Questões de Concurso Sobre preposições | prepositions em inglês

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Q1913772 Inglês
Read the following text:
“In Japan, they call themmanga’; in Latin America, ‘histotietas’; in Italy, ‘fumetti’; in Brazil, ‘história em quadrinhos’; and in the U.S., ‘comics’.”; ” All of Mexico’s comic titles together.

The words in bold are respectively:
Q1913768 Inglês

Comics: Trash or Treasure

In Japan, they call them ‘manga’; in Latin America, ‘histotietas’; in Italy, ‘fumetti’; in Brazil, ‘história em quadrinhos’; and in the U.S., ‘comics’. But no matter what you call them, comics are a favorite source of reading pleasure in many parts of the world.

In case you are wondering how popular comics are, the best-selling comic title in the U.S. sells about 5 million copies a year. All of Mexico’s comic titles together sell over 7,5 million copies a week. But Japan is        far the leading publisher of comics       the world.

Manga account_______.  nearly fifty percent of all the books and magazines published in Japan each year. And few magazines of any kind in the world can match this number: Shonen Jump, the leading comic title, has a circulation of 6.5 million copies       week!

Ever since comics first appeared, there have been people who have criticized them. In the 1940s and 50s, many people believed that comics were immoral and that they caused bad behavior among young people. Even today, many question whether young people should read them at all. They argue that reading comics encourages bad reading habits.

But some educators see comics as a way to get teenagers to choose reading instead of television and video games. And because of the art, a number of educators have argued that comics are a great way to get children to think creatively. More recent research has suggested that the combination of visuals and text in comics may be one reason young people handle computers and related software so easily.

In Japan, the Education Ministry calls comics ‘a part of Japan’s national culture, recognized and highly regarded abroad’. Comics are increasingly being used for educational purposes, and many publishers there see them as a useful way of teaching history and other subjects.

No matter how you view them, comics remain a guilty pleasure for millions worldwide.
The underlined word in “Even today, many question whether young people should read them at all”, can be correctly classified as a(n):
Q1913767 Inglês

Comics: Trash or Treasure

In Japan, they call them ‘manga’; in Latin America, ‘histotietas’; in Italy, ‘fumetti’; in Brazil, ‘história em quadrinhos’; and in the U.S., ‘comics’. But no matter what you call them, comics are a favorite source of reading pleasure in many parts of the world.

In case you are wondering how popular comics are, the best-selling comic title in the U.S. sells about 5 million copies a year. All of Mexico’s comic titles together sell over 7,5 million copies a week. But Japan is        far the leading publisher of comics       the world.

Manga account_______.  nearly fifty percent of all the books and magazines published in Japan each year. And few magazines of any kind in the world can match this number: Shonen Jump, the leading comic title, has a circulation of 6.5 million copies       week!

Ever since comics first appeared, there have been people who have criticized them. In the 1940s and 50s, many people believed that comics were immoral and that they caused bad behavior among young people. Even today, many question whether young people should read them at all. They argue that reading comics encourages bad reading habits.

But some educators see comics as a way to get teenagers to choose reading instead of television and video games. And because of the art, a number of educators have argued that comics are a great way to get children to think creatively. More recent research has suggested that the combination of visuals and text in comics may be one reason young people handle computers and related software so easily.

In Japan, the Education Ministry calls comics ‘a part of Japan’s national culture, recognized and highly regarded abroad’. Comics are increasingly being used for educational purposes, and many publishers there see them as a useful way of teaching history and other subjects.

No matter how you view them, comics remain a guilty pleasure for millions worldwide.
Choose the alternative that presents the correct words to complete the blank spaces in the text.
Q1877315 Inglês
Read the text:

     “Students review and extend important language for learning English, including how to say some letters of the alphabet, ask questions about language and identify parts of speech. The lesson includes an interactive game to test mastery of the content, which can be played in both online and face-to-face contexts. There is also a short optional extension activity about the NATO alphabet.” by Stephanie Hirschman.

