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Ano: 2014 Banca: FEPESE Órgão: SCPar Porto de Imbituba - SC
Q1208889 Inglês
An Ocean of Opportunities
Brazilian exports have tripled in the last ten years and now the country requires huge investments in port infrastructure. Investment projects in the coming years are likely to exceed R$19 billion.
The Brazilian infrastructure sector is gearing up to sup- port the strong growth of the country’s foreign trade. In the last 10 years exports have more than tripled, while imports have more than doubled. In order to handle the trade boom Brazilian ports – which handle 95% of the country’s trade by volume and 85% by value – have been receiving significant public and private investments.
At the same time, large-scale projects in transportation logistics (railroads, highways, waterways and airports) are now underway or will be starting in the short or medium term and will promote greater integration with the country’s ports system.
For its part the federal government has made the rules _______________ the ports sector more flexible _______________  the recent publication of Decree 6,620, which allows Brazilian and international private companies ________________ build and operate new public ports under concession. Ports Minister Pedro Brito said he hopes Brazilian ports will receive investments totaling R$19 billion through the coming years.
Investments are needed to expand and modernize Brazilian ports to handle the growth of foreign trade. From 1998 to 2008 Brazil’s total trade flow, counting imports and exports, jumped from US$108 billion to an estimated US$400 billion, of US$281 billion in 2007.
Brazil is also expanding the number of countries with which it trades. From January to September of 2008 Brazil exported to 224 countries and imported from 109. While Brazilian exports still include a strong element of commodities (petroleum, iron ore, soy, grains, coffee and sugar as well as newcomers such as ethanol and bio-diesel) they now also include high-value- added items such as airplanes, vehicles, engines, auto parts, processed meat and steel products.
The sentence:
“The Brazilian infrastructure sector is gearing up to support the strong growth of the country’s foreign trade.” can be correctly translated as:
Q1208717 Inglês
Read the phrases below and observe the phrasal verbs:
I) We called around but we weren't able to find the medicine we needed.
II) I brought you a great wine to cheer you up.
III) If everyone chips in we can get the house painted by noon.
IV) Jackson always gets away with cheating in his tests.
Now, choose the alternative with the better translation to these sentences:
Ano: 2018 Banca: FADESP Órgão: Prefeitura de Marabá - PA
Q1207804 Inglês
Based on the Common National Curricular Base (BNCC), the English language teaching should
Ano: 2010 Banca: MOVENS Órgão: MinC
Q1207778 Inglês
Read the text below to answer the question.
“Culture must go hand in hand with humanitarian aid. It must be present in Haiti’s reconstruction strategies because culture and development are closely linked”, stressed Irina Bokova, Director-General of United Nations Education, Scientific and Cutural Organization (Unesco), as she ended her official visit to Haiti yesterday. 
On her second and last day in Haiti, Ms Bokova met with the Minister of Culture and Communication, and the Director of ISPAN, institute for safeguarding national heritage. She then went to Jacmel, city in the southeast that is on Haiti’s Tentative List of properties to be proposed for inscription on Unesco’s World Heritage List. The city suffered severe damage during the 12 January earthquake.
The Director-General reiterated Unesco’s commitment to safeguarding heritage in the colonial city, founded in the late 17th century, where numerous buildings are in ruins. In her discussion with the mayor, Ms Bokova underlined the vital role – social as well as economic – of craftsmanship in local life and the need to preserve it. “We are aware that emergency humanitarian aid is not the only appropriate response to the country’s needs and that your know-how and your traditions must be taken into account in the reconstruction effort”, said Ms Bokova. 
Ms Bokova, emphasizing that Port-au-Prince was not the only part of Haiti to be stricken by the earthquake, then went to Camp-Perrin in the south. According to a Unesco consultant of Haiti’s state university, some 9000 people streamed into the small town following the disaster, 30% of them school-age children. 
Ms Bokova visited workshops in Camp-Perrin where masons are learning techniques for building earthquake resistant structures. “In an exposed region such as Haiti, everyone has the right to live in a secure house”, declared the Director-General. “Preventive measures must be taken to ensure this result and I hope experience acquired here can spread to other parts of the country.”
Back in Port-au-Prince, the Director-General met with the European Union’s chargé d’affaire and the spanish ambassador. At her next meeting with the Special Representative for the United Nations Secretary General, she asked for assistance from Minustah, the UN’s mission in Haiti, to protect the country’s historical sites and monuments from the threat of vandalism and illicit trade in art objects and other cultural property.
Culture must be an integral part of reconstruction. Internet: Accessed on 13/3/2010 (with adaptations).
