Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de São João do Oeste - SC 2019 para Professor - Inglês

Foram encontradas 3 questões

Q1067373 Inglês

If you want to study French, you should start learn it right now.

The bold item should be corrected as:

Q1067375 Inglês

Observe the dialogue below.

A: We don't have central heating, but we have coal fires. You have central heating, __?

B: Yes, we do. But coal fires are nice, __? More comforting than a radiator.

Identify the best alternative that completes the context.

Q1067377 Inglês

Observe the sentences below.

I. An one-year-old child died in the hospital after falling into a pool on Tuesday;

II. We stay as a united group and we don't have any differences within the community;

III. He placed an wheel and tire in an old Russian sedan;

IV. No bond can match up the equation of a sister and a brother.

Observing the bold articles, identify the correct alternative.

1: A
2: D
3: C