Select the alternative that has only preposition.
Q1877314 Inglês
Select the alternative that correctly fills the gap, with the correct preposition placement.

I. Some people talk _________ their work all the time.
II. She goes to work _______ foot.
III. Do you like travelling ______ train? IV. Do you coffee _____ sugar?
Q1877297 Inglês
Leia as orações abaixo e identifique as palavras destacadas em cada uma delas:

I. I met someone who said he knew you;
II. The noise that hem ade woke everybody up.
III. I saw something in the paper which would interest you.

Assinale a alternativa que classifica as palavras em destaque:
Q1845383 Inglês
O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.

NUT SO SIMILAR Squirrels have different personalities and can be shy or right nutters, study finds
(1º§) Psychologists said the furry-tailed rodents have four traits - boldness, aggressiveness, activity level and sociability.
(2º§) Experts observed and recorded squirrel responses to four tests.
(3º§) They were placed in a holed box, presented with their mirror image, approached in the wild to see how long they waited before fleeing, and caught unharmed in a simple trap.
(4º§) Bolder squirrels moved faster, were more aggressive, active and sociable.
(5º§) They may find more food or defend a larger territory - but are at more risk from predators or accidents. Dr Jaclyn Aliperti, ___ the University of California, said the scientific field of animal personality is relatively young but its development is key.
(6º§) She explained: "Accounting ___ personality may be important when predicting wildlife responses to new conditions such as changes or destruction of habitat.
(7º§) "This is a hard science but if it makes you relate to animals more, maybe people will be more interested in conserving them."

Fonte: -have-personalities-a-study-found/?rec_article=true
Mark the alternative that correctly fills in the blanks of 5º§ and 6º§. 
Q1801491 Inglês
The alternative, which contains the prepositions that best complete the sentences below, is: “Prepaid meters have been launched with the aim __________ improving water service; however, they might be a problem __________ those who cannot afford paying __________ water services.”
Q1798480 Inglês


Source: Accessed on 18/06/2018 

(Concurso Milagres/2018) The word gonna is an informal reduction originated by the combination of the words going and to, followed by a verb. Check the alternative with the sentence in which the reduction of going to is not possible: 
Q1794180 Inglês
Social media is, nowadays, one of the most outstanding ways to teach and learn vocabulary in second or foreign language. In the following Instagram post we may classify the words WET and BAE, respectively, as:
Imagem associada para resolução da questão Disponível em >
Q1792129 Inglês

Instructions: answer the question based on the following text.

Source (adapted):

Mark the alternative that correctly fills in the blanks of lines 07, 14 and 21.
Q1791128 Inglês
“When does your bus leave?”
“Ten o’clock. They’ve just announced it the P.A. system.”
Q1790177 Inglês

The Operations Function

Although somewhat ‘invisible’ to the marketplace the operations function in a typical company accounts for well over half the employment and well over half the physical assets. That, in itself, makes the operations function important. In a company’s organization chart, operations often enjoys parity with the other major business functions: marketing, sales, product engineering, finance control (accounting), and human resources (personnel, labor relations). Sometimes, the operations function is organized as a single entity which stretches out across the entire company, but more often it is embedded in the district, typically product-defined divisions into which most major companies are organized.

In many service businesses, the operations function is typically more visible. Service businesses are often organized into many branches, often with geographic responsibilities – field offices, retail outlets. In such tiers of the organization, operations are paramount.

The operations function itself is, often divided 

.................two major groupings .................tasks:

line management and support services. Line management generally refers.................those managers directly concerned................the manufacture of the product or the delivery of the service. They are the ones who are typically close enough to the product or service that they can ‘touch’ it. Line management supervises the hourly, blue-collar workforce. In a manufacturing company, line management frequently extends to the stockroom (where material, parts, and semi-finished products – termed ‘work-in-process inventory – are stored), materials handling, the tool room, maintenance, the warehouse (where finished goods are stored), and distribution, as well as the so-called ‘factory floor’. In a service operation, what is considered line management can broaden considerably. Often, order-taking roles, in addition to orderfilling roles, are supervised by service line managers.

