Questões de Concurso
Sobre pronome objetivo | objective pronoun em inglês
Foram encontradas 96 questões
Look at the picture and choose the CORRECT alternative.
The Edinburgh declaration, which will now be opened to signatories worldwide, says its supporters are “deeply concerned about the significant implications that the loss of biodiversity and climate change has on our livelihood and communities. (lines 25, 26, 27)
“Indeed, the Covid-19 global pandemic has reminded us how important it is to live in harmony with nature.” (lines 29, 30)
i. the use of “its” in “say its supporters” is the same use of “it is” in “how important it is”; ii. “its” in “say its supporters” refers to supporters of the Edinburgh declaration; iii. in “our livelihood”, “our” is an object pronoun; iv. in “has reminded us”, “us” is an object pronoun;
(Avaliable in: – text adapted specially
for this test).
Coronavirus is a newly discovered virus. It causes a disease called Covid-19. In some parts of the world, it has made lots ............ people sick. Corona is a Latin for crown, because ............. the microscope, these viruses look like a crown .............. spikes ending ............... little blobs.
A lot of symptoms are similar to the flu. You may have dry and itchy cough, fever, lots of sneezing and even hard to breathe. Most of people who has gotten sick with this coronavirus have had a mild case. It means you will not feel the disease. But, for people who are much older or who already have health problems are more likely to get sicker with coronavirus.
If anyone gets sick and feels like they may have coronavirus, they can immediately call their doctors and get help. If there is something we are not sure about the information, confused or worried about, don’t be afraid to ask someone we trust.
Here are some things you can do to protect yourself, family and friends from getting sick: 1) wash your hands often using soap and water. 2) Sneeze into your elbows. It is believed that coronavirus spread through little liquid from our lungs. If you sneeze into your elbows, you can prevent germs for going far into the air. 3) Avoid touching your face. Don’t pick your nose. Don’t touch your mouth. Don’t rub your eyes. They are the places where the virus enter our bodies.
Remember that this kind of virus can affect anybody. It
doesn’t matter where you come from or what country
you are from. Don’t forget, there are a lot of helpers
out there who are working to protect us from the virus.
We can take a part by keeping our health and stay at
home to stop the virus spread to others.
The difficult journey to Olympic success
For Jessica Morgan, a young athlete New Zealand, a typical day starts early. Most mornings, she gets up 4:30 a.m., while her family is still bed, and trains before school. As an elite rower, she is one the best in her country, and she aims to compete in the next Olympic Games.
Jessica’s weekly schedule is grueling. She trains twice
a day, six days a week, and competes in rowing events
on the weekends. However, she’s also a normal
schoolgirl, and like every other sixteen-year-old at
high school, she regularly does her homework, too.
Jessica’s motivation is impressive. She never hangs
out with friends or takes a vacation. She isn’t only an
amazing athlete – she usually gets good grades in
school, too. Of course, it isn’t easy to become successful. Being the best at your sport requires hard work,
determination, and the help of family and coaches.
Young athletes’ relationships with their family and
coaches can influence their success in the future. Jessica’s parents usually spend hours every week taking
her to training and competitions, and they help her
to eat a healthy diet. Her coach plans her training
and enters her for competitions. But both parents
and coach must offer emotional support, too – for
example, when Jessica loses a competition or she gets
an injury. Luckily for Jessica, she has a good relationship with both her coach and family. But in other cases,
these relationships can place too much pressure on
young athletes. For this reason, some of them lose
their motivation to do well.
For Jessica, the most important factor in her future
success is her own desire to win. “I know talented
young athletes who give up because they feel lonely
without their friends,” she says. “But I prefer not to
think negatively.” Jessica believes she is responsible
for securing her future success. “It’s my decision to
train every morning and go back to it again every
afternoon. It’s my decision not to have a social life, and
never to take a vacation.” Not everyone can cope with
this kind of lifestyle. But each day Jessica moves one
step closer to achieving her Olympic dream.
1. The negative form of the following sentence: “ Luckily for Jessica, she has a good relationship with both her coach and family” is “Luckily for Jessica, she hasn’t a good relationship with both her coach and family.” 2. The words ‘however, but, for these reason’, in bold in the text are adverbs. 3. In the following sentence: “For Jessica, the most important factor in her future success is her own desire to win.” The underlined words are in the superlative form. 4. The underlined words in the text: “it, they, her, them” are personal pronouns.
Choose the alternative with all the correct sentences
“His cars are nice. He washes _________ every week.”
August 24, 2016 / By Digestive Health Team
Are You Pooping All Wrong?
5 tips to keep your bowels healthy
When it comes to our bowels — and their movements — we may not give them much thought. Of course, when things are not going well, we notice.
However, bowel movements don’t just tell us about the health of our digestive system. This may sound strange, but signs of everything from diseases to stress may show up in your bathroom habits. The key is knowing what to look for — and what the signs may mean.
Here are five tips to encourage healthy bowels:
1. Don’t ignore rectal bleeding
The first thing most people worry about when they have minor rectal bleeding is that they have a cancer. Of course, colon cancer is also a concern. But it’s the cause of rectal bleeding only 1 to 2 percent of the time.
