Questões de Concurso Público Petrobras 2011 para Estatístico Júnior, 2011
Foram encontradas 45 questões
Texto I
Palavras consideradas difíceis, como “engala-
nada”, já não atraem muitos autores de escola de
samba. A busca agora é pela comunicação direta.
Em 2011, “vai” será a palavra mais repetida nos des-
5 files das 12 escolas do Grupo Especial: 19 vezes no
total. Em seguida, uma variação do mesmo verbo:
“vou”, com dez repetições. Essa também será a in-
cidência de “vida” e “amor” (dez vezes cada uma).
“Luz” e “mar” (nove vezes) fecham o pódio das mais
10 populares de 2011. Isto sem considerar as repetições
de uma mesma música, uma vez que ela não muda
durante todo o desfile das escolas.
Outrora clássicas, palavras como “relicário” e “di-
vinal” só aparecerão uma vez cada uma. E “engala-
15 nado”, que já teve seus dias de estrela, ficará mesmo
de fora dos desfiles do Grupo Especial.
Para especialistas, as palavras mais usadas atu-
almente são curtas, chamam o público e motivam os
20___– “Vai” é a clara tentativa do compositor de em-
polgar e envolver a plateia desde o concurso das es-
colas, quando tem que mostrar às comissões julgadoras
que suas músicas têm capacidade de empolgar.
25 “Vou” está na linha de “vai”: chama, motiva. Quanto a
“vida” e “amor”, refletem o otimismo do carnaval. Ne-
nhuma palavra fica no campo semântico do pessimismo,
tristeza. E “mundo” deixa claro o aspecto gran-
dioso, assim como “céu” – disse o jornalista Marcelo
de Mello, jurado do estandarte de Ouro desde 1993.
30___Dudu Botelho, compositor do Salgueiro, é um
dos compositores dos sambas de 2007, 2008 e 2011.
O samba de sua escola, aliás, tem três das seis pala-
vras mais recorrentes: “vida”, “luz” e “mar”:
– O compositor tenta, através da letra, estimular
35 o componente e a comunidade a se inserir no roteiro
do enredo.
Todas as palavras mais repetidas no carnaval
estão entre as mais usadas nos sambas das últimas
campeãs dos anos 2000. “Terra” foi a mais escolhida
40 (11 vezes). Em seguida, apareceram “vou” e “pra”
(nove vezes); “luz”, “mar”, e “fé” (oito); “Brasil” (sete);
e “vai”, “amor”, “carnaval” e “liberdade” (seis); e “vida”
Para Marcelo de Mello, a repetição das mesmas
45 palavras indica um empobrecimento das letras:
– O visual ganhou um peso grande. A última es-
cola que venceu um campeonato por causa do sam-
ba foi o Salgueiro em 1993, com o refrão “explode
MOTTA, Cláudio. Repique das mesmas palavras.
O Globo, 09 fev. 2011. Adaptado
Segundo o Texto I, o motivo real para o emprego de palavras mais curtas se dá porque
Texto I
Palavras consideradas difíceis, como “engala-
nada”, já não atraem muitos autores de escola de
samba. A busca agora é pela comunicação direta.
Em 2011, “vai” será a palavra mais repetida nos des-
5 files das 12 escolas do Grupo Especial: 19 vezes no
total. Em seguida, uma variação do mesmo verbo:
“vou”, com dez repetições. Essa também será a in-
cidência de “vida” e “amor” (dez vezes cada uma).
“Luz” e “mar” (nove vezes) fecham o pódio das mais
10 populares de 2011. Isto sem considerar as repetições
de uma mesma música, uma vez que ela não muda
durante todo o desfile das escolas.
Outrora clássicas, palavras como “relicário” e “di-
vinal” só aparecerão uma vez cada uma. E “engala-
15 nado”, que já teve seus dias de estrela, ficará mesmo
de fora dos desfiles do Grupo Especial.
Para especialistas, as palavras mais usadas atu-
almente são curtas, chamam o público e motivam os
20___– “Vai” é a clara tentativa do compositor de em-
polgar e envolver a plateia desde o concurso das es-
colas, quando tem que mostrar às comissões julgadoras
que suas músicas têm capacidade de empolgar.
25 “Vou” está na linha de “vai”: chama, motiva. Quanto a
“vida” e “amor”, refletem o otimismo do carnaval. Ne-
nhuma palavra fica no campo semântico do pessimismo,
tristeza. E “mundo” deixa claro o aspecto gran-
dioso, assim como “céu” – disse o jornalista Marcelo
de Mello, jurado do estandarte de Ouro desde 1993.
30___Dudu Botelho, compositor do Salgueiro, é um
dos compositores dos sambas de 2007, 2008 e 2011.
O samba de sua escola, aliás, tem três das seis pala-
vras mais recorrentes: “vida”, “luz” e “mar”:
– O compositor tenta, através da letra, estimular
35 o componente e a comunidade a se inserir no roteiro
do enredo.
Todas as palavras mais repetidas no carnaval
estão entre as mais usadas nos sambas das últimas
campeãs dos anos 2000. “Terra” foi a mais escolhida
40 (11 vezes). Em seguida, apareceram “vou” e “pra”
(nove vezes); “luz”, “mar”, e “fé” (oito); “Brasil” (sete);
e “vai”, “amor”, “carnaval” e “liberdade” (seis); e “vida”
Para Marcelo de Mello, a repetição das mesmas
45 palavras indica um empobrecimento das letras:
– O visual ganhou um peso grande. A última es-
cola que venceu um campeonato por causa do sam-
ba foi o Salgueiro em 1993, com o refrão “explode
MOTTA, Cláudio. Repique das mesmas palavras.
O Globo, 09 fev. 2011. Adaptado
O Texto I pode ser lido como um jogo de oposições.
A única oposição que NÃO aparece na matéria é
Texto I
Palavras consideradas difíceis, como “engala-
nada”, já não atraem muitos autores de escola de
samba. A busca agora é pela comunicação direta.
Em 2011, “vai” será a palavra mais repetida nos des-
5 files das 12 escolas do Grupo Especial: 19 vezes no
total. Em seguida, uma variação do mesmo verbo:
“vou”, com dez repetições. Essa também será a in-
cidência de “vida” e “amor” (dez vezes cada uma).
“Luz” e “mar” (nove vezes) fecham o pódio das mais
10 populares de 2011. Isto sem considerar as repetições
de uma mesma música, uma vez que ela não muda
durante todo o desfile das escolas.
Outrora clássicas, palavras como “relicário” e “di-
vinal” só aparecerão uma vez cada uma. E “engala-
15 nado”, que já teve seus dias de estrela, ficará mesmo
de fora dos desfiles do Grupo Especial.
Para especialistas, as palavras mais usadas atu-
almente são curtas, chamam o público e motivam os
20___– “Vai” é a clara tentativa do compositor de em-
polgar e envolver a plateia desde o concurso das es-
colas, quando tem que mostrar às comissões julgadoras
que suas músicas têm capacidade de empolgar.
25 “Vou” está na linha de “vai”: chama, motiva. Quanto a
“vida” e “amor”, refletem o otimismo do carnaval. Ne-
nhuma palavra fica no campo semântico do pessimismo,
tristeza. E “mundo” deixa claro o aspecto gran-
dioso, assim como “céu” – disse o jornalista Marcelo
de Mello, jurado do estandarte de Ouro desde 1993.
30___Dudu Botelho, compositor do Salgueiro, é um
dos compositores dos sambas de 2007, 2008 e 2011.
O samba de sua escola, aliás, tem três das seis pala-
vras mais recorrentes: “vida”, “luz” e “mar”:
– O compositor tenta, através da letra, estimular
35 o componente e a comunidade a se inserir no roteiro
do enredo.
