Questões de Inglês - Verbos modais | Modal verbs para Concurso
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Considering the ideas of the text, mark the following items as right (C) or wrong (E).
In line 32, the word “might” can be correctly replaced
with the modal verb could.
Consider on the text, judge the item.
In the sentence “Real property shouldn’t be
confused” (line 13) “shouldn’t” is an auxiliary verb and
can be correctly replaced by might without changing the
meaning of the sentence.
Concerning the previous text and its linguistic aspects, judge the following item.
In the fragment ‘The good guy only has to keep things in
order’, the word ‘has’ could be correctly replaced with must,
without changing the meaning of the text.
Based on the previous text, judge the following item.
In the first sentence of the text, the word “should” could be
correctly replaced with shall.
Based on the text above, judge the following item.
In “Unqualified teachers may have misconceptions about
phonological phenomena” (second paragraph), the word
“may” could be correctly replaced with might.
Bill: Why aren’t you coming out tonight? Zachary: Because I don’t have any money. If I ______, I with you Bill: Well, what about the movies tomorrow? Zachary: It depends. If my parents _____ me some money, ______ I . Bill: You always have an excuse! Why didn’t you come to Josh?s party last week? Zachary: I didn’t come because I lost my wallet and all my money. If I _____ my wallet, of course I _____ !
The Operations Function
Although somewhat ‘invisible’ to the marketplace the operations function in a typical company accounts for well over half the employment and well over half the physical assets. That, in itself, makes the operations function important. In a company’s organization chart, operations often enjoys parity with the other major business functions: marketing, sales, product engineering, finance control (accounting), and human resources (personnel, labor relations). Sometimes, the operations function is organized as a single entity which stretches out across the entire company, but more often it is embedded in the district, typically product-defined divisions into which most major companies are organized.
In many service businesses, the operations function is typically more visible. Service businesses are often organized into many branches, often with geographic responsibilities – field offices, retail outlets. In such tiers of the organization, operations are paramount.
The operations function itself is, often divided
.................two major groupings .................tasks:
line management and support services. Line management generally refers.................those managers directly concerned................the manufacture of the product or the delivery of the service. They are the ones who are typically close enough to the product or service that they can ‘touch’ it. Line management supervises the hourly, blue-collar workforce. In a manufacturing company, line management frequently extends to the stockroom (where material, parts, and semi-finished products – termed ‘work-in-process inventory – are stored), materials handling, the tool room, maintenance, the warehouse (where finished goods are stored), and distribution, as well as the so-called ‘factory floor’. In a service operation, what is considered line management can broaden considerably. Often, order-taking roles, in addition to orderfilling roles, are supervised by service line managers.
Support services for line management’s operations can be numerous. Within a manufacturing environment, support services carry titles such as quality control, production planning and scheduling, purchasing, inventory control, production control (which determines the status of jobs in the factory and what to do about jobs that may have fallen behind schedule), industrial engineering (which is work methods oriented), manufacturing engineering (which is hardware-oriented), on-going product engineering, and field service. In a service environment, some of the same roles are played but sometimes under vastly different names.
Thus, the managers for whom operational issues are central can hold a variety of titles. In manufacturing, the titles can range from vice-president – manufacturing, works manager, plant manager, and similar titles at the top of the hierarchy, through such titles as manufacturing or production manager, general superintendent, department manager, materials manager, director of quality control, and down to general foreman or foreman. Within service businesses, ‘operations manager’ is sometimes used but frequently the title is more general – business manager, branch manager, retail manager, and so on.
SCHMENNER, Roger W. Production/Operations Management.
5th Edition. Prentice-Hall, 1993.
“Support services for line management’s operations can be numerous.” and “…to do about jobs that may have fallen behind schedule)”
Can be replaced without changing their meanings by:
The Operations Function
Although somewhat ‘invisible’ to the marketplace the operations function in a typical company accounts for well over half the employment and well over half the physical assets. That, in itself, makes the operations function important. In a company’s organization chart, operations often enjoys parity with the other major business functions: marketing, sales, product engineering, finance control (accounting), and human resources (personnel, labor relations). Sometimes, the operations function is organized as a single entity which stretches out across the entire company, but more often it is embedded in the district, typically product-defined divisions into which most major companies are organized.