Two problems are usually responsible for blood on the paper, on the stool or in the toilet: hemorrhoids and anal fissures. The good news is that both problems are usually easy to fix.
2. Be careful not to be overzealous when you wipe
A lot of people assume they have hemorrhoids. May their bottoms itch and they feel extra skin down there as they wipe. Must be hemorrhoids, right?
So they treat themselves with medicated wipes or cream. And yet the “hemorrhoids” don’t go away — they itch even more.
Often, the problem is, ironically, being too clean. What happens is a circular process. Filled with good intentions, you try to keep yourself scrupulously clean by using flushable wipes. But the unexpected result is that this leads to itching and the feeling that you have hemorrhoids.
3. Don’t treat the bathroom like a library
Think of your time in the bathroom as a necessity, not an extended escape. If your toilet has stacks of magazines or books on the water tank, consider moving them to another room.
Why? The more time you spend on the toilet, the more likely you will strain for bowel movements. Also, the seated position puts extra stress on your anal blood vessels. Both of these factors boost your risk of hemorrhoids.
4. Get enough fiber in your diet
The goal is to eat 25 to 35 grams of fiber each day. The lack of fiber in the American diet is perhaps the major problem that leads to issues with constipation.
One of the challenges is that not all natural sources are equal in the amounts of fiber they contain, so you don’t always get a consistent amount of fiber intake every day, depending on what you eat. One day a bowl of oatmeal may do it. Another day a serving of broccoli may not.
Of course, each person’s needs are different, too, so you have to find what works best for your body.
5. Avoid dehydration if you have diarrhea
The biggest danger with a short bout of diarrhea is dehydration, or the loss of water and nutrients from the body’s tissues. You could become dehydrated if you have diarrhea more than three times a day and are not drinking enough fluids. Dehydration can cause serious complications if it is not treated. The best way to guard against dehydration is to drink liquids that contain both salt and sugar.

I. She always does ______________ homework. II. Henry never talks to _______________. III. The baby can‟t feed ________________. IV. Paulo and you love _________________ teachers
Texto 01
Going Mobile, Going Further!
By Anderson Francisco Guimarães Maia – October 28, 2016
So what happens to “learning” if we add the word “mobile” to it? The increasing and rapidly developing use of mobile technology by English language learners is an unquestionable aspect of today’s classroom. However, the attitude EFL teachers develop towards the use of mobile devices as an aid for language teaching varies greatly.
The unique benefits of mobile learning for EFL teachers include the ability to bridge formal and informal learning, which for language learners may be realized through supplementary out-of-classroom practice, translation support when communicating with target language speakers and the capture of difficulties and discoveries which can be instantly shared as well as being brought back into the classroom. Mobile learning can deliver, supplement and extend formal language learning; or it can be the primary way for learners to explore a target language informally and direct their own development through immediacy of encounter and challenge within a social setting. We still miss sufficient explicit connection between these two modes of learning, one of which is mainly formal and the other informal. Consequently, there are missed opportunities in terms of mutual benefit: formal education remains somewhat detached from rapid socio-technological change, and informal learning is frequently sidelined or ignored when it could be used as a resource and a way to discover more about evolving personal and social motivations for learning.
One example of how mobile devices can bridge formal and informal learning is through instantmessaging applications. Both synchronous and asynchronous activities can be developed for language practice outside the classroom. For example, in a discussion group on Whatsapp, students can discuss short videos, practice vocabulary with picture collages, share recent news, create captions and punch lines for memes, and take turns to create a multimodal story. Teachers can also create applications specifically to practice new vocabulary and grammar to support classroom learning.
Digital and mobile media are changing and extending language use to new environments as well as creating opportunities to learn in different ways. Mobile technology enables us to get physically closer to social contexts of language use which will ultimately influence the ways that language is used and learned. Therefore, let us incorporate mobile learning into our EFL lessons and literally “have the world in our hands”.
(Disponível em
Words that went extinct
By Kimberly Joki
Dictionaries incorporate new words every year. Some are pop culture inventions like jeggings, photobomb, and meme. Other words, like emoji and upvote, spring up from technology and social media. Dictionaries respond by creating definitions for anyone who cares to know what a twitterer is. And thank goodness they do; you can learn what an eggcorn is simply by turning a few pages in your trusty updated dictionary.
Interestingly, not all newly added words are recent developments. The Oxford English Dictionary June 2015 new words list included autotune, birdhouse, North Korean, and shizzle! North Korea was founded in 1948. The initial release of the autotuner audio processor was in 1997. Before adding a slang term like shizzle, dictionary publishers weigh the current popularity, predicted longevity, and other factors. Just this year alone, the Merriam-Webster Dictionary welcomed about 1,700 new arrivals.
With more and more words coined every year, dictionaries couldn’t possibly add them all to their existing word banks. Can you imagine a dictionary containing all the words ever used in English? It would be impossible to lift! With each yearly edit, dictionary editors must discard some words to make room for new ones.