Todas as palavras mais repetidas no carnaval
estão entre as mais usadas nos sambas das últimas
campeãs dos anos 2000. “Terra” foi a mais escolhida
40 (11 vezes). Em seguida, apareceram “vou” e “pra”
(nove vezes); “luz”, “mar”, e “fé” (oito); “Brasil” (sete);
e “vai”, “amor”, “carnaval” e “liberdade” (seis); e “vida”
Para Marcelo de Mello, a repetição das mesmas
45 palavras indica um empobrecimento das letras:
– O visual ganhou um peso grande. A última es-
cola que venceu um campeonato por causa do sam-
ba foi o Salgueiro em 1993, com o refrão “explode
MOTTA, Cláudio. Repique das mesmas palavras.
O Globo, 09 fev. 2011. Adaptado
A escolha do título de um texto nunca é aleatória.
O emprego da palavra repique no título do Texto I revela a intenção de
Texto I
Palavras consideradas difíceis, como “engala-
nada”, já não atraem muitos autores de escola de
samba. A busca agora é pela comunicação direta.
Em 2011, “vai” será a palavra mais repetida nos des-
5 files das 12 escolas do Grupo Especial: 19 vezes no
total. Em seguida, uma variação do mesmo verbo:
“vou”, com dez repetições. Essa também será a in-
cidência de “vida” e “amor” (dez vezes cada uma).
“Luz” e “mar” (nove vezes) fecham o pódio das mais
10 populares de 2011. Isto sem considerar as repetições
de uma mesma música, uma vez que ela não muda
durante todo o desfile das escolas.
Outrora clássicas, palavras como “relicário” e “di-
vinal” só aparecerão uma vez cada uma. E “engala-
15 nado”, que já teve seus dias de estrela, ficará mesmo
de fora dos desfiles do Grupo Especial.
Para especialistas, as palavras mais usadas atu-
almente são curtas, chamam o público e motivam os
20___– “Vai” é a clara tentativa do compositor de em-
polgar e envolver a plateia desde o concurso das es-
colas, quando tem que mostrar às comissões julgadoras
que suas músicas têm capacidade de empolgar.
25 “Vou” está na linha de “vai”: chama, motiva. Quanto a
“vida” e “amor”, refletem o otimismo do carnaval. Ne-
nhuma palavra fica no campo semântico do pessimismo,
tristeza. E “mundo” deixa claro o aspecto gran-
dioso, assim como “céu” – disse o jornalista Marcelo
de Mello, jurado do estandarte de Ouro desde 1993.
30___Dudu Botelho, compositor do Salgueiro, é um
dos compositores dos sambas de 2007, 2008 e 2011.
O samba de sua escola, aliás, tem três das seis pala-
vras mais recorrentes: “vida”, “luz” e “mar”:
– O compositor tenta, através da letra, estimular
35 o componente e a comunidade a se inserir no roteiro
do enredo.
Todas as palavras mais repetidas no carnaval
estão entre as mais usadas nos sambas das últimas
campeãs dos anos 2000. “Terra” foi a mais escolhida
40 (11 vezes). Em seguida, apareceram “vou” e “pra”
(nove vezes); “luz”, “mar”, e “fé” (oito); “Brasil” (sete);
e “vai”, “amor”, “carnaval” e “liberdade” (seis); e “vida”
Para Marcelo de Mello, a repetição das mesmas
45 palavras indica um empobrecimento das letras:
– O visual ganhou um peso grande. A última es-
cola que venceu um campeonato por causa do sam-
ba foi o Salgueiro em 1993, com o refrão “explode
MOTTA, Cláudio. Repique das mesmas palavras.
O Globo, 09 fev. 2011. Adaptado
A última fala do texto, de Marcelo de Mello, poderia ser introduzida por um conectivo, que preencheria a frase abaixo.
A repetição das mesmas palavras indica um empobrecimento das letras __________ o visual ganhou um peso grande.
A respeito do emprego desse conectivo, analise as afirmações a seguir.
I - O conectivo adequado seria porque, uma vez que estabelece uma relação de causa.
II - O conectivo adequado seria por que, uma vez que se reconhecem aqui duas palavras.
III - O conectivo levaria acento, porquê, já que pode ser substituído pelo termo “o motivo”, ou “a razão”.
É correto o que se afirma em
Texto I
Palavras consideradas difíceis, como “engala-
nada”, já não atraem muitos autores de escola de
samba. A busca agora é pela comunicação direta.
Em 2011, “vai” será a palavra mais repetida nos des-
5 files das 12 escolas do Grupo Especial: 19 vezes no
total. Em seguida, uma variação do mesmo verbo:
“vou”, com dez repetições. Essa também será a in-
cidência de “vida” e “amor” (dez vezes cada uma).
“Luz” e “mar” (nove vezes) fecham o pódio das mais
10 populares de 2011. Isto sem considerar as repetições
de uma mesma música, uma vez que ela não muda
durante todo o desfile das escolas.
Outrora clássicas, palavras como “relicário” e “di-
vinal” só aparecerão uma vez cada uma. E “engala-
15 nado”, que já teve seus dias de estrela, ficará mesmo
de fora dos desfiles do Grupo Especial.
Para especialistas, as palavras mais usadas atu-
almente são curtas, chamam o público e motivam os
20___– “Vai” é a clara tentativa do compositor de em-
polgar e envolver a plateia desde o concurso das es-
colas, quando tem que mostrar às comissões julgadoras
que suas músicas têm capacidade de empolgar.
25 “Vou” está na linha de “vai”: chama, motiva. Quanto a
“vida” e “amor”, refletem o otimismo do carnaval. Ne-
nhuma palavra fica no campo semântico do pessimismo,
tristeza. E “mundo” deixa claro o aspecto gran-
dioso, assim como “céu” – disse o jornalista Marcelo
de Mello, jurado do estandarte de Ouro desde 1993.
30___Dudu Botelho, compositor do Salgueiro, é um
dos compositores dos sambas de 2007, 2008 e 2011.
O samba de sua escola, aliás, tem três das seis pala-
vras mais recorrentes: “vida”, “luz” e “mar”:
– O compositor tenta, através da letra, estimular
35 o componente e a comunidade a se inserir no roteiro
do enredo.
Todas as palavras mais repetidas no carnaval
estão entre as mais usadas nos sambas das últimas
campeãs dos anos 2000. “Terra” foi a mais escolhida
40 (11 vezes). Em seguida, apareceram “vou” e “pra”
(nove vezes); “luz”, “mar”, e “fé” (oito); “Brasil” (sete);
e “vai”, “amor”, “carnaval” e “liberdade” (seis); e “vida”
Para Marcelo de Mello, a repetição das mesmas
45 palavras indica um empobrecimento das letras:
– O visual ganhou um peso grande. A última es-
cola que venceu um campeonato por causa do sam-
ba foi o Salgueiro em 1993, com o refrão “explode
MOTTA, Cláudio. Repique das mesmas palavras.
O Globo, 09 fev. 2011. Adaptado
“Essa também será a incidência de ‘vida’ e ‘amor’ (dez vezes cada uma).” (l. 7-8)
O substantivo incidência vem do verbo incidir. Dos verbos a seguir, o único que segue esse mesmo paradigma é
Texto II
O uso do termo “diferenciada” com sentido negativo ressuscita o preconceito de classe
“Você já viu o tipo de gente que fica ao redor das
estações do metrô? Drogados, mendigos, uma gen-
te diferenciada.” As palavras atribuídas à psicóloga
Guiomar Ferreira, moradora há 26 anos do bairro Hi-
5 gienópolis, em São Paulo, colocaram lenha na polê-
mica sobre a construção de uma estação de metrô na
região, onde se concentra parte da elite paulistana.
