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Ano: 2016 Banca: FCC Órgão: METRÔ-SP Prova: FCC - 2016 - METRÔ-SP - Advogado Júnior |
Q2751601 Inglês

Atenção: As questões de números 26 a 28 referem-se ao texto abaixo.

Judges Push Brevity in Briefs, and Get a Torrent of Arguments


OCT. 3, 2016

The Constitution of the United States clocks in at 4,543 words. Yet a number of lawyers contend that 14,000 words are barely enough to lay out their legal arguments.

That’s the maximum word count for briefs filed in federal appellate courts. For years, judges have complained that too many briefs are repetitive and full of outmoded legal jargon, and that they take up too much of their time.

A recent proposal to bring the limit down by 1,500 words unleashed an outcry among lawyers.

Lawyers in criminal, environmental and securities law insisted that briefs’ lengths should not be shortened because legal issues and statutes are more complex than ever.

As a result, the new word limit − which takes effect on Dec. 1 − will be 13,500 words, a reduction of only 500 words. And appellate judges will have the freedom to opt out of the limits.

The new limit may not provide much relief for judges deluged with verbose briefs.

While workloads vary, according to federal court data, the average federal appeals court judge, for example, might need to read filings for around 1,200 cases annually.

That amount of reading − especially bad reading − can thin the patience of even the most diligent judge.

Briefs “are too long to be persuasive,” said Laurence H. Silberman, a judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

In arguing against a reduction of words, the American Academy of Appellate Lawyers urged singling out “bad briefs” rather than only lengthy ones. It advised courts to “post on their court websites short videos outlining how to write a decent brief.”

Robert N. Markle, a federal appellate lawyer, has argued − in his own personal view, not the government’s − that the limit should be reduced to 10,000 words. In a typical case, he said, “nothing justifies even approaching, much less reaching or exceeding 14,000 words.”

Still, he acknowledged that the cut of 500 words “was at least a start.”

(Adapted from html?_r=0)

A melhor tradução para are barely enough, no trecho Yet a number of lawyers contend that 14,000 words are barely enough to lay out their legal arguments, é

Q2708484 Inglês

Qual seria a melhor tradução para “It may rain tomorrow”?

Q2708483 Inglês

Leia o seguinte excerto:

“The survey defined millennials as people between eighteen and thirty-four. Thirty-one percent of Americans, and forty-one percent of millennials, believe that two million Jews were killed in the Holocaust; the actual number is around six million. Forty-one percent of Americans, and sixty-six percent of millennials, cannot say what Auschwitz was. And fifty-two percent of Americans wrongly think Hitler came to power through force.” (Adapted from

Assinale a alternativa que mostra a sequência correta dos números apresentados no trecho.

Q2703389 Inglês

Assinale a alternativa CORRETA que corresponde a seguinte expressão “Get something out of your system”:

Q2698442 Inglês

Leia o texto a seguir e responda de acordo com ele, as questões 2, 3 e 4.

‘It’s the only way to combat single-

use plastics’: Birmingham’s zero-

waste supermarket


waste shopping promises to cut down on wasteful p ackaging and eradicate single-

use plastics from the weekly grocery shop. But can we really be weaned off our addiction to the ease a nd convenience offered by traditional supermarkets, with their pots of chilled products and plastic-

wrapped packs of fruit?

Jeanette Wong and partner Tom Pell think we can. In June 2018, they opened the Clean Kilo, a zerowaste vegetarian supermarket in Digbeth,

Birmingham where shoppers buy in bulk, bringing in their own containers and filling the m with everything from rice,

pulses and pasta to yoghurt, butter and milk.

The idea is to keep packaging to a minimum, so ev erything is scoopable, pourable and refillable. You c an squeeze your own orange juice, get ice-cream in cones and find a selection of fresh fruit and vegetab les. There are eco-

friendly cleaning products and personal care items. Moisturiser and body wash are sourced locally from nearby Bournville, and the contents of the five-

litre containers can be pumped into shoppers’ vess els. Washing up liquid, detergent and cleaners are dispensed from stainless steel containers into custo mers’ bottles, while laundry and dishwasher powder s are scooped into their containers. There’s not a pi ece of single-use plastic in sight.

Fonte: Acesso em: 08/Out/2019

A tradução correta, respectivamente de “pourable and refillable” é:

16: D
17: B
18: C
19: C
20: A