Support services for line management’s operations can be numerous. Within a manufacturing environment, support services carry titles such as quality control, production planning and scheduling, purchasing, inventory control, production control (which determines the status of jobs in the factory and what to do about jobs that may have fallen behind schedule), industrial engineering (which is work methods oriented), manufacturing engineering (which is hardware-oriented), on-going product engineering, and field service. In a service environment, some of the same roles are played but sometimes under vastly different names.

Thus, the managers for whom operational issues are central can hold a variety of titles. In manufacturing, the titles can range from vice-president – manufacturing, works manager, plant manager, and similar titles at the top of the hierarchy, through such titles as manufacturing or production manager, general superintendent, department manager, materials manager, director of quality control, and down to general foreman or foreman. Within service businesses, ‘operations manager’ is sometimes used but frequently the title is more general – business manager, branch manager, retail manager, and so on.

SCHMENNER, Roger W. Production/Operations Management. 5th Edition. Prentice-Hall, 1993.

Choose the alternative that presents the correct words to complete the missing ones in the text.
Q1787496 Inglês

Production bottlenecks are generally considered to be temporary blockades to increased output; they can be thrown up anywhere along the course of a production process. Some are easy to identify and to remedy, while others are devilish.

The bottleneck that is easy to cope................................. is stationary. Work-in-process inventory piles..................... quickly behind it; clearly, little is getting through. Its cause is usually also clear – a machine has broken........................ or key workers are absent or demand has simply outstripped the clear, rated capacity of a machine – and the remedy follows easily. Such bottlenecks often occur........................ service operations, causing customer waits.

More subtle are bottlenecks that shift from one part of the process to another or that have no clear cause. Inventories build up in different places and at different times. Such bottlenecks creep up on management and demand more thorough investigation. Perhaps they were detected as flaws in a product’s quality caused inadvertently by one or more workers trying to keep pace with production demands that should not have been placed on them. Or, they may be caused by missing parts. They may be caused by new product startup or changes in the mix of products through the factory. In such cases the remedies are less clear-cut, and some analysis is called for.
Choose the correct alternative to complete the missing words in paragraph 2:
Q1784401 Inglês

A Brief and Simplified Description of Papermaking

The paper we use today is created from individual wood fibers that are first suspended in water and then pressed and dried into sheets. The process of converting the wood to a suspension of wood fibers in water is known as pulp making, while the manufacture of the dried and pressed sheets of paper is formally termed papermaking. The process of making paper has undergone a steady evolution, and larger and more sophisticated equipment and better technology continue to improve it.

The Wood yard and Wood rooms

The process at Androscogging began with receiving wood in the form of chips or of logs 4 or 8 feet in length. From 6 AM to 10 PM a steady stream of trucks and railroad cars were weighted and unloaded. About 40 percent were suplied by independents who were paid by weight their logs. The mill also received wood chips from lumber mills in the area. The chips and logs were stored in mammoth piles with separate piles for wood of different species (such as pine, spruce, hemlock).

When needed, logs were floated in flumes......(1).....the wood yard.....(2) of the mill’s three wood rooms. There, bark was rubbed......(3) long, ribbed debarking drums by tumbling the logs against one another. The logs then fell into a chipper;......(4)......seconds a large log was reduced to a pile of chips approximately 1 inch by 1 inch by 1/4 inch.

The chips were stored in silos. There were separate silos for softwoods (spruce, fir, hemlock, and pine) and hardwoods (maple, oak, beech, and birch). This separate and temporary storage of chips permitted the controlled mixing of chips into the precise recipe for the grade of paper being produced.

The wood chips were then sorted through large, flat vibrating screens. Oversized chips were rechipped, and ones that were too small were collected for burning in the power house. (The mill provided approximately 20 percent of all its own steam and electricity needs from burning waste. An additional 50 percent of total electricity needs was produced by harnessing the river for hydroelectric power.)