Guiomar nega ser a autora da frase. Mas a autoria,
convenhamos, é o de menos. A menção a camelôs
10 e usuários do transporte público ressuscitou velhos
preconceitos de classe, e pode deixar como lembran-
ça a volta de um clichê: o termo “diferenciada”.
A palavra nunca fora usada até então com viés
pejorativo no Brasil. Habitava o jargão corporativo
15 e publicitário, sendo usada como sinônimo vago de
algo “especial”, “destacado” ou “diferente” (sempre
para melhor).
– Não me consta que já houvesse um “diferencia-
do” negativamente marcado. Não tenho nenhum co-
20 nhecimento de existência desse “clichê”. Parece-me
que a origem, aí, foi absolutamente episódica, nas-
cida da infeliz declaração – explica Maria Helena Mou-
ra Neves, professora da Unesp de Araraquara (SP) e
do Mackenzie.
25___Para a professora, o termo pode até ganhar as
ruas com o sentido negativo, mas não devido a um
deslizamento semântico natural. Por natural, entenda-
se uma direção semântica provocada pela con-
figuração de sentido do termo originário. No verbo
30 “diferenciar”, algo que “se diferencia” será bom, ao
contrário do que ocorreu com o verbo “discriminar”,
por exemplo. Ao virar “discriminado”, implicou algo
negativo. Maria Helena, porém, não crê que a nova
acepção de “diferenciado” tenha vida longa.
35___– Não deve vingar, a não ser como chiste, aquelas
coisas que vêm entre aspas, de brincadeira –
emenda ela. [...]
MURANO, Edgard.
Disponível em: <>.
Acesso em: 05 jul. 2011. Adaptado.
O verbo ganhar (l. 25), na sua forma usual, é considerado um verbo abundante, apresentando, pois, duas formas de particípio: uma forma regular (ganhado); outra, irregular, supletiva (ganho).
Dentre os verbos encontrados no Texto II, qual é aquele que apresenta SOMENTE uma forma irregular?
Texto II
O uso do termo “diferenciada” com sentido negativo ressuscita o preconceito de classe
“Você já viu o tipo de gente que fica ao redor das
estações do metrô? Drogados, mendigos, uma gen-
te diferenciada.” As palavras atribuídas à psicóloga
Guiomar Ferreira, moradora há 26 anos do bairro Hi-
5 gienópolis, em São Paulo, colocaram lenha na polê-
mica sobre a construção de uma estação de metrô na
região, onde se concentra parte da elite paulistana.
Guiomar nega ser a autora da frase. Mas a autoria,
convenhamos, é o de menos. A menção a camelôs
10 e usuários do transporte público ressuscitou velhos
preconceitos de classe, e pode deixar como lembran-
ça a volta de um clichê: o termo “diferenciada”.
A palavra nunca fora usada até então com viés
pejorativo no Brasil. Habitava o jargão corporativo
15 e publicitário, sendo usada como sinônimo vago de
algo “especial”, “destacado” ou “diferente” (sempre
para melhor).
– Não me consta que já houvesse um “diferencia-
do” negativamente marcado. Não tenho nenhum co-
20 nhecimento de existência desse “clichê”. Parece-me
que a origem, aí, foi absolutamente episódica, nas-
cida da infeliz declaração – explica Maria Helena Mou-
ra Neves, professora da Unesp de Araraquara (SP) e
do Mackenzie.
25___Para a professora, o termo pode até ganhar as
ruas com o sentido negativo, mas não devido a um
deslizamento semântico natural. Por natural, entenda-
se uma direção semântica provocada pela con-
figuração de sentido do termo originário. No verbo
30 “diferenciar”, algo que “se diferencia” será bom, ao
contrário do que ocorreu com o verbo “discriminar”,
por exemplo. Ao virar “discriminado”, implicou algo
negativo. Maria Helena, porém, não crê que a nova
acepção de “diferenciado” tenha vida longa.
35___– Não deve vingar, a não ser como chiste, aquelas
coisas que vêm entre aspas, de brincadeira –
emenda ela. [...]
MURANO, Edgard.
Disponível em: <>.
Acesso em: 05 jul. 2011. Adaptado.
Na última fala do Texto II, a forma verbal vingar está com o sentido de “ter bom êxito”, “dar certo”. (l. 35)
Em qual das frases abaixo o verbo em negrito apresenta a mesma regência de vingar?
Texto II
O uso do termo “diferenciada” com sentido negativo ressuscita o preconceito de classe
“Você já viu o tipo de gente que fica ao redor das
estações do metrô? Drogados, mendigos, uma gen-
te diferenciada.” As palavras atribuídas à psicóloga
Guiomar Ferreira, moradora há 26 anos do bairro Hi-
5 gienópolis, em São Paulo, colocaram lenha na polê-
mica sobre a construção de uma estação de metrô na
região, onde se concentra parte da elite paulistana.
Guiomar nega ser a autora da frase. Mas a autoria,
convenhamos, é o de menos. A menção a camelôs
10 e usuários do transporte público ressuscitou velhos
preconceitos de classe, e pode deixar como lembran-
ça a volta de um clichê: o termo “diferenciada”.
A palavra nunca fora usada até então com viés
pejorativo no Brasil. Habitava o jargão corporativo
15 e publicitário, sendo usada como sinônimo vago de
algo “especial”, “destacado” ou “diferente” (sempre
para melhor).
– Não me consta que já houvesse um “diferencia-
do” negativamente marcado. Não tenho nenhum co-
20 nhecimento de existência desse “clichê”. Parece-me
que a origem, aí, foi absolutamente episódica, nas-
cida da infeliz declaração – explica Maria Helena Mou-
ra Neves, professora da Unesp de Araraquara (SP) e
do Mackenzie.
25___Para a professora, o termo pode até ganhar as
ruas com o sentido negativo, mas não devido a um
deslizamento semântico natural. Por natural, entenda-
se uma direção semântica provocada pela con-
figuração de sentido do termo originário. No verbo
30 “diferenciar”, algo que “se diferencia” será bom, ao
contrário do que ocorreu com o verbo “discriminar”,
por exemplo. Ao virar “discriminado”, implicou algo
negativo. Maria Helena, porém, não crê que a nova
acepção de “diferenciado” tenha vida longa.
35___– Não deve vingar, a não ser como chiste, aquelas
coisas que vêm entre aspas, de brincadeira –
emenda ela. [...]
MURANO, Edgard.
Disponível em: <>.
Acesso em: 05 jul. 2011. Adaptado.
Segundo os compêndios gramaticais, existem duas possibilidades de escritura da voz passiva no português. Na frase abaixo, encontra-se uma delas:
“A palavra nunca fora usada até então com viés pejorativo no Brasil.” (l. 13-14)
A outra possibilidade de escritura, na forma passiva, na qual o sentido NÃO se altera é:
Texto II
O uso do termo “diferenciada” com sentido negativo ressuscita o preconceito de classe
“Você já viu o tipo de gente que fica ao redor das
estações do metrô? Drogados, mendigos, uma gen-
te diferenciada.” As palavras atribuídas à psicóloga
Guiomar Ferreira, moradora há 26 anos do bairro Hi-
5 gienópolis, em São Paulo, colocaram lenha na polê-
mica sobre a construção de uma estação de metrô na
região, onde se concentra parte da elite paulistana.
Guiomar nega ser a autora da frase. Mas a autoria,
convenhamos, é o de menos. A menção a camelôs
10 e usuários do transporte público ressuscitou velhos
preconceitos de classe, e pode deixar como lembran-
ça a volta de um clichê: o termo “diferenciada”.