The Sami languages, spoken in Finland, Norway, and Sweden, reportedly include more than 150 words related to snow and ice. In the 1590s, the English language had a word for recently melted snow—snowbroth. Now, English speakers simply call it water or melted snow. In fact, words that are markedly specific seem more vulnerable to extinction. A 19th-century dictionary included Englishable, a term to describe how appropriate a word is for the English language. However, English is a dynamic language, always accepting and abandoning words. Apparently, Englishable itself isn’t Englishable; it’s now obsolete.
Do you favor any infrequently used words? If so, use them now and often. . . A word’s best defense against extinction is regular use.
How Telecommuting Works
Telecommuting, which is growing in popularity, allows
employees to avoid long commutes.
“Brring,” the alarm startles you out of a deep sleep. It’s
8 a.m. on Monday morning. Time to head to the office.
You roll out of bed, brush your teeth and stumble your
way to the kitchen to grab some coffee.
Moments later, you head to the office, still wearing
your pajamas and fluffy slippers. Luckily for you, you
don’t have to go far – you work at home.
Telecommuting, or working at home, has grown in
popularity over the last 20 years.
On an increasing basis, workers are saying “no” to
long commutes and opting to work at home. In fact,
the U.S. Census Bureau reports that the number of
employees working from home grew by 23 percent
from 1990 to 2000.
Telecommuting workers revel in making their own
schedule – allowing them to schedule work around
family and personal commitments. With the ready
availability of technology tools, like the Internet and
home computers, companies are more willing to let
employees work from home.
( Adaptedfrom : < http: //>Access on 18th January, 2014)
How music is the real language of political diplomacy
Forget guns and bombs, it is the power of melody that has changed the world
Marie Zawisza
Saturday 31 October 2015 10.00 GMT
Last modified on Tuesday 10 November 201513.19 GMT
An old man plays his cello at the foot of a crumbling wall. The notes of the sarabande of Bach’s Suite No 2 rise in the cold air, praising God for the “miracle” of the fall of the Berlin Wall, as Mstislav Rostropovich later put it. The photograph is seen around the world. The date is 11 November 1989, and the Russian virtuoso is marching to the beat of history.
Publicity stunt or political act? No doubt a bit of both – and proof, in any case, that music can have a political dimension. Yo-Yo Ma showed as much in September when the cellist opened the new season of the Philharmonie de Paris with the Boston Symphony Orchestra. As a “messenger of peace” for the United Nations, the Chinese American is the founder of Silk Road Project, which trains young musicians from a variety of cultures to listen to and improvise with each other and develop a common repertoire. “In this way, musicians create a dialogue and arrive at common policies,” says analyst Frédéric Ramel, a professor at the Institut d’Études Politiques in Paris. By having music take the place of speeches and peace talks, the hope is that it will succeed where diplomacy has failed.[…]
Curiously, the study of the role of music in international relations is still in its infancy. “Historians must have long seen it as something fanciful, because history has long been dominated by interpretations that stress economic, social and political factors,” says Anaïs Fléchet, a lecturer in contemporary history at the Université de Versailles-St-Quentin and co-editor of a book about music and globalisation.
“As for musicologists,” she adds, “until quite recently they were more interested in analysing musical scores than the actual context in which these were produced and how they were received.” In the 1990s came a cultural shift. Scholars were no longer interested solely in “hard power” – that is, in the balance of powers and in geopolitics – but also in “soft power”, where political issues are resolved by mutual support rather than force. […]
Gilberto Gil sings while then UN secretary general Kofi Annan plays percussion at a September 2003 concert at the UN headquarters honouring those killed by a bomb at a UN office in Baghdad a month earlier. Photograph: Zuma/Alamy
Since then, every embassy has a cultural attaché. The US engages in “audio diplomacy” by financing hip-hop festivals in the Middle East. China promotes opera in neighbouring states to project an image of harmony. Brazil has invested in culture to assert itself as a leader in Latin America, notably by establishing close collaboration between its ministries of foreign affairs and culture; musician Gilberto Gil was culture minister during Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva᾽s presidency from 2003 to 2008. He was involved in France’s Year of Brazil. As Fléchet recalls, “the free concert he gave on 13 July, 2005 at the Place de la Bastille was the pinnacle. That day, he sang La Marseillaise in the presence of presidents Lula and Jacques Chirac.” Two years earlier, in September 2003, Gil sang at the UN in honour of the victims of the 19 August bombing of the UN headquartes in Baghdad. He was delivering a message of peace, criticising the war on Iraq by the US: “There is no point in preaching security without giving a thought to respecting others,” he told his audience. Closing the concert, he invited then UN secretary general Kofi Annan on stage for a surprise appearance as a percussionist. “This highly symbolic image, which highlighted the conviction that culture can play a role in bringing people together, shows how music can become a political language,” Fléchet says.
(adapted from
She has told _____ many stories about _____ life in Africa.
In reference to the content of the text, its vocabulary and syntactic structure, decide whether the following statements are right (C) or wrong (E).
In lines 4, 7 and 9, although with different syntactic functions,
the word it refers to the same thing: “the head of an enemy
which swung from the rafters” (l. 3 and 4).