Questões de Inglês - Presente perfeito | Present perfect para Concurso

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Q2021557 Inglês

A Mayor on Easter Island Is Up in Arms After a Runaway Pickup Truck Knocked Over a Sacred Statue

(1º§)Archaeologists have long assumed that the ancient society that erected the colossal Moai figures on Chile's Rapa Nui, better known as Easter Island, collapsed many centuries ago. Now, a new study indicates that the islanders' civilization was still going strong when Europeans arrived in 1722.
(2º§)The island was settled in the 13th century by Polynesians, and is known __ the famed Easter Island "heads" (many of the bodies have been buried by erosion over the centuries).
(3º§)The research, which appears in the Journal of Archaeological Science, contests the accepted timeline that the Easter Island society was already in decline by the year 1600 and its massive stone statues left to fall into disrepair.
(4º§)Conducting radiocarbon dating on 11 sites __ Easter Island, the authors determined the timeline of each monument's construction. Their findings indicate that Easter Islanders were still actively building new Moai figures, and maintaining existing ones, up until at least 1750.s of fresh water-a precious resource. As well as moments to their ancestors, it turns out they may have also served a more utilitarian purpose.
(5º§)Further supporting these results are historical documents __ the island's first European visitors. Written accounts from the Dutch explorers who arrived in 1722 found that the monuments were in active ritual use, with no signs of decline, and the same goes for the Spaniards who landed in 1770. It was only in 1774 that James Cook found the giant statues in ruins and the figures knocked over.
(6º§)"The way we interpret our results and this sequence of historical accounts is that the notion of a pre-European collapse of monument construction is no longer supported," lead author Robert DiNapoli told Archaeology & Arts.
(7º§)"Once Europeans arrive on the island, there are many documented tragic events due to disease, murder, slave raiding and other conflicts," added co-author Carl Lipo. "The degree to which [the Rapa Nui people's] cultural heritage was passed on-and is still present today through language, arts, and cultural practices-is quite notable and impressive. I think this degree of resilience has been overlooked due to the collapse narrative and deserves recognition."

"[...] (many of the bodies have been buried by erosion over the centuries)." (2º§)
Which verb tense the sentence above is?
Q2016698 Inglês
Critical Literacy

    Critical literacies are not new among scholars and researchers in literacy education. However, due to different theoretical bases, there is no unique definition of “critical literacy”. In their broadest sense, critical literacies refer to the ability to read texts going beyond their superficial meaning. That is, it implies approaching texts in a reflective way to understand working ideologies such as power, inequality, and injustice. In the realm of critical literacy, text is understood as a “vehicle through which individuals communicate with one another using the codes and conventions of society” (Robinson & Robinson, 2003, p. 3). Texts, in this sense, can be either songs, novels, poems, conversations, pictures, movies, and so on. […]

    Hence, the critical literacies approach is generally contrasted with functional literacy. The former views literacy as a social practice, while the latter views literacy as the mastery of linguistic skills. In addition, Manning (1999) developed a framework to distinguish critical literacies from functional literacy by establishing the difference between their respective ideology purpose, literacy curriculum, and instruction. On the one hand, the main objective of functional literacy is to produce skilled workers for the marketplace. Consequently, the curriculum is restrictive and the instruction is individualistic and competitive. On the other hand, for critical literacies, texts are not neutral but marked by power messages, dominating interests, and hidden agendas. In order to deconstruct these texts and unveil their ideological messages and power relationships, the curriculum is to employ materials from the everyday world as text and analytic tools.

    Critical scholars have overtly supported the idea that there is not a single procedure for incorporating critical literacies into the classroom, given that the particularities of the context where the foreign language is taught differ from one another. Thus, an approach to critical literacies “needs to be continually redefined in practice” (Comber, 2001, p. 274).

Adapted from: Jiménez, M.C. G. and Gutiérrez, C.P. “Engaging English as a Foreign Language Students in Critical Literacy Practices: The Case of a Teacher at a Private University” available at sci_arttext&pid=S1657-07902019000100091&lng=en&nrm=iso
The verb phrase in “where the foreign language is taught” (3rd paragraph) is in the
Q2012933 Inglês
Read the text and answers the question.
“I met Mary and some Other friends for lunch and gave her the earrings. Mary thought They were great. Mary’s brother, John, take a lot of photographs. He has a car and he drove us to the beach. We built a big castle with sand from the beach, and we swam in the ocean. Fantastic!” 
Q2012932 Inglês
Choose one of the alternatives. Castiel: "I'm almost dozing off. I can’t sleep, I need to wake up!" Pearl: "I will get for you some coffee." 
Q2005953 Inglês

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Choose the alternative that presents extracts from the text in the simple past and in the present perfect tenses, respectively. 
46: D
47: C
48: B
49: B
50: C