A palavra nunca fora usada até então com viés
pejorativo no Brasil. Habitava o jargão corporativo
15 e publicitário, sendo usada como sinônimo vago de
algo “especial”, “destacado” ou “diferente” (sempre
para melhor).
– Não me consta que já houvesse um “diferencia-
do” negativamente marcado. Não tenho nenhum co-
20 nhecimento de existência desse “clichê”. Parece-me
que a origem, aí, foi absolutamente episódica, nas-
cida da infeliz declaração – explica Maria Helena Mou-
ra Neves, professora da Unesp de Araraquara (SP) e
do Mackenzie.
25___Para a professora, o termo pode até ganhar as
ruas com o sentido negativo, mas não devido a um
deslizamento semântico natural. Por natural, entenda-
se uma direção semântica provocada pela con-
figuração de sentido do termo originário. No verbo
30 “diferenciar”, algo que “se diferencia” será bom, ao
contrário do que ocorreu com o verbo “discriminar”,
por exemplo. Ao virar “discriminado”, implicou algo
negativo. Maria Helena, porém, não crê que a nova
acepção de “diferenciado” tenha vida longa.
35___– Não deve vingar, a não ser como chiste, aquelas
coisas que vêm entre aspas, de brincadeira –
emenda ela. [...]
MURANO, Edgard.
Disponível em: <>.
Acesso em: 05 jul. 2011. Adaptado.
“Não me consta que já houvesse um ‘diferenciado’ negativamente marcado.” (l. 18-19)
A respeito da ocorrência da forma verbal houvesse, destacada no trecho, teceram-se os seguintes comentários:
I - A forma verbal houvesse, nessa estrutura, tem valor de existisse, e se apresenta como verbo impessoal.
II - O verbo haver, quando impessoal, transmite sua impessoalidade a auxiliares.
III - A forma verbal houvesse, nesse trecho, desempenha uma função de verbo auxiliar.
É correto o que se afirma em
Texto II
O uso do termo “diferenciada” com sentido negativo ressuscita o preconceito de classe
“Você já viu o tipo de gente que fica ao redor das
estações do metrô? Drogados, mendigos, uma gen-
te diferenciada.” As palavras atribuídas à psicóloga
Guiomar Ferreira, moradora há 26 anos do bairro Hi-
5 gienópolis, em São Paulo, colocaram lenha na polê-
mica sobre a construção de uma estação de metrô na
região, onde se concentra parte da elite paulistana.
Guiomar nega ser a autora da frase. Mas a autoria,
convenhamos, é o de menos. A menção a camelôs
10 e usuários do transporte público ressuscitou velhos
preconceitos de classe, e pode deixar como lembran-
ça a volta de um clichê: o termo “diferenciada”.
A palavra nunca fora usada até então com viés
pejorativo no Brasil. Habitava o jargão corporativo
15 e publicitário, sendo usada como sinônimo vago de
algo “especial”, “destacado” ou “diferente” (sempre
para melhor).
– Não me consta que já houvesse um “diferencia-
do” negativamente marcado. Não tenho nenhum co-
20 nhecimento de existência desse “clichê”. Parece-me
que a origem, aí, foi absolutamente episódica, nas-
cida da infeliz declaração – explica Maria Helena Mou-
ra Neves, professora da Unesp de Araraquara (SP) e
do Mackenzie.
25___Para a professora, o termo pode até ganhar as
ruas com o sentido negativo, mas não devido a um
deslizamento semântico natural. Por natural, entenda-
se uma direção semântica provocada pela con-
figuração de sentido do termo originário. No verbo
30 “diferenciar”, algo que “se diferencia” será bom, ao
contrário do que ocorreu com o verbo “discriminar”,
por exemplo. Ao virar “discriminado”, implicou algo
negativo. Maria Helena, porém, não crê que a nova
acepção de “diferenciado” tenha vida longa.
35___– Não deve vingar, a não ser como chiste, aquelas
coisas que vêm entre aspas, de brincadeira –
emenda ela. [...]
MURANO, Edgard.
Disponível em: <>.
Acesso em: 05 jul. 2011. Adaptado.
Considere o trecho do Texto II abaixo.
“[...] colocaram lenha na polêmica sobre a construção de uma estação de metrô na região, onde se concentra parte da elite paulistana.” (l. 5-7)
O emprego do pronome relativo onde está correto.
Retoma o termo na região, que tem valor de lugar físico na oração antecedente.
Analisando-se as afirmações acima, conclui-se que
Text I
Brazil: Platform for growth
By Joe Leahy
On the Cidade de Angra dos Reis oil platform,
surrounded by the deep blue South Atlantic, a
Petrobras engineer turns on a tap and watches black
liquid flow into a beaker.
5____It looks and smells like ordinary crude oil.
Nevertheless, for Brazil, this represents something
much more spectacular. Pumped by the national oil
company from “pre-salt” deposits – so-called because
they lie beneath 2,000m of salt – 300km off the coast
10 of Rio de Janeiro, it is some of the first commercial
oil to flow from the country’s giant new deepwater
Already estimated to contain 50bn barrels, and
with much of the area still to be fully explored, the
15 fields contain the world’s largest known offshore oil
deposits. In one step, Brazil could jump up the world
rankings of national oil reserves and production, from
15th to fifth. So great are the discoveries, and the
investment required to exploit them, that they have
20 the potential to transform the country – for good or for ill.
Having seen out booms and busts before,
Brazilians are hoping that this time “the country
of the future” will at last realise its full economic
potential. The hope is that the discoveries will provide
25 a nation already rich in renewable energy with an
embarrassment of resources with which to pursue the
goal of becoming a US of the south.
The danger for Brazil, if it fails to manage this
windfall wisely, is of falling victim to “Dutch disease”.
30 The economic malaise is named after the Netherlands
in the 1970s, where the manufacturing sector withered
after its currency strengthened on the back of a large
gas field discovery combined with rising energy prices.
Even worse, Brazil could suffer a more severe
35 form of the disease, the “oil curse”, whereby nations
rich in natural resources – Nigeria and Venezuela, for
example – grow addicted to the money that flows from
Petrobras chief executive says neither the
40 company nor the country’s oil industry has so far
been big enough to become a government cash cow.
But with the new discoveries, which stretch across an
800km belt off the coast of south-eastern Brazil, this is
going to change. The oil industry could grow from about
45 10 per cent of GDP to up to 25 per cent in the coming
decades, analysts say. To curb any negative effects,
Brazil is trying to support domestic manufacturing
by increasing “local content” requirements in the oil
50____Without a “firm local content policy”, says
Petrobras CEO, Dutch disease and the oil curse will
take hold. However, “if we have a firm and successful
local content policy, no – because other sectors in the
economy are going to grow as fast as Petrobras”.
55___The other long-term dividend Brazil is seeking
from the discoveries is in research and development
(R&D). Extracting oil from beneath a layer of salt at
great depth, hundreds of kilometres from the coast, is
so challenging that Brazilian engineers see it as a new
60 frontier. If they can perfect this, they can lead the way
in other markets with similar geology, such as Africa.
For its part, Petrobras is spending $800m-$900m
a year over the next five years on R&D, and has
invested $700m in the expansion of its research
65 centre.
Ultimately, Brazil’s ability to avoid Dutch disease
will depend not just on how the money from the oil
is spent. The country is the world’s second biggest
exporter of iron ore. It is the largest exporter of beef.
70 It is also the biggest producer of sugar, coffee and
orange juice, and the second-largest producer of soya
Exports of these commodities are already driving
up the exchange rate before the new oil fields have
75 fully come on stream, making it harder for Brazilian
exporters of manufactured goods. Industrial production
has faltered in recent months, with manufacturers
blaming the trend on a flood of cheap Chinese-made
80____“Brazil has everything that China doesn’t and it’s
natural that, as China continues to grow, it’s just going
to be starved for those resources,” says Harvard’s
Prof Rogoff. “At some level Brazil doesn’t just want
to be exporting natural resources – it wants a more
85 diversified economy. There are going to be some
rising tensions over that.”
