Questões de Inglês - Pronúncia e Som | Pronunciation and Sound para Concurso

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Q2379791 Inglês
What are phonemes?
Q2379790 Inglês
Definition and scope of phonology

In order to delve into the basics of English phonology, it is important to establish a clear understanding of what phonology is and its scope of study. Phonology is a subfield of linguistics that focuses on the systematic study of sounds within a particular language or languages. It examines the patterns, organization, and rules governing the sounds and their usage in speech.
The scope of phonology encompasses several key aspects. Firstly, it examines the inventory of sounds in a language, identifying the distinct phonemes and their distribution within words. It also investigates the rules and patterns governing the combination and sequencing of sounds, known as phonotactics. These rules determine which sounds can appear in specific positions within words or syllables (Dodd, et al, 2003).

What is the main objective of phonology?
Q2316907 Inglês

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Intonation, the rise and fall of pitch in speech, plays a crucial role in conveying the speaker's attitude, mood, and intended meaning in American English. Different intonation patterns can distinguish between statements, questions, and exclamations, contributing significantly to effective communication.

Q2316892 Inglês

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Word stress in American English is a crucial aspect of pronunciation. It involves emphasizing a specific syllable within a word, and its correct application plays a significant role in conveying meaning and maintaining intelligibility. 

Q2316879 Inglês

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Sentence stress, also known as prosody, is essential in American English for conveying the intended meaning of a sentence. It involves emphasizing certain words or syllables to communicate nuances such as importance, contrast, or emotion. Mastering sentence stress contributes to effective communication in spoken English.

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