Analyze the following statements as True (T) or False (F) and choose the correct option.
I – The Director-General of Unesco believes that culture and humanitarian aid cannot be considered separately from each other.
II – Some 9000 people left Camp-Perrin in order to escape from the earthquakes.
III – Jacmel, a city in the southeast of Haiti, integrates Unesco’s World Heritage List to be reconstructed.
IV – Minustah, the UN’s mission in Haiti, is suspected of vandalism and illicit trade in art objects.
The correct sequence is:
Ano: 2013 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: Prefeitura de Ribeirão Preto - SP
Q1207606 Inglês
A look back across nearly a century of language teaching reveals a cyclical history. The “changing winds and shifting sands” of language teaching methods manifest a new paradigm every quarter of a century or so, with each new paradigm a break from the old but taking with it positive aspects of previous paradigms. These changing methodologies are very much theories in practice. Methods, however, are difficult to define. They manifest themselves in such varieties at times that the term approach may be more accurately descriptive of these general moods. An approach is a general and theoretical view of how language ought to be taught, while a method includes a developed procedure for teaching. The Audiolingual Method, for example, would be better termed an approach because there is such variation within the so-called method and because it is derived from a specific set of theoretical assumptions. We nevertheless refer often to a number of “methods”–since that is the traditional nomenclature–keeping in mind the fuzzy line of distinction between method and approach.
(Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, by Douglas Brown. Adapted)
The author defends the idea that
Ano: 2013 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: Prefeitura de Ribeirão Preto - SP
Q1207499 Inglês
A look back across nearly a century of language teaching reveals a cyclical history. The “changing winds and shifting sands” of language teaching methods manifest a new paradigm every quarter of a century or so, with each new paradigm a break from the old but taking with it positive aspects of previous paradigms. These changing methodologies are very much theories in practice. Methods, however, are difficult to define. They manifest themselves in such varieties at times that the term approach may be more accurately descriptive of these general moods. An approach is a general and theoretical view of how language ought to be taught, while a method includes a developed procedure for teaching. The Audiolingual Method, for example, would be better termed an approach because there is such variation within the so-called method and because it is derived from a specific set of theoretical assumptions. We nevertheless refer often to a number of “methods”–since that is the traditional nomenclature–keeping in mind the fuzzy line of distinction between method and approach.
(Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, by Douglas Brown. Adapted)
As regards textual organization, the sentence – The Audiolingual Method, for example, would be better termed an approach because there is such variation within the socalled method and because it is derived from a specific set of theoretical assumptions. – is used to ____________ the idea expressed in the previous one.
Ano: 2013 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: Prefeitura de Ribeirão Preto - SP
Q1207495 Inglês
During the 1980s an alternative model of reading was proposed that puts together the two views, bottom-up and top-down. The result is called an “interactive” model of the process of reading. It stresses the interplay of all meaning-gathering activities which take place during reading. While the basic theoretical work has centered on native or first language readers, the interactive model has been adopted by many second language reading researchers as well.
Interactive theory acknowledges the role of previous knowledge and prediction, but at the same time, reaffirms the importance of rapid and accurate processing of the actual words of the text. According to the interactive model, the reading process works like this: First, clues to meaning are taken up from the page by the eye and transmitted to the brain. The brain then tries to match existing knowledge to the incoming data in order to facilitate the further processing of new information. On the basis of this previous experience, predictions are made about the content of the text, which, upon further sampling of the data, are either confirmed or revised. Essentially, then, the two processes, bottom-up and top-down, are complementary; one is not able to function properly without the other.
(Academic Reading and the ESL/EFL Teacher by Fraida Dubin and David Bycina, in Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, Marianne Celce-Murcia, editor. Adapted.)
No que se refere ao conceito de tipologia textual, pode-se afirmar que o texto é
Ano: 2013 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: Prefeitura de Ribeirão Preto - SP
Q1207461 Inglês
A look back across nearly a century of language teaching reveals a cyclical history. The “changing winds and shifting sands” of language teaching methods manifest a new paradigm every quarter of a century or so, with each new paradigm a break from the old but taking with it positive aspects of previous paradigms. These changing methodologies are very much theories in practice. Methods, however, are difficult to define. They manifest themselves in such varieties at times that the term approach may be more accurately descriptive of these general moods. An approach is a general and theoretical view of how language ought to be taught, while a method includes a developed procedure for teaching. The Audiolingual Method, for example, would be better termed an approach because there is such variation within the so-called method and because it is derived from a specific set of theoretical assumptions. We nevertheless refer often to a number of “methods”–since that is the traditional nomenclature–keeping in mind the fuzzy line of distinction between method and approach.
(Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, by Douglas Brown. Adapted)
In relation to the first two sentences of the text, one can say that
Q1206975 Inglês
There have been many qualitative or case studies on reflective practices whose findings have been infused with enthusiasm on the part of trainee teachers and lecturers in favor of reflective approaches Cornford, 2002). 
Zeichner and Liston (1996) differentiate between five different levels at which reflection can take place during teaching. Choose the right sequence of those levels: 
Ano: 2012 Banca: FEPESE Órgão: Prefeitura de Palhoça - SC
Q1206917 Inglês
Skimming, Scanning and Prediction are some of the classroom strategies that are applied for:
Ano: 2015 Banca: IDHTEC Órgão: Prefeitura de Itaíba - PE
Q1206861 Inglês
''Teaching is hard''. The opposite of ''hard‘ is:
Ano: 2017 Banca: FEPESE Órgão: Prefeitura de Fraiburgo - SC
Q1206750 Inglês
The world has changed a lot since the last decades of the 19th century: with the invention of the automobile, place have become closer and man has traveled farther.
In the 20th century, automobiles brought deep changes to the cities. Cars crowded the streets and took the place of the old carriages. 
The 50’s and the 60’s represented the greatest days of the automobile. But an oil crisis occurred during the 70’s. Gasoline became more expensive. Large automobile companies worried about it and began to work on the ‘car of the future’.
Cars in the future will be more economical, lighter, and smaller than they are today. They will use different forms of energy: electric, solar, and many others. These new forms of energy will cause less pollution than gasoline and will be cheaper.
Analyze the sentences according to grammar use.
… place have become closer and man has traveled farther. Gasoline became more expensive. Cars in the future will be more economical, lighter, and smaller than they are today.
Choose the alternative that contains the correct grammar classification for the underlined words.
Ano: 2018 Banca: IBADE Órgão: SEE-AC
Q1206373 Inglês
This process involves generating ideas, developing and organizing the ideas, and revising and editing them. Effective writers cycle through these stages until they are satisfied that the writing achieves its purpose.
Which process does the text above refer to?
Ano: 2017 Banca: CONPASS Órgão: Prefeitura de Gurjão - PB
Q1206370 Inglês
A Lion passed by a Field where four oxen lived. The lion tried to attack them, but when he came near, the oxen turned their tails to one another for protection. So, every time the lion approached the oxen, he met the horns of one of them. The lion realized that those oxen were smart and went away.
  But one day the oxen quarreled among themselves, and each one went to pasture alone in a separate corner of the field. Then the lion attacked them one by one and soon made an end to all four.
(ARSOP. The Four Oxen and the Lion. Available at: <>. Access: Jun. 6,2014.)
The lion tried to attack the oxen _____.
Ano: 2018 Banca: IBADE Órgão: SEE-AC
Q1206327 Inglês
Comprehension strategies are conscious plans — sets of steps that good readers use to make sense of a text. Comprehension strategy instruction helps students become purposeful, active readers who are in control of their own reading comprehension. There are a lot of strategies that have research-based evidence for improving text comprehension.
The paragraph above refers to one of the four language skills that should be practiced in the language classroom. This skill is:
Ano: 2017 Banca: CONPASS Órgão: Prefeitura de Gurjão - PB
Q1206312 Inglês
A Lion passed by a Field where four oxen lived. The lion tried to attack them, but when he came near, the oxen turned their tails to one another for protection. So, every time the lion approached the oxen, he met the horns of one of them. The lion realized that those oxen were smart and went away.     But one day the oxen quarreled among themselves, and each one went to pasture alone in a separate corner of the field. Then the lion attacked them one by one and soon made an end to all four.
(ARSOP. The Four Oxen and the Lion. Available at: <>. Access: Jun. 6,2014.)
That fable teaches us that _____.
Ano: 2018 Banca: IBADE Órgão: Prefeitura de Cujubim - RO
Q1206199 Inglês
Algeria turns off Internet to stop exam cheats
23rd June, 2018
Algeria has turned off its Internet all over the country to stop students cheating in high school exams. Algeria's government said it wanted to do something to stop students secretly going online during nationwide school tests. All Internet service was stopped for an hour after the start of each of the exams. The government will shut the Internet down during the whole exam season, between June 20 and June 25. In addition, all electronic devices with Internet access have been banned from the country's 2,000 exam centers. Even teachers cannot take phones into the exam halls. There were many problems in 2016 when test questions were leaked online both before and during exams.