Adapted from Financial Times - March 15 2011 22:54. Available in:
Retrieved on: June 17, 2011.
The communicative intention of Text I is to
Text I
Brazil: Platform for growth
By Joe Leahy
On the Cidade de Angra dos Reis oil platform,
surrounded by the deep blue South Atlantic, a
Petrobras engineer turns on a tap and watches black
liquid flow into a beaker.
5____It looks and smells like ordinary crude oil.
Nevertheless, for Brazil, this represents something
much more spectacular. Pumped by the national oil
company from “pre-salt” deposits – so-called because
they lie beneath 2,000m of salt – 300km off the coast
10 of Rio de Janeiro, it is some of the first commercial
oil to flow from the country’s giant new deepwater
Already estimated to contain 50bn barrels, and
with much of the area still to be fully explored, the
15 fields contain the world’s largest known offshore oil
deposits. In one step, Brazil could jump up the world
rankings of national oil reserves and production, from
15th to fifth. So great are the discoveries, and the
investment required to exploit them, that they have
20 the potential to transform the country – for good or for ill.
Having seen out booms and busts before,
Brazilians are hoping that this time “the country
of the future” will at last realise its full economic
potential. The hope is that the discoveries will provide
25 a nation already rich in renewable energy with an
embarrassment of resources with which to pursue the
goal of becoming a US of the south.
The danger for Brazil, if it fails to manage this
windfall wisely, is of falling victim to “Dutch disease”.
30 The economic malaise is named after the Netherlands
in the 1970s, where the manufacturing sector withered
after its currency strengthened on the back of a large
gas field discovery combined with rising energy prices.
Even worse, Brazil could suffer a more severe
35 form of the disease, the “oil curse”, whereby nations
rich in natural resources – Nigeria and Venezuela, for
example – grow addicted to the money that flows from
Petrobras chief executive says neither the
40 company nor the country’s oil industry has so far
been big enough to become a government cash cow.
But with the new discoveries, which stretch across an
800km belt off the coast of south-eastern Brazil, this is
going to change. The oil industry could grow from about
45 10 per cent of GDP to up to 25 per cent in the coming
decades, analysts say. To curb any negative effects,
Brazil is trying to support domestic manufacturing
by increasing “local content” requirements in the oil
50____Without a “firm local content policy”, says
Petrobras CEO, Dutch disease and the oil curse will
take hold. However, “if we have a firm and successful
local content policy, no – because other sectors in the
economy are going to grow as fast as Petrobras”.
55___The other long-term dividend Brazil is seeking
from the discoveries is in research and development
(R&D). Extracting oil from beneath a layer of salt at
great depth, hundreds of kilometres from the coast, is
so challenging that Brazilian engineers see it as a new
60 frontier. If they can perfect this, they can lead the way
in other markets with similar geology, such as Africa.
For its part, Petrobras is spending $800m-$900m
a year over the next five years on R&D, and has
invested $700m in the expansion of its research
65 centre.
Ultimately, Brazil’s ability to avoid Dutch disease
will depend not just on how the money from the oil
is spent. The country is the world’s second biggest
exporter of iron ore. It is the largest exporter of beef.
70 It is also the biggest producer of sugar, coffee and
orange juice, and the second-largest producer of soya
Exports of these commodities are already driving
up the exchange rate before the new oil fields have
75 fully come on stream, making it harder for Brazilian
exporters of manufactured goods. Industrial production
has faltered in recent months, with manufacturers
blaming the trend on a flood of cheap Chinese-made
80____“Brazil has everything that China doesn’t and it’s
natural that, as China continues to grow, it’s just going
to be starved for those resources,” says Harvard’s
Prof Rogoff. “At some level Brazil doesn’t just want
to be exporting natural resources – it wants a more
85 diversified economy. There are going to be some
rising tensions over that.”
Adapted from Financial Times - March 15 2011 22:54. Available in:
Retrieved on: June 17, 2011.
According to paragraphs 5 and 6 (lines 28-38), Dutch disease is a
Text I
Brazil: Platform for growth
By Joe Leahy
On the Cidade de Angra dos Reis oil platform,
surrounded by the deep blue South Atlantic, a
Petrobras engineer turns on a tap and watches black
liquid flow into a beaker.
5____It looks and smells like ordinary crude oil.
Nevertheless, for Brazil, this represents something
much more spectacular. Pumped by the national oil
company from “pre-salt” deposits – so-called because
they lie beneath 2,000m of salt – 300km off the coast
10 of Rio de Janeiro, it is some of the first commercial
oil to flow from the country’s giant new deepwater
Already estimated to contain 50bn barrels, and
with much of the area still to be fully explored, the
15 fields contain the world’s largest known offshore oil
deposits. In one step, Brazil could jump up the world
rankings of national oil reserves and production, from
15th to fifth. So great are the discoveries, and the
investment required to exploit them, that they have
20 the potential to transform the country – for good or for ill.
Having seen out booms and busts before,
Brazilians are hoping that this time “the country
of the future” will at last realise its full economic
potential. The hope is that the discoveries will provide
25 a nation already rich in renewable energy with an
embarrassment of resources with which to pursue the
goal of becoming a US of the south.
The danger for Brazil, if it fails to manage this
windfall wisely, is of falling victim to “Dutch disease”.
30 The economic malaise is named after the Netherlands
in the 1970s, where the manufacturing sector withered
after its currency strengthened on the back of a large
gas field discovery combined with rising energy prices.
Even worse, Brazil could suffer a more severe
35 form of the disease, the “oil curse”, whereby nations
rich in natural resources – Nigeria and Venezuela, for
example – grow addicted to the money that flows from
Petrobras chief executive says neither the
40 company nor the country’s oil industry has so far
been big enough to become a government cash cow.
But with the new discoveries, which stretch across an
800km belt off the coast of south-eastern Brazil, this is
going to change. The oil industry could grow from about
45 10 per cent of GDP to up to 25 per cent in the coming
decades, analysts say. To curb any negative effects,
Brazil is trying to support domestic manufacturing
by increasing “local content” requirements in the oil
50____Without a “firm local content policy”, says
Petrobras CEO, Dutch disease and the oil curse will
take hold. However, “if we have a firm and successful
local content policy, no – because other sectors in the
economy are going to grow as fast as Petrobras”.
55___The other long-term dividend Brazil is seeking
from the discoveries is in research and development
(R&D). Extracting oil from beneath a layer of salt at
great depth, hundreds of kilometres from the coast, is
so challenging that Brazilian engineers see it as a new
60 frontier. If they can perfect this, they can lead the way
in other markets with similar geology, such as Africa.
For its part, Petrobras is spending $800m-$900m
a year over the next five years on R&D, and has
invested $700m in the expansion of its research
65 centre.
Ultimately, Brazil’s ability to avoid Dutch disease
will depend not just on how the money from the oil
is spent. The country is the world’s second biggest
exporter of iron ore. It is the largest exporter of beef.
70 It is also the biggest producer of sugar, coffee and
orange juice, and the second-largest producer of soya
Exports of these commodities are already driving
up the exchange rate before the new oil fields have
75 fully come on stream, making it harder for Brazilian
exporters of manufactured goods. Industrial production
has faltered in recent months, with manufacturers
blaming the trend on a flood of cheap Chinese-made
80____“Brazil has everything that China doesn’t and it’s
natural that, as China continues to grow, it’s just going
to be starved for those resources,” says Harvard’s
Prof Rogoff. “At some level Brazil doesn’t just want
to be exporting natural resources – it wants a more
85 diversified economy. There are going to be some
rising tensions over that.”
