Questões de Inglês - Pronome objetivo | Objective pronoun para Concurso

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Q3010798 Inglês
Pronouns make links to what has already been said and help avoid repetition. Pronouns can be used as cohesive devices in order to create cohesion. A pronoun is a word that stands in for a noun, often to avoid the need to repeat the same noun over and over. Like nouns, pronouns can refer to people, things, concepts, and places. Most sentences contain at least one noun or pronoun. Pronouns do more than helping avoid repetitiveness. They provide context, make sentences’ meanings clearer, and shape how we perceive people and things. Read the sentences that follow and do what is required.

I. Her aunt will be vacating next week.
II. That toy on the shelf is mine.
III. Did you do it yourself?
IV. She is the girl I was talking to you about.
V. I am going home today evening.
VI. All my friends are coming home for my birthday party.

In the order they were respectively underlined and written in bold letters, the pronouns written in the sentences above have specific functions, check the answer whose pronouns types are correspondent to the ones read above. 
Q2962087 Inglês

Mark the only alternative where the word ‘one’ functions as an indefinite personal pronoun.

Q2956138 Inglês

Read the text below and answer the questions that follow.

How Telecommuting Works

Telecommuting, which is growing in popularity, allows employees to avoid long commutes.

“Brring,” the alarm startles you out of a deep sleep. It’s 8 a.m. on Monday morning. Time to head to the office. You roll out of bed, brush your teeth and stumble your way to the kitchen to grab some coffee.

Moments later, you head to the office, still wearing your pajamas and fluffy slippers. Luckily for you, you don’t have to go far – you work at home. Telecommuting, or working at home, has grown in popularity over the last 20 years.

On an increasing basis, workers are saying “no” to long commutes and opting to work at home. In fact, the U.S. Census Bureau reports that the number of employees working from home grew by 23 percent from 1990 to 2000.

Telecommuting workers revel in making their own schedule – allowing them to schedule work around family and personal commitments. With the ready availability of technology tools, like the Internet and home computers, companies are more willing to let employees work from home.

(Adapted from: Access on 18 January, 2014)

The pronoun THEM in the last paragraph of the text refers to:

Q2934936 Inglês

O texto a seguir refere-se às questões 29, 30, 31 e 32.

Learning to quit

Jodi Hall started smoking at age 9.

By the time she was 16, she was up to a pack a day – and she wanted to quit. A couple of reasons: one, her health; two, a guy named Mony. “He said that when he kissed me, it was like kissing an ashtray”, Jodi says.

Earlier this year, Jodi, along with 25 of her classmates at Johnson High School, in Savannah, GA, enrolled in the school’s first stop-smoking class. During the eight-week Tobacco Free Teen class, they learned what smoking can do to their body, their wallet and their grades (some kids end up cutting class to satisfy their nicotine cravings). But it wasn’t just about scare tactics. The goal is behavior modification, not punishment, so students are taught techniques for handling stress and resisting the urge to light up even when friends or parents do.

According to the American Lung Association (ALA), which sponsors the class, about half the adults who smoke were regular smokers by age 18. “Theses numbers are only going to get worse,” says Kristine Lewis of the ALA. “The tobacco industry is turning to teens.”

How did the students do? Jodi has been cigaretteless for three months. But she’s the only one. Her classmate Adam Cushman is slowly putting his way back to three packs a day. The 16-year-old says he wants to stop, “but the way things are going, I doubt I’ll be able to.”

Seventeen, June 1996.

O pronome they em “they learned what smoking can do to…” refere-se a Jodi e:

Q2913999 Inglês


A Framework for Understanding Cross-Cultural Misunderstandings

Successful communication between human beings, either within a culture or between cultures, requires that the message and meaning intended by the speaker is correctly received and interpreted by the listener. Sustainable error free communication is rare, and in most human interactions there is some degree of miscommunication.
The message sent from speaker to listener contains a wide array of features, such as words, grammar, syntax, idioms, tone of voice, emphasis, speed, emotion, and body language, and the interpretation requires the listener to attend to all of these features, while at the same time constructing an understanding of the speaker's intentions, emotions, politeness, seriousness, character, beliefs, priorities, motivations, and style of communicating. In addition, the listener must also evaluate whether the utterance is a question or a statement and how and to what extent a statement matters to the speaker (Maltz and Borker, 1982).
Each of the components of the communication provides one or more kind of information. Words convey abstract logic, tone of voice conveys attitudes, emotions and emphases, and body language communicates "requests versus commands, the stages of greeting, and turn-taking" (Schneller 1988, p. 154).
Even assuming that words and body language were perfectly understood, there is more information necessary to successfully communicate across cultures. For example, in some countries it is polite to refuse the first few offers of refreshment: "Many foreign guests have gone hungry because their U.S. host or hostess never presented a third offer" (Samovar and Porter 1988, p. 326). In understanding communication, a listener must pay attention not just to what is said and when, but also to how many times something is said, under what circumstances, and by whom. Given all this complexity, the reason human communication can often succeed is because people learn how to communicate and understand through interacting with one another throughout their lives. Therefore, it is no surprise that culture and socialization are critical determinants of communication and interpretation. "The entire inference process, from observation through categorization is a function of one's socialization" Detweiler (1975). Socialization influences how input will be received, and how perceptions will be organized conceptually and associated with memories.

The importance of culture to communication

Some theorists have gone so far as to claim that culture not only influences interpretation, but constitutes interpretation. The interpretation of communicative intent is not predictable on the basis of referential meaning alone. Matters of context, social presuppositions, knowledge of the world, and individual background all play an important role in interpretation (Gumperz, 1978b).
Even knowledgeable translators can have difficulty with cross-cultural translations. There may not be corresponding words or equivalent concepts in both cultures, jokes and implications may be overlooked, and literal translations can present a host of difficulties. Some language pairs are very difficult to translate, while others, usually in more similar languages, are much easier (Sechrest, Fay and Zaidi 1988).
While some of the incremental difficulties can be traced to the underlying linguistic commonalities between the languages, there may be a more elusive cultural and ecological basis for difficulty in translation. It would be interesting to test how much of the variance in communication could be accounted for by the ease with which the languages in question could be translated into one another.
Although it may facilitate cross-cultural translations, similarity of languages and cultures also increases the likelihood that communicators will erroneously assume similarity of meanings. This may make them more likely to misunderstand speech and behavior without being aware that they may have misinterpreted the speaker's message.
In general, cross-cultural miscommunication can be thought to derive from the mistaken belief that emics are etics, that words and deeds mean the same thing across cultures, and this miscalculation is perhaps more likely when cultures are similar in surface attributes but different in important underlying ways. In this case miscommunication may occur instead of non-communication.

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The pronoun them in “This may make them more likely to misunderstand speech and behavior without being aware that they may have misinterpreted the speaker's message” refers to

1: B
2: D
3: B
4: B
5: B