In many service businesses, the operations function is typically more visible. Service businesses are often organized into many branches, often with geographic responsibilities – field offices, retail outlets. In such tiers of the organization, operations are paramount.
The operations function itself is, often divided
.................two major groupings .................tasks:
line management and support services. Line management generally refers.................those managers directly concerned................the manufacture of the product or the delivery of the service. They are the ones who are typically close enough to the product or service that they can ‘touch’ it. Line management supervises the hourly, blue-collar workforce. In a manufacturing company, line management frequently extends to the stockroom (where material, parts, and semi-finished products – termed ‘work-in-process inventory – are stored), materials handling, the tool room, maintenance, the warehouse (where finished goods are stored), and distribution, as well as the so-called ‘factory floor’. In a service operation, what is considered line management can broaden considerably. Often, order-taking roles, in addition to orderfilling roles, are supervised by service line managers.
Support services for line management’s operations can be numerous. Within a manufacturing environment, support services carry titles such as quality control, production planning and scheduling, purchasing, inventory control, production control (which determines the status of jobs in the factory and what to do about jobs that may have fallen behind schedule), industrial engineering (which is work methods oriented), manufacturing engineering (which is hardware-oriented), on-going product engineering, and field service. In a service environment, some of the same roles are played but sometimes under vastly different names.
Thus, the managers for whom operational issues are central can hold a variety of titles. In manufacturing, the titles can range from vice-president – manufacturing, works manager, plant manager, and similar titles at the top of the hierarchy, through such titles as manufacturing or production manager, general superintendent, department manager, materials manager, director of quality control, and down to general foreman or foreman. Within service businesses, ‘operations manager’ is sometimes used but frequently the title is more general – business manager, branch manager, retail manager, and so on.
SCHMENNER, Roger W. Production/Operations Management.
5th Edition. Prentice-Hall, 1993.
‘…line management frequently extends to the stockroom…’ and ‘…management can broaden considerably.’
Are being used in these sentences as examples of:
The Pros and Cons of Nuclear Power
Since the disaster at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan in 2011, a debate has been raging (1) the future of atomic energy. Consequently, the safety risks have been well publicized in the global media. But do the risks outweigh the damage that could be done to the planet because of our ongoing addiction to fossil fuels?
Even environmentalists don’t have the answer. They are split over nuclear (2) , and its pros and cons. Some say it is neither safe nor economical because it produces potentially (3) radioactive waste, and reactors are so costly to build. However, others believe nuclear energy is a necessary evil. They say we should continue using it until (4) energy sources, like wind turbines and solar panels, can meet global demand. Supporters also argue that nuclear energy helps cut down on carbon emissions from fossil fuels such as coal and natural gas, which are linked to global warming and pollute the environment. They say this is because nuclear reactors produce a tiny fraction of the carbon dioxide generated by burning coal.
But perhaps the biggest hurdle for atomic energy to overcome is its image problem. Despite industry claims of a strong safety record, critics remain unconvinced because each reactor annually produces up to 30 tons of nuclear waste, which can continue to be radioactive and hazardous for thousands of years. Furthermore, the Chernobyl disaster in 1986 left the public with vivid images of the impact of a nuclear meltdown, including deformed babies, mutated vegetables, and abandoned towns.
While nuclear reactors may continue to be installed in some countries for decades to come, after Fukushima others have decided to rethink their energy policies. For example, the German government has revealed plans for a “green” renewable energy plan, even though it has relied on nuclear power for up to 23 percent of its consumption in the past. It has been announced that all seventeen nuclear power plants would be phased out by 2022. The policy will also promote energy-saving measures encouraging people to insulate their homes, recycle, and reduce waste. Experts argue it could be a risky strategy because Germany doesn’t have natural gas or oil supplies, and coal supplies have been depleted.
Meanwhile, in Brazil, there is just one nuclear plant at Angra dos Reis. Nuclear power represents only three per cent of Brazil’s energy production. After sharp oil price rises in the 1970s, the country’s leaders anticipated future energy supply problems. So they concentrated on developing alternative energy sources including biofuel, hydroelectric schemes, and wind power.