Once drawn from the silo into the digesters, there was no stopping the flow of chips into paper. 


The pulp made at Androscoggin was of two types: Kraft pulp (produced chemically) and ground wood pulp (produced mechanically). Kraft pulp was far more important to the high quality white papers produced at Androscoggin, accounting for 80 percent of all the pulp used. Kraft pulp makes strong paper. (Kraft is German for strength. A German invented the Kraft pulp process in 1884.) A paper’s strength generally comes from the overlap and binding of long fibers of softwood; only chemically was it initially possible to separate long wood fibers for suspension in water. Hardwood fibers are generally smaller and thinner and help smooth the paper and make it less porous.

The ground wood pulping process was simpler and less expensive than the Kraft process. It took high quality spruce and fir logs and pressed them continuously against a revolving stone that broke apart the wood’s fibers. The fibers, however, were smaller than those produced by the Kraft process and, although used to make newsprint, were useful at Androscoggin in providing “fill” for the coated publication gloss papers of machines 2 and 3, as will be described later.

(A)The chemical Kraft process worked by dissolving the lignin that bonds wood fibers together. (B) It did this in a tall pressure cooker, called a digester, by “cooking” the chips in a solution of caustic soda (NaOH) and sodium sulfide (Na2S), which was termed the “white liquor.” (C)The two digesters at Androscoggin were continuous digesters; chips and liquor went into the top, were cooked together as they slowly settled down to the bottom, and were drawn off the bottom after about three hours. (D) By this time, the white liquor had changed chemically to “black liquor’’; the digested chips were then separated from this black liquor. (E)

In what was known as the “cold blow” process, the hot, pressurized chips were gradually cooled and depressurized. A “cold liquor’’ (170°F) was introduced to the bottom of the digester and served both to cool and to transport the digested chips to a diffusion washer that washed and depressurized the chips. Because so much of the lignin bonding the fibers together had been removed, the wood fiber in the chips literally fell apart at this stage.

The black liquor from the digester entered a separate four-step recovery process. Over 95 percent of the black liquor could be reconstituted as white liquor, thereby saving on chemical costs and significantly lowering pollution. The four-step process involved (1) washing the black liquor from the cooked fiber to produce weak black liquor, (2) evaporating the weak black liquor to a thicker consistency, (3) combustion of this heavy black liquor with sodium sulfate (Na2SO4 ), and redissolving the smelt, yielding a “green liquor” (sodium carbonate + sodium sulfide), and (4) adding lime, which reacted with the green liquor to produce white liquor. The last step was known as causticization.

Meanwhile, the wood-fiber pulp was purged of impurities like bark and dirt by mechanical screening and by spinning the mixture in centrifugal cleaners. The pulp was then concentrated by removing water from it so that it could be stored and bleached more economically.

By this time, depending on the type of pulp being made, it had been between 3 1/2 and 5 hours since the chips had entered the pulp mill. 

All the Kraft pulp was then bleached. Bleaching took between 5 and 6 hours. It consisted of a three-step process in which (1) a mix of chlorine (Cl2 ) and chlorine dioxide (CIO2 ) was introduced to the pulp and the pulp was washed; (2) a patented mix of sodium hydroxide (NaOH), liquid oxygen, and hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2 ) was then added to the pulp and the pulp was again washed; and (3) chlorine dioxide (ClO2 ) was introduced and the pulp washed a final time. The result was like fluffy cream of wheat. By this time the pulp was nearly ready to be made into paper.

From the bleachery, the stock of pulp was held for a short time in storage (a maximum of 16 hours) and then proceeded through a series of blending operations that permitted a string of additives (for example, filler clay, resins, brighteners, alum, dyes) to be mixed into the pulp according to the recipe for the paper grade being produced. Here, too, “broke” (paper wastes from the mill itself) was recycled into the pulp. The pulp was then once again cleaned and blended into an even consistency before moving to the papermaking machine itself.

