Questões de Inglês - Pronome demonstrativo | Demonstrative pronoun para Concurso

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Q2206441 Inglês
Text I

What is “World Englishes?”

        The term World Englishes refers to the differences in the English language that emerge as it is used in various contexts across the world. Scholars of World Englishes identify the varieties of English used in different sociolinguistic contexts, analyzing their history, background, function, and influence.
       Languages develop to fulfill the needs of the societies that use them. Because societies contain a diverse range of social needs, and because these needs can differ across cultures and geographies, multiple varieties of the English language exist. These include American English, British English, Australian English, Canadian English, Indian English, and so on.
         While there is no single way for a new variety of English to emerge, its development can generally be described as a process of adaptation. A certain group of speakers take a familiar variety of English and adapt the features of that variety to suit the needs of their social context.
          For example, a store selling alcoholic beverages is called a “liquor store” in American English, whereas it is called an “offlicence” in British English. The latter term derives from British law, which distinguishes between businesses licensed to sell alcoholic beverages for consumption off the premises and those licensed for consumption at the point of sale (i.e., bars and pubs).
      Such variations do not occur in terms of word choice only. They happen also in terms of spelling, pronunciation, sentence structure, accent, and meaning. As new linguistic adaptations accumulate over time, a distinct variety of English eventually emerges.
       World Englishes scholars use a range of different criteria to recognize a new English variant as an established World English. These include the sociolinguistic context of its use, its range of functional domains, and the ease with which new speakers can become acculturated to it, among other criteria. 

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In the last paragraph, the pronoun in “These include” refers to
Q2160162 Inglês
Considering the demonstrative pronouns, check C for Correct and I for Incorrect alternatives. After that, check the alternative that presents the CORRECT sequence:
(_) Look at those hawks in the sky. (_) These are my books. (_) Is these hotel nice?
Q2115842 Inglês
Instruction: answer question based on the following text. The highlights throughout the text are cited in the question.

Are Cats Nocturnal? Your Cat’s Overnight Activity, Explained

(Available at: – text especially adapted for this test).
Which type of pronoun used in the sentence "It’s a protective mechanism designed to keep wild animals safe from predators and able to catch prey if the opportunity arises."?
Q2101334 Inglês
Investment in primary health care urgently needed to ensure COVID-19 recovery in the Americas.

Increased public health spending must continue to improve hardest-hit primary care services such as routine immunization programs, says PAHO Director.

Washington, DC, November 10, 2021 (PAHO) – With countries in the Americas reporting severe disruptions in essential primary health care services, urgent investment is key to improving health systems continuously weakened by the pandemic, said Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) Director Carissa F. Etienne.

With cases rising in some parts of the region following a two-month decline, it is vital that countries remain vigilant and prioritize public spending in heath so that no one is left behind.

“Few countries invest as much public spending in their health services as they should, leaving them prone to shortages in health personnel and essential supplies.”

With the pandemic siphoning off financial and human resources, many countries have reported interruptions in vital areas, such as routine immunization programs, support for chronic conditions and mental- and reproductive health services. 

Despite these disruptions, public investment in health has risen in many countries to ramp up ICU capacity, increase hospital services, and deploy COVID-19 vaccines. But these increases cannot be a short-term trend, the Director said.

All countries should increase public expenditures in their health systems to the recommended 6% of national GDP or higher and should ensure that 30% of this funding goes to first level care.

“Primary care, as you have heard us say over and over again, is the backbone of our health systems,” Dr. Etienne said, and more important than ever. “It’s at the primary care level that COVID testing, contact tracking and tracing and immunizations take place.”

As economies remain strained, countries face difficult choices about how to spend limited funds. “We cannot forget that health is an investment, not an expense,” the Director said. “As we learned with COVID-19, health is at the core of vibrant societies. It keeps people working, kids in schools, companies productive and economies growing.”

Turning to the COVID-19 situation in the region, Dr. Etienne said that in the past week countries reported 700,000 new COVID infections and 13,000 deaths.

Several countries, including parts of Colombia and Bolivia and the Southern Cone countries, are seeing upward trends after relaxing public health measures.

In the Caribbean, Cuba, Jamaica, and Puerto Rico have reported a drop in new infections while cases are rising in the Dominican Republic, Trinidad and Tobago and Barbados. High numbers of cases are also being seen in the Cayman Islands and Dominica.

Vaccination rates, however, continue to pick up pace, reaching an overall coverage of 48% in Latin America and the Caribbean.

PAHO continues to work with manufacturers to secure additional doses, the Director added. The organization has signed supply agreements with three manufacturers of WHO Emergency Use Listing (EUL) vaccines and is in final negotiations with a fourth supplier of mRNA vaccines.

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Qual dos trechos do texto, apresentados, abaixo, é possível encontrar o uso correto dos demonstrative pronouns?
Q1897727 Inglês

Consider on the text, judge the item.

The relative pronoun “which” (line 6 and line 14) can be substituted by that. The same way that “that” (line 16) can be substituted by which.

6: D
7: A
8: E
9: D
10: E