Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Barra Bonita - SC 2021 para Professor de Inglês - Não Habilitado

Foram encontradas 20 questões

Q1686970 História e Geografia de Estados e Municípios
A emancipação política e administrativa de Barra Bonita ocorreu em outubro de 1995 através da lei nº 10.052. Este processo foi definido por meio da realização:
Q1692258 Inglês
Drones could help create a quantum internet

    The quantum internet may be coming to you via drone.
    Scientists have now used drones to transmit particles of light, or photons, that share the quantum linkage called entanglement. The photons were sent to two locations a kilometer apart, researchers report in a study to appear.
    Entangled quantum particles can retain their interconnected properties even when separated by long distances. Such counterintuitive behavior can be harnessed to allow new types of communication.
    Quantum networks made with fiber-optic cables are already beginning to be used. And a quantum satellite can transmit photons across China. Drones could serve as another technology for such networks, with the advantages of being easily movable as well as relatively quick and cheap to deploy.
    In the future, fleets of drones could work together to send entangled particles to recipients in a variety of locations. 
De acordo com o texto:
Q1692259 Inglês
Drones could help create a quantum internet

    The quantum internet may be coming to you via drone.
    Scientists have now used drones to transmit particles of light, or photons, that share the quantum linkage called entanglement. The photons were sent to two locations a kilometer apart, researchers report in a study to appear.
    Entangled quantum particles can retain their interconnected properties even when separated by long distances. Such counterintuitive behavior can be harnessed to allow new types of communication.
    Quantum networks made with fiber-optic cables are already beginning to be used. And a quantum satellite can transmit photons across China. Drones could serve as another technology for such networks, with the advantages of being easily movable as well as relatively quick and cheap to deploy.
    In the future, fleets of drones could work together to send entangled particles to recipients in a variety of locations. 
No texto, a palavra “photons” significa:
Q1692260 Inglês
Drones could help create a quantum internet

    The quantum internet may be coming to you via drone.
    Scientists have now used drones to transmit particles of light, or photons, that share the quantum linkage called entanglement. The photons were sent to two locations a kilometer apart, researchers report in a study to appear.
    Entangled quantum particles can retain their interconnected properties even when separated by long distances. Such counterintuitive behavior can be harnessed to allow new types of communication.
    Quantum networks made with fiber-optic cables are already beginning to be used. And a quantum satellite can transmit photons across China. Drones could serve as another technology for such networks, with the advantages of being easily movable as well as relatively quick and cheap to deploy.
    In the future, fleets of drones could work together to send entangled particles to recipients in a variety of locations. 
No texto, “a kilometer apart” significa:
Q1692261 Inglês
Drones could help create a quantum internet

    The quantum internet may be coming to you via drone.
    Scientists have now used drones to transmit particles of light, or photons, that share the quantum linkage called entanglement. The photons were sent to two locations a kilometer apart, researchers report in a study to appear.
    Entangled quantum particles can retain their interconnected properties even when separated by long distances. Such counterintuitive behavior can be harnessed to allow new types of communication.
    Quantum networks made with fiber-optic cables are already beginning to be used. And a quantum satellite can transmit photons across China. Drones could serve as another technology for such networks, with the advantages of being easily movable as well as relatively quick and cheap to deploy.
    In the future, fleets of drones could work together to send entangled particles to recipients in a variety of locations. 
A frase “Entangled quantum particles can retain their interconnected properties even when separated by long distances” está no tempo:
Q1692262 Inglês
Drones could help create a quantum internet

    The quantum internet may be coming to you via drone.
    Scientists have now used drones to transmit particles of light, or photons, that share the quantum linkage called entanglement. The photons were sent to two locations a kilometer apart, researchers report in a study to appear.
    Entangled quantum particles can retain their interconnected properties even when separated by long distances. Such counterintuitive behavior can be harnessed to allow new types of communication.
    Quantum networks made with fiber-optic cables are already beginning to be used. And a quantum satellite can transmit photons across China. Drones could serve as another technology for such networks, with the advantages of being easily movable as well as relatively quick and cheap to deploy.
    In the future, fleets of drones could work together to send entangled particles to recipients in a variety of locations. 
No texto, “quick and cheap to deploy” significa:
Q1692263 Inglês
Drones could help create a quantum internet