It made a difference whether the broke was of coated or uncoated paper, and whether it was white or colored. White, uncoated paper could be recycled immediately. Colored, uncoated paper had to be rebleached. Coated papers, because of the clays in them, could not be reclaimed.

Choose the alternative that presents the correct words to complete the numbered blanks in the third paragraph.
Q1781441 Inglês
Instruction: answer the question based on the following text.

Why people are so obsessed with hygge, the cozy Danish lifestyle movement

Adapted from:
Consider the suggested changes to the sentence “But why are people so obsessed with it?” (l. 10-11).
I. But why are people so obsessed about it? II. But why are people obsessed by it? III. But why people obsess over it?
Which ones are correct?
Q1780446 Inglês

Instructions: Question are based on the following text.


The word “therefore” (line 48) is
Q1779881 Inglês
One of the statements correctly fills in the sentences:
I-We traveled a lot, but we didn´t go ________________South America. II-Niky sits on the sofá______________Paola. III-Many people ___________ children like to collect caps.
Respectively, the correct statement is:
Q1766877 Inglês

Read the text. It‘s the lyric of a song.

Need you now Lady Antebellum (2009)

Picture, perfect memories

Scattered all around the floor

Reaching for the phone 'cause

I can't fight it anymore

And I wonder if I ever cross your mind

For me it happens all the time

It's a quarter after one

I'm all alone and I need you now

Said I wouldn't call

But I lost all control and I need you now

And I don't know how I can do without

I just need you now

Another shot of whisky

Can't stop looking at the door

Wishing you'd come sweeping

In the way you did before

And I wonder if I ever cross your mind

For me, it happens all the time

It's a quarter after one

I'm a little drunk

And I need you now

Said I wouldn't call

But I lost all control and I need you now

And I don't know how I can do without

I just need you now

Oh ohh

Yes, I'd rather hurt than feel nothing at all

It's a quarter after one

I'm all alone and I need you now

And I said I wouldn't call

But I'm a little drunk and I need you now […] 

Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 06 Nov 2018.

"Need You Now" is a song performed by American country music trio Lady Antebellum. The band co-wrote the song with Josh Kear, and produced it with Paul Worley. It serves as the lead-off single and title track to their second studio album, Need You Now (2010), and was first released in the US on August 11, 2009.[1][2] The song also served as their debut single in the UK and Europe, where it was released April 23, 2010. It won four Grammy Awards in 2011, including for Song of the Year and Record of the Year, the first country song to win both honors since "Not Ready to Make Nice" by the Dixie Chicks won both in 2006, and only the second ever to do so. Disponível em: Acesso em: 06 Nov 2018.

Leia as afirmações abaixo.

I- Pode-se utilizar o texto para trabalhar as horas em LI.

II- Sendo o Lady Antebellum um trio country, é possível fazer um trabalho comparativo entre as características da música country americana e o sertanejo brasileiro.

III- O texto menciona consumo de bebida alcoólica. Este pode ser um assunto a ser discutido com os alunos. Dependendo da idade deles, é possível fazer do tema um projeto, inclusive analisando como tal é tratado nas músicas brasileiras do correspondente estilo country.

IV- No texto aparecem apenas quatro preposições: after, at, in, for.

V- Usa-se linguagem formal em situações são mais solenes, protocolares ou que envolvem pessoas que não se conhecem bem. A linguagem informal é mais comumente usada em situações que são mais relaxadas e envolvem pessoas com quem se tem mais intimidade. No texto, a informalidade aparece na elipse do sujeito I em Can't stop looking at the door wishing you'd come sweeping.

Assinale a alternativa correta:

Q1757147 Inglês
The sentence that doesn´t contain a “commom” mistake is:
161: E
162: D
163: C
164: A
165: D
166: C
167: B
168: E
169: B
170: C
171: A
172: E
173: A
174: D
175: D
176: E
177: A
178: C
179: A
180: D