Questões de Concurso Público NUCLEP 2014 para ENGENHEIRO (MANUTENÇÃO ELÉTRICA)

Foram encontradas 7 questões

Q2849001 Inglês
not valid statement found
In relation to the information the text offers, mark the statements below as TRUE (T) or FALSE (F):

( ) Automated drilling is irrelevant to the oil industry.

( ) It is possible to drill 5,000 meters only automatically.

( ) One can fly more than 4,000 miles with an automatic pilot.

The statements are, respectively:
Q2849003 Inglês
not valid statement found
Read the following statements:

I. The process of drilling automatically is too costly.

II. Automated drilling requires fewer employees.

III. Experienced drillers are becoming scarcer.

Choose the correct answer:
Q2849008 Inglês
not valid statement found
According to the text, the environmentalists’ dream is to:
Q2849009 Inglês
not valid statement found
In relation to the information the text offers, mark the statements below as TRUE (T) or FALSE (F):

( ) The Chinese have been holding exports back.

( ) Replacing rare-earth metals is quite an easy task.

( ) Demand for rare earths depends on MIT findings.

The statements are, respectively:
1: A
2: D
3: C
4: A
5: E