This approach seems to be working because by May
2012 plans to build more nuclear reactors were shelved by Brazilian officials. The move was welcomed
by environmental lobby groups, which had feared a
potential ecological catastrophe in case of an accident. If a big country like Brazil, which is the tenth
largest energy consumer in the world, can survive and
improve its economy without much nuclear power,
maybe others can do so, too.
1. They say we should continue using it… 2.…which can continue to be radioactive and hazardous for thousands of years. 3. While nuclear reactors may continue to be installed… 4. Experts argue it could be a risky strategy…
Choose the alternative which presents the correct uses according to their meanings:
“… with production demands that should not have been placed on them.”
The underlined words are being used to express:
O linguista Luiz Antônio Marcuschi, no artigo "Gêneros textuais: definição e funcionalidade", explica que os gêneros são formas presentes já em povos de cultura essencialmente oral, e passam a se multiplicar com o advento da escrita alfabética por volta do século 7 a.C. O célebre filósofo da linguagem Mikhail Bakhtin (1895-1975), diz que o ser humano só se comunica por meio de gêneros. Para o pensador russo, gêneros textuais definem-se principalmente por sua função social. São textos que se realizam por uma (ou mais de uma) razão determinada em uma situação comunicativa (um contexto) para promover uma interação específica. Trata-se de unidades definidas por seus conteúdos, suas propriedades funcionais, estilo e composição organizados em razão do objetivo que cumprem na situação comunicativa.
Sobre o trabalho com gêneros textuais é falso afirmar:
a) Ao interagirem por escrito no contexto escolar, os alunos precisam entender como a forma da língua, ou seja, a estrutura formal e as sequências linguísticas que compõem os vários gêneros textuais acadêmicos fornecem recursos para apresentar a informação e interagir com os outros. No entanto, a multiplicidade de gêneros textuais e a imprecisão quanto à sua classificação levam os aprendizes de LE a uma certa dificuldade para monitorar as habilidades comunicativas destinadas à compreensão e à produção de gêneros discursivos. Tais aprendizes devem ser capazes de controlar a linguagem, o propósito da escrita, o conteúdo e o contexto durante a produção de gêneros textuais que relatam experiências e fatos que expõem, que contam estórias, que contestam e questionam. O reconhecimento do conteúdo, da estrutura formal e das sequências linguísticas compõem as dimensões essenciais à elaboração de um gênero, contribuem para um maior planejamento e melhoria da produção textual escrita dos aprendizes.
b) Aries Nov 3, 2018 - You could feel extremely passionate today, Aries. You might want to connect with a love partner but be prevented by circumstances. You might be attracted to racier novels or movies. Repressed anger could bubble up from your subconscious and seek an outlet. This is a great day to channel that anger into some artistic activity. Don't be surprised if you use a lot of red!
Disponível em: Acesso em 3 Nov 2018.
O texto acima é o que comumente se chama previsão astral. Ele pode ser utilizado para
ensinar os verbos modais.
In “You must do the thing you think you can not do.” (Eleanor Roosevelt), the underlined modal verbs, respectively, express:
A new study has found that antisocial people are more likely to have smaller areas of their brain. Researchers said criminals' brains had a different structure to the brains of people who followed the law. The study is published in the journal "Lancet Psychiatry". Researchers used data from 672 people born in 1972-73. They looked at records of the people's antisocial behaviour between the ages of seven and 26. At the age of 45, the researchers scanned the people's brains. Eighty of the people had a history of criminal and antisocial behaviour from being early teenagers. Researchers found that the areas of the brain linked to emotions, motivation and behaviour control were smaller in the long-term criminals' brains.
Professor Terrie Moffitt, a co-author of the research, said the research could help doctors understand what is behind long-term antisocial behaviour. She said the antisocial people in the study may have behaved badly because of their brain structure. She said: "They are actually operating under some [disability] at the level of the brain." She added that because of this, we needed to care for these people in a kinder way. Lead author Dr Christina Carlisi said: "Differences in brain structure might make it difficult for people to develop social skills. This may prevent them from engaging in antisocial behaviour. These people could benefit from more support throughout their lives."
Available on: Accessed on: March, 20th 2020.
The doctor ordered: You ___ stop drinking beer. The modal verb that better completes the previous sentence is: