectly used in:
The correct preposition to complete the sentence below is:
_______ the daytime the streets are crowded, but ______ night they are deserted.
The picture is familiar ____ me. In other words, I'm familiar ______ the picture.
The correct preposition to complete the sentence below is:
Bamboo can be made _____ fishing poles.
Read and answer.
The Prepositional Verbs
In English, many verbs are followed by prepositions and adverbs. In some cases these combinations are called ‘phrasal verbs’, while in other cases they are prepositional verbs. What’s the difference? Read on to find out more.
A prepositional verb is a verb that is followed by a preposition. The meaning of these two words together is usually very similar to the original meaning of the verb.
While the meaning of a phrasal verb is often different to the original meaning of the main verb, the meaning of a prepositional verb is usually the same as the main verb. Phrasal verbs also use adverbs as well as prepositions, whereas prepositional verbs do not.
Adaptado de: MILNE, Mary. 2019. Disponível em:,w
. Acesso em 29 mar. 2021.
According to the text, mark the alternative which
contains an example of PREPOSITIONAL VERB.
Global warming
The world’s oceans have warmed 50 percent faster over the last 40 years than previously thought due to climate change, Australian and US climate researchers reported Wednesday. Higher ocean temperatures expand the volume of water, contributing to a rise in sea levels that is submerging small island nations and threatening to wreak havoc in low-lying, denselypopulated delta regions around the globe.
The study, published ....................... the British journal Nature,adds ....................... a growing scientific chorus of warnings ....................... the pace and consequences rising oceans. It also serves as a corrective to a massive report issued last year ....................... the Nobel-winning UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), according to the authors.
Rising sea levels are driven by two things: the thermal expansion of sea water, and additional water from melting sources of ice. Both processes are caused by global warming. The ice sheet that sits atop Greenland, for example, contains enough water to raise world ocean levels by seven metres (23 feet), which would bury sea-level cities from Dhaka to Shanghai.
Trying to figure out how much each of these factors contributes to rising sea levels is critically important to understanding climate change, and forecasting future temperature rises, scientists say. But up to now, there has been a perplexing gap between the projections of computer-based climate models, and the observations of scientists gathering data from the oceans.
The new study, led by Catia Domingues of the Centre
for Australian Weather and Climate Research, is the
first to reconcile the models with observed data. Using
new techniques to assess ocean temperatures to a
depth of 700 metres (2,300 feet) from 1961 to 2003,
it shows that thermal warming contributed to a 0.53
millimetre-per-year rise in sea levels rather than the
0.32 mm rise reported by the IPCC.
1.The phenomenon was observed ___ the Middle Ages. 2.I was waiting for him ____ St. James Square. 3.They married ___ Christmas Day. 4.We are going to spend our vacation ____the West coast.
The correct order is:
I-I have three sons, so I can speak as a mother. II-The climates of Rio and São Paulo are alike. III-He has been working like a horse.
She lives ____ the countryside. Carlos is ____ university. The hospital is ____ the left. They arrive _____ the airport tonight.
Choose the correct alternative:
Answers the question according to the text below.
Complete the sentences with in, at or on and choose the correct alternative.
Richard is ____ university.
He lives ____ the second floor.
We arrive ____ the airport tonight.
TEXT 1: How brightly the moon glows is a mystery, but maybe not for long.
“The lunar dark side may be the moon’s more mysterious face, but there’s something pretty basic scientists still don’t know about the bright side — namely, just how bright it is.
Current estimates of the moon’s brightness at any given time and vantage point are saddled with at least 5 percent uncertainty. That’s because those estimates are based on measurements from ground-based telescopes that gaze at the moon through the haze of Earth’s atmosphere.
Now, scientists have sent a telescope beyond the clouds on a high-altitude airplane in hopes of gauging the moon’s glow within about 1 percent or less uncertainty, the National Institute of Standards and Technology reports in a Nov. 19 news release.
Knowing the exact brightness of Earth’s celestial night-light could increase the reliability of data from Earth-observing satellites that use the moon’s steady glow to check that their sensors are working properly. Those satellites keep tabs on things like weather, crop health and dangerous algal blooms.”
(Adapted from
I ______ watching her yesterday she was going to be tough to beat.
Choose the best option that completes the context.
“Things Fall Apart”, by Chinua Achebe, helped create the Nigerian literary renaissance of the 1960s. The novel chronicles the life of Okonkwo, the leader of an Igbo community, ___ the events leading up ___ his banishment ___ the community for accidentally killing a clansman, through the seven years of his exile, to his return, and it addresses a particular problem of emergent Africa—the intrusion in the 1890s of white missionaries and colonial government into tribal Igbo society.
Choose the best prepositions that completes the context in the sequence.