Adapted from Financial Times - March 15 2011 22:54. Available in:
Retrieved on: June 17, 2011.
According to paragraphs 9 and 10 (lines 55-65), investing in R&D
Text I
Brazil: Platform for growth
By Joe Leahy
On the Cidade de Angra dos Reis oil platform,
surrounded by the deep blue South Atlantic, a
Petrobras engineer turns on a tap and watches black
liquid flow into a beaker.
5____It looks and smells like ordinary crude oil.
Nevertheless, for Brazil, this represents something
much more spectacular. Pumped by the national oil
company from “pre-salt” deposits – so-called because
they lie beneath 2,000m of salt – 300km off the coast
10 of Rio de Janeiro, it is some of the first commercial
oil to flow from the country’s giant new deepwater
Already estimated to contain 50bn barrels, and
with much of the area still to be fully explored, the
15 fields contain the world’s largest known offshore oil
deposits. In one step, Brazil could jump up the world
rankings of national oil reserves and production, from
15th to fifth. So great are the discoveries, and the
investment required to exploit them, that they have
20 the potential to transform the country – for good or for ill.
Having seen out booms and busts before,
Brazilians are hoping that this time “the country
of the future” will at last realise its full economic
potential. The hope is that the discoveries will provide
25 a nation already rich in renewable energy with an
embarrassment of resources with which to pursue the
goal of becoming a US of the south.
The danger for Brazil, if it fails to manage this
windfall wisely, is of falling victim to “Dutch disease”.
30 The economic malaise is named after the Netherlands
in the 1970s, where the manufacturing sector withered
after its currency strengthened on the back of a large
gas field discovery combined with rising energy prices.
Even worse, Brazil could suffer a more severe
35 form of the disease, the “oil curse”, whereby nations
rich in natural resources – Nigeria and Venezuela, for
example – grow addicted to the money that flows from
Petrobras chief executive says neither the
40 company nor the country’s oil industry has so far
been big enough to become a government cash cow.
But with the new discoveries, which stretch across an
800km belt off the coast of south-eastern Brazil, this is
going to change. The oil industry could grow from about
45 10 per cent of GDP to up to 25 per cent in the coming
decades, analysts say. To curb any negative effects,
Brazil is trying to support domestic manufacturing
by increasing “local content” requirements in the oil
50____Without a “firm local content policy”, says
Petrobras CEO, Dutch disease and the oil curse will
take hold. However, “if we have a firm and successful
local content policy, no – because other sectors in the
economy are going to grow as fast as Petrobras”.
55___The other long-term dividend Brazil is seeking
from the discoveries is in research and development
(R&D). Extracting oil from beneath a layer of salt at
great depth, hundreds of kilometres from the coast, is
so challenging that Brazilian engineers see it as a new
60 frontier. If they can perfect this, they can lead the way
in other markets with similar geology, such as Africa.
For its part, Petrobras is spending $800m-$900m
a year over the next five years on R&D, and has
invested $700m in the expansion of its research
65 centre.
Ultimately, Brazil’s ability to avoid Dutch disease
will depend not just on how the money from the oil
is spent. The country is the world’s second biggest
exporter of iron ore. It is the largest exporter of beef.
70 It is also the biggest producer of sugar, coffee and
orange juice, and the second-largest producer of soya
Exports of these commodities are already driving
up the exchange rate before the new oil fields have
75 fully come on stream, making it harder for Brazilian
exporters of manufactured goods. Industrial production
has faltered in recent months, with manufacturers
blaming the trend on a flood of cheap Chinese-made
80____“Brazil has everything that China doesn’t and it’s
natural that, as China continues to grow, it’s just going
to be starved for those resources,” says Harvard’s
Prof Rogoff. “At some level Brazil doesn’t just want
to be exporting natural resources – it wants a more
85 diversified economy. There are going to be some
rising tensions over that.”
Adapted from Financial Times - March 15 2011 22:54. Available in:
Retrieved on: June 17, 2011.
Based on the meanings in Text I, the two words are antonymous in
Text I
Brazil: Platform for growth
By Joe Leahy
On the Cidade de Angra dos Reis oil platform,
surrounded by the deep blue South Atlantic, a
Petrobras engineer turns on a tap and watches black
liquid flow into a beaker.
5____It looks and smells like ordinary crude oil.
Nevertheless, for Brazil, this represents something
much more spectacular. Pumped by the national oil
company from “pre-salt” deposits – so-called because
they lie beneath 2,000m of salt – 300km off the coast
10 of Rio de Janeiro, it is some of the first commercial
oil to flow from the country’s giant new deepwater
Already estimated to contain 50bn barrels, and
with much of the area still to be fully explored, the
15 fields contain the world’s largest known offshore oil
deposits. In one step, Brazil could jump up the world
rankings of national oil reserves and production, from
15th to fifth. So great are the discoveries, and the
investment required to exploit them, that they have
20 the potential to transform the country – for good or for ill.
Having seen out booms and busts before,
Brazilians are hoping that this time “the country
of the future” will at last realise its full economic
potential. The hope is that the discoveries will provide
25 a nation already rich in renewable energy with an
embarrassment of resources with which to pursue the
goal of becoming a US of the south.
The danger for Brazil, if it fails to manage this
windfall wisely, is of falling victim to “Dutch disease”.
30 The economic malaise is named after the Netherlands
in the 1970s, where the manufacturing sector withered
after its currency strengthened on the back of a large
gas field discovery combined with rising energy prices.
Even worse, Brazil could suffer a more severe
35 form of the disease, the “oil curse”, whereby nations
rich in natural resources – Nigeria and Venezuela, for
example – grow addicted to the money that flows from
Petrobras chief executive says neither the
40 company nor the country’s oil industry has so far
been big enough to become a government cash cow.
But with the new discoveries, which stretch across an
800km belt off the coast of south-eastern Brazil, this is
going to change. The oil industry could grow from about
45 10 per cent of GDP to up to 25 per cent in the coming
decades, analysts say. To curb any negative effects,
Brazil is trying to support domestic manufacturing
by increasing “local content” requirements in the oil
50____Without a “firm local content policy”, says
Petrobras CEO, Dutch disease and the oil curse will
take hold. However, “if we have a firm and successful
local content policy, no – because other sectors in the
economy are going to grow as fast as Petrobras”.
55___The other long-term dividend Brazil is seeking
from the discoveries is in research and development
(R&D). Extracting oil from beneath a layer of salt at
great depth, hundreds of kilometres from the coast, is
so challenging that Brazilian engineers see it as a new
60 frontier. If they can perfect this, they can lead the way
in other markets with similar geology, such as Africa.
For its part, Petrobras is spending $800m-$900m
a year over the next five years on R&D, and has
invested $700m in the expansion of its research
65 centre.
Ultimately, Brazil’s ability to avoid Dutch disease
will depend not just on how the money from the oil
is spent. The country is the world’s second biggest
exporter of iron ore. It is the largest exporter of beef.
70 It is also the biggest producer of sugar, coffee and
orange juice, and the second-largest producer of soya
Exports of these commodities are already driving
up the exchange rate before the new oil fields have
75 fully come on stream, making it harder for Brazilian
exporters of manufactured goods. Industrial production
has faltered in recent months, with manufacturers
blaming the trend on a flood of cheap Chinese-made
80____“Brazil has everything that China doesn’t and it’s
natural that, as China continues to grow, it’s just going
to be starved for those resources,” says Harvard’s
Prof Rogoff. “At some level Brazil doesn’t just want
to be exporting natural resources – it wants a more
85 diversified economy. There are going to be some
rising tensions over that.”