    The quantum internet may be coming to you via drone.
    Scientists have now used drones to transmit particles of light, or photons, that share the quantum linkage called entanglement. The photons were sent to two locations a kilometer apart, researchers report in a study to appear.
    Entangled quantum particles can retain their interconnected properties even when separated by long distances. Such counterintuitive behavior can be harnessed to allow new types of communication.
    Quantum networks made with fiber-optic cables are already beginning to be used. And a quantum satellite can transmit photons across China. Drones could serve as another technology for such networks, with the advantages of being easily movable as well as relatively quick and cheap to deploy.
    In the future, fleets of drones could work together to send entangled particles to recipients in a variety of locations. 
No texto, a palavra recipients, em “send entangled particles to recipients” significa:
Q1692264 Inglês
Drones could help create a quantum internet

    The quantum internet may be coming to you via drone.
    Scientists have now used drones to transmit particles of light, or photons, that share the quantum linkage called entanglement. The photons were sent to two locations a kilometer apart, researchers report in a study to appear.
    Entangled quantum particles can retain their interconnected properties even when separated by long distances. Such counterintuitive behavior can be harnessed to allow new types of communication.
    Quantum networks made with fiber-optic cables are already beginning to be used. And a quantum satellite can transmit photons across China. Drones could serve as another technology for such networks, with the advantages of being easily movable as well as relatively quick and cheap to deploy.
    In the future, fleets of drones could work together to send entangled particles to recipients in a variety of locations. 
No texto, “can be harnessed” significa:
Q1692265 Pedagogia
O ensino da leitura em língua estrangeira no Brasil leva em conta sua relevância social para sua aprendizagem.A este respeito, considere os itens abaixo.
I. A leitura atende, por um lado, às necessidades da educação formal, e, por outro, é a habilidade que o aluno pode usar em seu contexto social imediato;
II. A aprendizagem de leitura em Língua Estrangeira pode ajudar o desenvolvimento integral do letramento do aluno;
III. A leitura tem função primordial na escola e aprender a ler em outra língua pode colaborar no desempenho do aluno como leitor em sua língua materna.
Dos itens acima:
Q1692266 Inglês
Dentre os elementos relacionados ao processo de produção escrita em inglês, é correto afirmar:
Q1692267 Pedagogia
Com relação aos procedimentos didáticos para o desenvolvimento das habilidades comunicativas na aprendizagem de língua estrangeira, considere os itens abaixo.
(__) O acesso a revistas, jornais, livros ou vídeos, dentre outros recursos, típicos do mundo fora da sala de aula, deve ser limitado na elaboração de tarefas pedagógicas;
(__) Softwares adequados podem se constituir em apoio eficaz, particularmente se incluírem elementos visuais e sonoros acompanhando o conteúdo linguístico;
(__) É importante deixar claro para o aluno a desvinculação do que se faz em sala de aula com o mundo exterior para evitar interferências negativas no processo de aprendizagem;
(__) A tarefa tem como objetivo facilitar a aprendizagem por meio do engajamento do aluno em um tipo de atividade que corresponda na sala de aula a tarefas da realidade extraclasse.
Considerando (V) como Verdadeiro e (F) como Falso, a sequência correta para as proposições acima é:
Q1692268 Inglês
Sobre o ensino de língua inglesa e sua relação com outras culturas:
Q1692269 Inglês
Considere a frase abaixo:
I felt angry.
A palavra em destaque é um:
Q1692270 Inglês
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta corretamente o negativo da frase abaixo: We work hard everyday.
Q1692271 Inglês
O plural de technology é:
Q1692272 Direito da Criança e do Adolescente - Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA) - Lei nº 8.069 de 1990
O Conselho Tutelar é órgão permanente e autônomo, não jurisdicional, encarregado pela sociedade de zelar pelo cumprimento dos direitos da criança e do adolescente, definidos na Lei n° 8.069/90. Sobre o tema, assinale a alternativa correta:
Q1692273 Pedagogia
Sobre o ensino fundamental, assinale a alternativa correta, de acordo com a Lei n° 9.394/96:
Q1692274 Direito Constitucional
Nos termos da Constituição Federal de 1988, assinale a alternativa correta sobre a admissão de professores, técnicos e cientistas estrangeiros pelas universidades:
Q1692276 Geografia
Em janeiro de 2021, o presidente Francês Emmanuel Macron fez duras críticas à produção agropecuária brasileira, afirmando que parte da exportação é derivada do desmatamento amazônico. O produto agrícola ao qual fez referência o presidente francês é:
Q1692277 Conhecimentos Gerais
A Comissão de Direitos Humanos da Etiópia disse que no início de janeiro mais de 80 civis morreram em uma ação no oeste do país, na região de Benishangul-Gumuz. A principal causa dos conflitos atuais no país é:
1: B
2: B
3: A
4: C
5: D
6: C
7: B
8: A
9: D
10: A
11: B
12: C
13: A
14: C
15: D
16: A
17: C
18: D
19: D
20: A