Questões de Concurso
Comentadas sobre vocabulário | vocabulary em inglês
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Choose the alternative that presents these kind of words.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta exemplos de palavras do inglês que se tornaram comuns na língua portuguesa.
Magi Richani is the founder of San Francisco-based Nobell Foods, a startup company developing a new kind of cheese made from soybeans. She says plant-based cheese not only accommodates people who can’t consume dairy, but it also could be key to more sustainable food production worldwide. “The reality is that when you raise an animal for food, it’s not just the animals, you are actually growing crops, you are clearing land, and you’re raising the animal for years so it builds biomass,” Richani explained. “It’s an extremely inefficient supply chain.”
Nobell is particularly focused on creating plant-based casein, which is a protein produced when a cow gives birth and is present in the milk for its offspring. It is the ingredient that gives dairy cheese its unique stretchy texture. If Nobell is able to go to market and have the kind of impact it’s hoping to, then plant-based cheese could help us stretch toward a more sustainable future.
Internet: <> (adapted).
Based on the ideas presented in the previous text as well as its linguistic aspects, judge the following item.
The word “offspring”, in the first sentence of the last paragraph, can be replaced with calf without harming the coherence and the correctness of the text.
Despite their popularity, political polls, often seen on TV during elections, sometimes give _______1 results, and some Americans question their _______ 2 .
_______ 3 both 2016 and 2020, most national polls overestimated support for Democrats. Polls aim to show what people think at a certain time but can be tricky to predict future outcomes accurately.
Mallory Newall explains that reliable polls focus on understanding public opinions rather than just predicting election winners. She warns _______4 reading too much into small differences in polls, especially far _______5 election day. Red flags for bad polls include _______6 the right people and not being clear about how the data was collected.
Polling methods _______ 7 since 2016, with more surveys done on line. Online surveys may influence results; however, concerns remain about reaching everyone, especially in rural areas without good internet. Although _______8 challenges, polls remain important _______9 public opinion.
Despite their popularity, political polls, often seen on TV during elections, sometimes give _______1 results, and some Americans question their _______ 2 .
_______ 3 both 2016 and 2020, most national polls overestimated support for Democrats. Polls aim to show what people think at a certain time but can be tricky to predict future outcomes accurately.
Mallory Newall explains that reliable polls focus on understanding public opinions rather than just predicting election winners. She warns _______4 reading too much into small differences in polls, especially far _______5 election day. Red flags for bad polls include _______6 the right people and not being clear about how the data was collected.
Polling methods _______ 7 since 2016, with more surveys done on line. Online surveys may influence results; however, concerns remain about reaching everyone, especially in rural areas without good internet. Although _______8 challenges, polls remain important _______9 public opinion.
Despite their popularity, political polls, often seen on TV during elections, sometimes give _______1 results, and some Americans question their _______ 2 .
_______ 3 both 2016 and 2020, most national polls overestimated support for Democrats. Polls aim to show what people think at a certain time but can be tricky to predict future outcomes accurately.
Mallory Newall explains that reliable polls focus on understanding public opinions rather than just predicting election winners. She warns _______4 reading too much into small differences in polls, especially far _______5 election day. Red flags for bad polls include _______6 the right people and not being clear about how the data was collected.
Polling methods _______ 7 since 2016, with more surveys done on line. Online surveys may influence results; however, concerns remain about reaching everyone, especially in rural areas without good internet. Although _______8 challenges, polls remain important _______9 public opinion.
Despite their popularity, political polls, often seen on TV during elections, sometimes give _______1 results, and some Americans question their _______ 2 .
_______ 3 both 2016 and 2020, most national polls overestimated support for Democrats. Polls aim to show what people think at a certain time but can be tricky to predict future outcomes accurately.
Mallory Newall explains that reliable polls focus on understanding public opinions rather than just predicting election winners. She warns _______4 reading too much into small differences in polls, especially far _______5 election day. Red flags for bad polls include _______6 the right people and not being clear about how the data was collected.
Polling methods _______ 7 since 2016, with more surveys done on line. Online surveys may influence results; however, concerns remain about reaching everyone, especially in rural areas without good internet. Although _______8 challenges, polls remain important _______9 public opinion.
Text I
The BNCC and Twenty-First Century Skills
The most ambitious feature of the BNCC, which only appeared in the document’s third version, was to establish ten core competencies that all students should develop throughout basic education, starting in early childhood. These competencies include lifelong learning, critical thinking, aesthetic sensibilities, communication skills, digital literacy, entrepreneurship, self-care, empathy, citizenship and ethics. The core competencies broaden the goals of basic education well-beyond academic skills to twenty-first century skills widely regarded as essential to preparing the next generations for the challenges of the 4th industrial revolution.
As ambitious as it was, the BNCC was criticized for the lack of explicit links between the ten core competencies and the subject specific competencies and skills, leaving cities and states with the responsibility of making these links themselves. In addition to this, the core competencies are not generally integrated into teacher training programs and are often de-prioritized for the more basic literacy and numeracy needs. In this context, the Ministry of Education and its partners in the third sector have developed orientations, produced videos and online courses aimed at filling this gap, and helped cities and states integrate the ten core competencies in their curricula.
Ensuring all Brazilian students master the ten core competencies laid out by the BNCC by the end of high school is a long-term, extremely ambitious goal. Before we can set a timeframe for when we will be able to achieve this feat, we need to know where we stand. Due to the core competencies’ complexity, each involves several skills, attitudes and sometimes values, it is unclear whether we will be capable of measuring all ten of them and by when. Until then we are in the company of the OECD, which is already tackling this challenge and will likely pave the way for Brazil in this respect
Note: BNCC: Base Nacional Comum Curricular;
OECD: The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
Adapted from
Text I
The BNCC and Twenty-First Century Skills
The most ambitious feature of the BNCC, which only appeared in the document’s third version, was to establish ten core competencies that all students should develop throughout basic education, starting in early childhood. These competencies include lifelong learning, critical thinking, aesthetic sensibilities, communication skills, digital literacy, entrepreneurship, self-care, empathy, citizenship and ethics. The core competencies broaden the goals of basic education well-beyond academic skills to twenty-first century skills widely regarded as essential to preparing the next generations for the challenges of the 4th industrial revolution.
As ambitious as it was, the BNCC was criticized for the lack of explicit links between the ten core competencies and the subject specific competencies and skills, leaving cities and states with the responsibility of making these links themselves. In addition to this, the core competencies are not generally integrated into teacher training programs and are often de-prioritized for the more basic literacy and numeracy needs. In this context, the Ministry of Education and its partners in the third sector have developed orientations, produced videos and online courses aimed at filling this gap, and helped cities and states integrate the ten core competencies in their curricula.
Ensuring all Brazilian students master the ten core competencies laid out by the BNCC by the end of high school is a long-term, extremely ambitious goal. Before we can set a timeframe for when we will be able to achieve this feat, we need to know where we stand. Due to the core competencies’ complexity, each involves several skills, attitudes and sometimes values, it is unclear whether we will be capable of measuring all ten of them and by when. Until then we are in the company of the OECD, which is already tackling this challenge and will likely pave the way for Brazil in this respect
Note: BNCC: Base Nacional Comum Curricular;
OECD: The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
Adapted from
Finding and identifying problems helps students practice detecting problems. Problem identification is found to be more important for reviewer learning, perhaps because reviewers are involved in more highly cognitive demanding activities when identifying problems. Interestingly, it is easier to see problems in documents/objects produced by ____________ than in ____________ documents because learners often “see” what they meant to produce and not what they actually produced. Thus, ____________ may be an easier context in which to practice skills related to repairing errors because errors are more easily detected
SCHUNN, Christian D. The Learning Science of Multi - Peer Feedback for EFL Students. Disponível em: s_Schunn_Wu_2019.pdf. Acesso em: 12 jul. 2024. Adaptado.
Em sequência, as palavras que completam corretamente essas lacunas são:
How do most teachers use micro-dictations?
However ‘small’ they are, micro-dictations have great value! They can help students notice connected speech, which is what usually blocks their understanding in a listening lesson. The teacher reads the sentences or plays the recording. They repeat each sentence a few times. Example: He must have gone out.
Students listen and write what they hear.
The teacher now writes the sentence on the whiteboard and asks students to compare it to theirs.
Finally, the teacher asks: which part was difficult to understand and why?
TSATERI, Rachel. World of better learning. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 jul. 2024. Adaptado.
O texto acima discorre sobre como os professores podem usar micro-dictations. Qual das estratégias abaixo corresponde a uma técnica de micro-dictation?
What does a CCQ mean?
A concept checking question is a question designed to help the teacher check students’ understanding of a language item (grammar structure, vocabulary, fixed expression). “Do you understand?”, “Is that clear?”, “We all know that, right?” or “OK?” should be absolute taboos.
When to ask CCQs?
Every time you explain new material or need to check whether students know what you are talking about. CCQs are particularly useful after guided practice and at the end of the lesson as a review.
How to ask CCQs?
There are some simple rules that can help you create good CCQs and use them effectively:
1. CCQs should be easy to understand, use simple language in CCQs.
2. Don’t use the target language in CCQs;
E.g. I’ll meet her tomorrow.
Bad CCQ: Will I meet her next week?
3. Don’t use new vocabulary in CCQs;
4. Plan CCQs in advance;
5. Ask at least 2 CCQs to cover all of the important aspects of the target language;
6. CCQs should check the meaning of the target language, not of the situation.
E.g. She’s been in bed all day.
Bad CCQ: Is she sick?
7. Some of the most efficient CCQs are yes/no questions along with either/or questions; simple Wh-questions and true/false statements.
My TEFL. Concept Checking Questions (CCQs). My Tefl, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 jul. 2024. Adaptado.
Considere que você precisa ensinar o sentido do termo em destaque na frase “His pink car stands out on the road”. A partir da leitura sobre as CCQ’s, qual das alternativas abaixo apresenta uma CCQ efetiva para checar o entendimento do aluno sobre o sentido do termo ‘stand out’?
Analyze the following statement about cognates and false cognates.
The English word "fabric" is a cognate of the
Portuguese word "fábrica," both referring to a place
where cloth or textile materials are produced.
Analyze the following statement about cognates and false cognates.
The English word "eventually" and the Portuguese
word "eventualmente" are false cognates, as "eventually"
indicates something that will happen at some point in the
future, while "eventualmente" means something that
happens occasionally or at irregular intervals.
Available at:
-are-moving-beyond-sustainability-welcome-to-the-age-ofregeneration/. Retrieved on: Jun 14, 2024. Adapted.