Adapted from Financial Times - March 15 2011 22:54. Available in:
Retrieved on: June 17, 2011.
Concerning the referent to the pronoun it, in the fragments below,
Text I
Brazil: Platform for growth
By Joe Leahy
On the Cidade de Angra dos Reis oil platform,
surrounded by the deep blue South Atlantic, a
Petrobras engineer turns on a tap and watches black
liquid flow into a beaker.
5____It looks and smells like ordinary crude oil.
Nevertheless, for Brazil, this represents something
much more spectacular. Pumped by the national oil
company from “pre-salt” deposits – so-called because
they lie beneath 2,000m of salt – 300km off the coast
10 of Rio de Janeiro, it is some of the first commercial
oil to flow from the country’s giant new deepwater
Already estimated to contain 50bn barrels, and
with much of the area still to be fully explored, the
15 fields contain the world’s largest known offshore oil
deposits. In one step, Brazil could jump up the world
rankings of national oil reserves and production, from
15th to fifth. So great are the discoveries, and the
investment required to exploit them, that they have
20 the potential to transform the country – for good or for ill.
Having seen out booms and busts before,
Brazilians are hoping that this time “the country
of the future” will at last realise its full economic
potential. The hope is that the discoveries will provide
25 a nation already rich in renewable energy with an
embarrassment of resources with which to pursue the
goal of becoming a US of the south.
The danger for Brazil, if it fails to manage this
windfall wisely, is of falling victim to “Dutch disease”.
30 The economic malaise is named after the Netherlands
in the 1970s, where the manufacturing sector withered
after its currency strengthened on the back of a large
gas field discovery combined with rising energy prices.
Even worse, Brazil could suffer a more severe
35 form of the disease, the “oil curse”, whereby nations
rich in natural resources – Nigeria and Venezuela, for
example – grow addicted to the money that flows from
Petrobras chief executive says neither the
40 company nor the country’s oil industry has so far
been big enough to become a government cash cow.
But with the new discoveries, which stretch across an
800km belt off the coast of south-eastern Brazil, this is
going to change. The oil industry could grow from about
45 10 per cent of GDP to up to 25 per cent in the coming
decades, analysts say. To curb any negative effects,
Brazil is trying to support domestic manufacturing
by increasing “local content” requirements in the oil
50____Without a “firm local content policy”, says
Petrobras CEO, Dutch disease and the oil curse will
take hold. However, “if we have a firm and successful
local content policy, no – because other sectors in the
economy are going to grow as fast as Petrobras”.
55___The other long-term dividend Brazil is seeking
from the discoveries is in research and development
(R&D). Extracting oil from beneath a layer of salt at
great depth, hundreds of kilometres from the coast, is
so challenging that Brazilian engineers see it as a new
60 frontier. If they can perfect this, they can lead the way
in other markets with similar geology, such as Africa.
For its part, Petrobras is spending $800m-$900m
a year over the next five years on R&D, and has
invested $700m in the expansion of its research
65 centre.
Ultimately, Brazil’s ability to avoid Dutch disease
will depend not just on how the money from the oil
is spent. The country is the world’s second biggest
exporter of iron ore. It is the largest exporter of beef.
70 It is also the biggest producer of sugar, coffee and
orange juice, and the second-largest producer of soya
Exports of these commodities are already driving
up the exchange rate before the new oil fields have
75 fully come on stream, making it harder for Brazilian
exporters of manufactured goods. Industrial production
has faltered in recent months, with manufacturers
blaming the trend on a flood of cheap Chinese-made
80____“Brazil has everything that China doesn’t and it’s
natural that, as China continues to grow, it’s just going
to be starved for those resources,” says Harvard’s
Prof Rogoff. “At some level Brazil doesn’t just want
to be exporting natural resources – it wants a more
85 diversified economy. There are going to be some
rising tensions over that.”
Adapted from Financial Times - March 15 2011 22:54. Available in:
Retrieved on: June 17, 2011.
In “Without a ‘firm local content policy’, says Petrobras CEO, Dutch disease and the oil curse will take hold.” (lines 50-52), “take hold” means to
Text I
Brazil: Platform for growth
By Joe Leahy
On the Cidade de Angra dos Reis oil platform,
surrounded by the deep blue South Atlantic, a
Petrobras engineer turns on a tap and watches black
liquid flow into a beaker.
5____It looks and smells like ordinary crude oil.
Nevertheless, for Brazil, this represents something
much more spectacular. Pumped by the national oil
company from “pre-salt” deposits – so-called because
they lie beneath 2,000m of salt – 300km off the coast
10 of Rio de Janeiro, it is some of the first commercial
oil to flow from the country’s giant new deepwater
Already estimated to contain 50bn barrels, and
with much of the area still to be fully explored, the
15 fields contain the world’s largest known offshore oil
deposits. In one step, Brazil could jump up the world
rankings of national oil reserves and production, from
15th to fifth. So great are the discoveries, and the
investment required to exploit them, that they have
20 the potential to transform the country – for good or for ill.
Having seen out booms and busts before,
Brazilians are hoping that this time “the country
of the future” will at last realise its full economic
potential. The hope is that the discoveries will provide
25 a nation already rich in renewable energy with an
embarrassment of resources with which to pursue the
goal of becoming a US of the south.
The danger for Brazil, if it fails to manage this
windfall wisely, is of falling victim to “Dutch disease”.
30 The economic malaise is named after the Netherlands
in the 1970s, where the manufacturing sector withered
after its currency strengthened on the back of a large
gas field discovery combined with rising energy prices.
Even worse, Brazil could suffer a more severe
35 form of the disease, the “oil curse”, whereby nations
rich in natural resources – Nigeria and Venezuela, for
example – grow addicted to the money that flows from
Petrobras chief executive says neither the
40 company nor the country’s oil industry has so far
been big enough to become a government cash cow.
But with the new discoveries, which stretch across an
800km belt off the coast of south-eastern Brazil, this is
going to change. The oil industry could grow from about
45 10 per cent of GDP to up to 25 per cent in the coming
decades, analysts say. To curb any negative effects,
Brazil is trying to support domestic manufacturing
by increasing “local content” requirements in the oil
50____Without a “firm local content policy”, says
Petrobras CEO, Dutch disease and the oil curse will
take hold. However, “if we have a firm and successful
local content policy, no – because other sectors in the
economy are going to grow as fast as Petrobras”.
55___The other long-term dividend Brazil is seeking
from the discoveries is in research and development
(R&D). Extracting oil from beneath a layer of salt at
great depth, hundreds of kilometres from the coast, is
so challenging that Brazilian engineers see it as a new
60 frontier. If they can perfect this, they can lead the way
in other markets with similar geology, such as Africa.
For its part, Petrobras is spending $800m-$900m
a year over the next five years on R&D, and has
invested $700m in the expansion of its research
65 centre.
Ultimately, Brazil’s ability to avoid Dutch disease
will depend not just on how the money from the oil
is spent. The country is the world’s second biggest
exporter of iron ore. It is the largest exporter of beef.
70 It is also the biggest producer of sugar, coffee and
orange juice, and the second-largest producer of soya
Exports of these commodities are already driving
up the exchange rate before the new oil fields have
75 fully come on stream, making it harder for Brazilian
exporters of manufactured goods. Industrial production
has faltered in recent months, with manufacturers
blaming the trend on a flood of cheap Chinese-made
80____“Brazil has everything that China doesn’t and it’s
natural that, as China continues to grow, it’s just going
to be starved for those resources,” says Harvard’s
Prof Rogoff. “At some level Brazil doesn’t just want
to be exporting natural resources – it wants a more
85 diversified economy. There are going to be some
rising tensions over that.”
