Questões de Concurso Sobre pronome objetivo | objective pronoun em inglês

Foram encontradas 94 questões

Q417577 Inglês
Based on the text above, judge the following items.

In “tuck them up close” (l.40), “them” refers to “sixteen brown eggs” (l.49).
Q402331 Inglês
The boldfaced pronoun in the fragment of Text II: “No government is prepared for it.” (lines 28-29) refers to
Q402328 Inglês
In Text I, in terms of reference, the boldfaced word
Q401830 Inglês
The word them (line 17) refers to
Q263701 Inglês
Escolha a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas.

We have to do something about pollution. _____ hurts all of _____.

Q263699 Inglês
Escolha a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas.

_____ knows a lot of stories and the boy loves to listen to _____.

Q263693 Inglês
The pronoun it in “… They’ve found a way to beat it” (first paragraph) refers to…

Ano: 2010 Banca: CESGRANRIO Órgão: EPE Provas: CESGRANRIO - 2010 - EPE - Advogado | CESGRANRIO - 2010 - EPE - Analista de Gestão Corporativa - Administração Geral | CESGRANRIO - 2010 - EPE - Analista de Gestão Corporativa - Contabilidade | CESGRANRIO - 2010 - EPE - Analista de Gestão Corporativa - Recursos Humanos | CESGRANRIO - 2010 - EPE - Analista de Gestão Corporativa - Tecnologia da Informação | CESGRANRIO - 2010 - EPE - Analista de Pesquisa Energética - Economia de Energia | CESGRANRIO - 2010 - EPE - Analista de Pesquisa Energética - Gás e Bioenergia | CESGRANRIO - 2010 - EPE - Analista de Pesquisa Energética - Meio Ambiente - Análises Ambientais | CESGRANRIO - 2010 - EPE - Analista de Pesquisa Energética - Meio Ambiente - Ecologia | CESGRANRIO - 2010 - EPE - Analista de Pesquisa Energética - Meio Ambiente - Geoprocessamento | CESGRANRIO - 2010 - EPE - Analista de Pesquisa Energética - Meio Ambiente - Recursos Hídricos | CESGRANRIO - 2010 - EPE - Analista de Pesquisa Energética - Petróleo - Abastecimento | CESGRANRIO - 2010 - EPE - Analista de Pesquisa Energética - Petróleo - Exploração | CESGRANRIO - 2010 - EPE - Analista de Pesquisa Energética - Meio Ambiente - Socioeconomia | CESGRANRIO - 2010 - EPE - Analista de Pesquisa Energética - Planejamento da Geração de Energia | CESGRANRIO - 2010 - EPE - Analista de Pesquisa Energética - Transmissão de Energia | CESGRANRIO - 2010 - EPE - Analista de Pesquisa Energética - Recursos Energéticos | CESGRANRIO - 2010 - EPE - Analista de Pesquisa Energética - Projetos da Geração de Energia |
Q74957 Inglês
In "...and not have them end up on the beach," (line 19), the pronoun them refers to
Q51555 Inglês
In "provide them free" (line 21) them refers to
Q45358 Inglês
The pronoun 'it' in paragraph 3 line 5 refers to
Q10947 Inglês
In terms of reference, the only item that DOES NOT refer to "robot(s)" is
Q9418 Inglês
Good Stuff? - A Consumption Manifesto:
The Top Ten Principles of Good Consumption
Consumption is one of life's great pleasures. Buying
things we desire, traveling to beautiful places, eating
delectable food: icing on the cake of life. But too often the
effects of our blissful consumption make for a sad story.
Giant cars exhaling dangerous exhaust, hog farms pumping
out harmful pollutants, toxic trash pestering poor
neighborhoods - none of this if there weren't something
to sell.
But there's no need to trade pleasure for guilt. With
thoughtfulness and commitment, consumption can be a force
for good. Through buying what we need, produced the way
we want, we can create the world we'd like to live in.
To that end and for the future, a Consumption Manifesto:
Principle One. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. This brilliant triad
says it all. Reduce: Avoid buying what you don't need-
and when you do get that dishwasher/lawnmower/toilet,
spend the money up front for an efficient model. Re-use:
Buy used stuff, and wring the last drop of usefulness out of
most everything you own. Recycle: Do it, but know that
it's the last and least effective leg of the triad. (Ultimately,
recycling simply results in the manufacture of more things.)
Principle Two. Stay close to home. Work close to home
to shorten your commute; eat food grown nearby; support
local businesses; join local organizations. All of these will
improve the look, shape, smell, and feel of your community.
Principle Three. Internal combustion engines are polluting,
and their use should be minimized. Period.
Principle Four. Watch what you eat. Whenever possible,
avoid food grown with pesticides, in feedlots, or by
agribusiness. It's an easy way to use your dollars to vote
against the spread of toxins in our bodies, land, and water.
Principle Five. Private industries have very little incentive
to improve their environmental practices. Our consumption
choices must encourage and support good behavior; our
political choices must support government regulation.
Principle Six. Support thoughtful innovations in
manufacturing and production. Hint: Drilling for oil is no
longer an innovation.
Principle Seven. Prioritize. Think hardest when buying
large objects; don't drive yourself mad fretting over the small
ones. It's easy to be distracted by the paper bag puzzle,
but an energy-sucking refrigerator is much more worthy of
your attention. (Small electronics are an exception.)
Principle Eight. Vote. Political engagement enables the
spread of environmentally conscious policies. Without
public action, thoughtful individuals are swimming
Principle Nine. Don't feel guilty. It only makes you sad.
Principle Ten. Enjoy what you have-the things that are
yours alone, and the things that belong to none of us. Both
are nice, but the latter are precious. Those things that we
cannot manufacture and should never own-water, air, birds,
trees-are the foundation of life's pleasures. Without them,
we're nothing. With us, there may be nothing left. It's our
Umbra Fisk, Grist Magazine.
Slightly adapted from:
Access on June 1, 2007.
Mark the correct statement concerning reference.
Ano: 2006 Banca: CESGRANRIO Órgão: Petrobras Provas: CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobrás - Analista de Sistemas Pleno - Engenharia de Software | CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobrás - Analista de Sistemas Pleno - Infra-estrutura | CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobrás - Analista de Sistemas Pleno - Processos | CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobras - Advogado | CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobrás - Contador Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobras - Analista de Transporte Marítimo Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobrás - Dentista | CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobras - Analista de Comércio e Suprimento Pleno – Gás e Energia | CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobras - Engenheiro Civil | CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro de Equipamento Pleno - Inspeção | CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro de Equipamento Pleno - Eletricidade | CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro de Equipamento Pleno - Mecânica | CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobras - Bibliotecário Documentalista | CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro de Telecomunicações Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro de Segurança Pleno | CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro de Telecomunicações Pleno | CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobrás - Médico | CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobras - Médico nutrologista | CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro de Processamento Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobrás - Químico de Petróleo Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobras - Administrador | CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro de Equipamento Pleno - Eletrônica | CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Mecânica | CESGRANRIO - 2006 - Petrobrás - Arquiteto |
Q1775 Inglês
In "Sweden has just announced that it wants to be the first nation in the world."(lines 34-35), the pronoun it refers to "Sweden". Check the other pronoun that also refers to the name of a country.
Q2763254 Inglês

Leia o texto abaixo e responda às questões 37 e 38.

Pope Francis Knocked for ‘Mexicanization’ Remark

Tiziana Fabi—AFP/Getty
The Vatican said he meant no offense

The Vatican said Wednesday that Pope Francis “absolutely did not intend to offend the Mexican people” when he appeared to express concern that drug trafficking was making his native Argentina resemble Mexico.

Over the weekend, the Pope wrote in an email to Argentine lawmaker and friend Gustavo Vera, “Hopefully we are in time to avoid Mexicanization,” referring to the country’s drug trade, the Associated Press reports. After Vera published the email on the website for his organization, the Alameda Foundation, Mexico formally complained that the Pope was unnecessarily “stigmatizing Mexico” despite the country’s efforts to battle drug cartels there.

In response, the Vatican sent Mexico’s ambassador an official note and said the Pope’s choice of words were taken from a informal, private email that merely borrowed language Vera himself had used as lawmaker battling Argentina’s own drug trade.

“The Pope intended only to emphasize the seriousness of the phenomenon of the drug trafficking that afflicts Mexico and other countries in Latin America,” Vatican spokesperson Rev. Federico Lombardi said. “It is precisely this importance that has made the fight against drug trafficking a priority for the government.”

Source: Time/acessado em 25/02/015

O espaço no texto deve ser preenchido pelo pronome:

57: C
58: D
59: B
60: B
61: B
62: C
63: E
64: E
65: E
66: E
67: B
68: D
69: D
70: A