Algeria's Education Minister Nouria Benghabrit told the Algerian newspaper Annahar that Facebook would also be blocked across the country for the six days the exams were taking place. She said she did not like doing this but she could not do anything and give opportunities to students to cheat in tests. As an added security measure, metal detectors will be placed in all exam halls, and security cameras and mobile-phone blockers have been set up at the printing companies where the exams are printed. Many students thought the government was doing the right thing. Rania Salim, 16, said it wasn't fair that students who didn't study could get help in exams by using their mobile phone to cheat.
Taken from:
“Algeria has turned off its Internet all over the country.” (1st paragraph) 
The opposite of the phrasal verb TURNED OFF is:
Ano: 2018 Banca: IBADE Órgão: Prefeitura de Cujubim - RO
Q1206155 Inglês
Algeria turns off Internet to stop exam cheats
23rd June, 2018
Algeria has turned off its Internet all over the country to stop students cheating in high school exams. Algeria's government said it wanted to do something to stop students secretly going online during nationwide school tests. All Internet service was stopped for an hour after the start of each of the exams. The government will shut the Internet down during the whole exam season, between June 20 and June 25. In addition, all electronic devices with Internet access have been banned from the country's 2,000 exam centers. Even teachers cannot take phones into the exam halls. There were many problems in 2016 when test questions were leaked online both before and during exams.
Algeria's Education Minister Nouria Benghabrit told the Algerian newspaper Annahar that Facebook would also be blocked across the country for the six days the exams were taking place. She said she did not like doing this but she could not do anything and give opportunities to students to cheat in tests. As an added security measure, metal detectors will be placed in all exam halls, and security cameras and mobile-phone blockers have been set up at the printing companies where the exams are printed. Many students thought the government was doing the right thing. Rania Salim, 16, said it wasn't fair that students who didn't study could get help in exams by using their mobile phone to cheat.
Taken from:

According to the text, the Algerian government will shut the Internet down during the whole exam season. (1st paragraph) 
The phrasal verb SHUT DOWN in the sentence above means that the Internet access will be:
Ano: 2009 Banca: NC-UFPR Órgão: UEGA
Q1206148 Inglês
We can help you save energy in the home…
There are lots of things you can do to save energy at home, from simple things like washing at 30 °C, saving water and recycling, to insulating your loft and cavity walls. By saving energy you’ll be reducing your home’s carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions and helping to fight climate change.
Why should you save energy? Over 40 per cent of the UK’s man-made CO₂  emissions actually come from energy we use every day – at home and when we travel. To generate that energy, we burn fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas) that produce ‘greenhouse’ gases – in particular CO₂  – which are changing our climate and damaging the environment.
The greenhouse effect CO₂  and various other gases wrap the Earth in an invisible ‘blanket’, helping to prevent heat from escaping. Without this greenhouse effect, the average temperature on Earth would be around -18 ºC, compared with the current average of around +15 ºC. This blanket of gases has remained at a constant concentration for many thousands of years. Since the Industrial Revolution began around 200 years ago, people have been burning more fossil fuels. This has increased the heating effect of the ‘blanket’, trapping more of the sun’s energy inside our atmosphere. In turn the Earth’s temperature has increased more rapidly in a shorter period of time than it has for thousands of years.
The impact of climate change People sometimes think that climate change will be a positive thing for the UK, giving us warmer summers and fewer cold winters. But hotter summers and less rain in the south and east will mean water shortages, forest fires and damage to crops and wildlife. In the north and west there could be much heavier rain and more flooding. As the polar ice caps continue to melt, rising sea levels will threaten many coastal communities. Overall, the cost to society, the environment, our health and the economy is likely to far outweigh any benefits.
Make a difference The average UK household creates around six tonnes of CO₂  every year – that’s 6,000 kg – to heat and power their home. Making your home more energy efficient could save you up to £340 a year and reduce your home’s CO₂  emissions by up to 1,500–2,000 kg. You could save even more by switching to renewable energy sources, by walking, cycling or using public transport whenever possible, and by driving more efficiently.
(Texto introdutório ao manual “A guide to energy saving in the home”, disponível em:
Among some actions to save energy at home, in the text we find:
Ano: 2011 Banca: FGV Órgão: PC-RJ
Q1206139 Inglês
10501: B
10502: C
10503: A
10504: E
10505: B
10506: E
10507: C
10508: C
10509: C
10510: A
10511: C
10512: A
10513: A
10514: B
10515: B
10516: A
10517: A
10518: C
10519: A
10520: B