Adapted from Financial Times - March 15 2011 22:54. Available in:
Retrieved on: June 17, 2011.
The boldfaced item is synonymous with the expression in parentheses in
Text I
Brazil: Platform for growth
By Joe Leahy
On the Cidade de Angra dos Reis oil platform,
surrounded by the deep blue South Atlantic, a
Petrobras engineer turns on a tap and watches black
liquid flow into a beaker.
5____It looks and smells like ordinary crude oil.
Nevertheless, for Brazil, this represents something
much more spectacular. Pumped by the national oil
company from “pre-salt” deposits – so-called because
they lie beneath 2,000m of salt – 300km off the coast
10 of Rio de Janeiro, it is some of the first commercial
oil to flow from the country’s giant new deepwater
Already estimated to contain 50bn barrels, and
with much of the area still to be fully explored, the
15 fields contain the world’s largest known offshore oil
deposits. In one step, Brazil could jump up the world
rankings of national oil reserves and production, from
15th to fifth. So great are the discoveries, and the
investment required to exploit them, that they have
20 the potential to transform the country – for good or for ill.
Having seen out booms and busts before,
Brazilians are hoping that this time “the country
of the future” will at last realise its full economic
potential. The hope is that the discoveries will provide
25 a nation already rich in renewable energy with an
embarrassment of resources with which to pursue the
goal of becoming a US of the south.
The danger for Brazil, if it fails to manage this
windfall wisely, is of falling victim to “Dutch disease”.
30 The economic malaise is named after the Netherlands
in the 1970s, where the manufacturing sector withered
after its currency strengthened on the back of a large
gas field discovery combined with rising energy prices.
Even worse, Brazil could suffer a more severe
35 form of the disease, the “oil curse”, whereby nations
rich in natural resources – Nigeria and Venezuela, for
example – grow addicted to the money that flows from
Petrobras chief executive says neither the
40 company nor the country’s oil industry has so far
been big enough to become a government cash cow.
But with the new discoveries, which stretch across an
800km belt off the coast of south-eastern Brazil, this is
going to change. The oil industry could grow from about
45 10 per cent of GDP to up to 25 per cent in the coming
decades, analysts say. To curb any negative effects,
Brazil is trying to support domestic manufacturing
by increasing “local content” requirements in the oil
50____Without a “firm local content policy”, says
Petrobras CEO, Dutch disease and the oil curse will
take hold. However, “if we have a firm and successful
local content policy, no – because other sectors in the
economy are going to grow as fast as Petrobras”.
55___The other long-term dividend Brazil is seeking
from the discoveries is in research and development
(R&D). Extracting oil from beneath a layer of salt at
great depth, hundreds of kilometres from the coast, is
so challenging that Brazilian engineers see it as a new
60 frontier. If they can perfect this, they can lead the way
in other markets with similar geology, such as Africa.
For its part, Petrobras is spending $800m-$900m
a year over the next five years on R&D, and has
invested $700m in the expansion of its research
65 centre.
Ultimately, Brazil’s ability to avoid Dutch disease
will depend not just on how the money from the oil
is spent. The country is the world’s second biggest
exporter of iron ore. It is the largest exporter of beef.
70 It is also the biggest producer of sugar, coffee and
orange juice, and the second-largest producer of soya
Exports of these commodities are already driving
up the exchange rate before the new oil fields have
75 fully come on stream, making it harder for Brazilian
exporters of manufactured goods. Industrial production
has faltered in recent months, with manufacturers
blaming the trend on a flood of cheap Chinese-made
80____“Brazil has everything that China doesn’t and it’s
natural that, as China continues to grow, it’s just going
to be starved for those resources,” says Harvard’s
Prof Rogoff. “At some level Brazil doesn’t just want
to be exporting natural resources – it wants a more
85 diversified economy. There are going to be some
rising tensions over that.”
Adapted from Financial Times - March 15 2011 22:54. Available in:
Retrieved on: June 17, 2011.
Text II
Off the Deep End in Brazil
Gerald Herbert
With crude still hemorrhaging into the Gulf of
Mexico, deep-water drilling might seem taboo just
now. In fact, extreme oil will likely be the new normal.
Despite the gulf tragedy, the quest for oil and gas in
5 the most difficult places on the planet is just getting
underway. Prospecting proceeds apace in the ultra-
deepwater reserves off the coasts of Ghana and
Nigeria, the sulfur-laden depths of the Black Sea, and
the tar sands of Venezuela’s Orinoco Basin. Brazil’s
10 Petrobras, which already controls a quarter of global
deepwater operations, is just starting to plumb its 9 to
15 billion barrels of proven reserves buried some four
miles below the Atlantic.
The reason is simple: after a century and a
15 half of breakneck oil prospecting, the easy stuff is
history. Blistering growth in emerging nations has
turned the power grid upside down. India and China
will consume 28 percent of global energy by 2030,
triple the juice they required in 1990. China is set to
20 overtake the U.S. in energy consumption by 2014.
And now that the Great Recession is easing, the
earth’s hoard of conventional oil is waning even
faster. The International Energy Agency reckons the
world will need to find 65 million additional barrels a
25 day by 2030. If the U.S. offshore-drilling moratorium
drags on, look for idled rigs heading to other shores.
Available in:
Retrieved on: June 19, 2011.
Comparing Texts I and II,
Text II
Off the Deep End in Brazil
Gerald Herbert
With crude still hemorrhaging into the Gulf of
Mexico, deep-water drilling might seem taboo just
now. In fact, extreme oil will likely be the new normal.
Despite the gulf tragedy, the quest for oil and gas in
5 the most difficult places on the planet is just getting
underway. Prospecting proceeds apace in the ultra-
deepwater reserves off the coasts of Ghana and
Nigeria, the sulfur-laden depths of the Black Sea, and
the tar sands of Venezuela’s Orinoco Basin. Brazil’s
10 Petrobras, which already controls a quarter of global
deepwater operations, is just starting to plumb its 9 to
15 billion barrels of proven reserves buried some four
miles below the Atlantic.
The reason is simple: after a century and a
15 half of breakneck oil prospecting, the easy stuff is
history. Blistering growth in emerging nations has
turned the power grid upside down. India and China
will consume 28 percent of global energy by 2030,
triple the juice they required in 1990. China is set to
20 overtake the U.S. in energy consumption by 2014.
And now that the Great Recession is easing, the
earth’s hoard of conventional oil is waning even
faster. The International Energy Agency reckons the
world will need to find 65 million additional barrels a
25 day by 2030. If the U.S. offshore-drilling moratorium
drags on, look for idled rigs heading to other shores.
Available in:
Retrieved on: June 19, 2011.
According to Text II, in spite of the oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico,
Text II
Off the Deep End in Brazil
Gerald Herbert
With crude still hemorrhaging into the Gulf of
Mexico, deep-water drilling might seem taboo just
now. In fact, extreme oil will likely be the new normal.
Despite the gulf tragedy, the quest for oil and gas in
5 the most difficult places on the planet is just getting
underway. Prospecting proceeds apace in the ultra-
deepwater reserves off the coasts of Ghana and
Nigeria, the sulfur-laden depths of the Black Sea, and
the tar sands of Venezuela’s Orinoco Basin. Brazil’s
10 Petrobras, which already controls a quarter of global
deepwater operations, is just starting to plumb its 9 to
15 billion barrels of proven reserves buried some four
miles below the Atlantic.
The reason is simple: after a century and a
15 half of breakneck oil prospecting, the easy stuff is
history. Blistering growth in emerging nations has
turned the power grid upside down. India and China
will consume 28 percent of global energy by 2030,
triple the juice they required in 1990. China is set to
20 overtake the U.S. in energy consumption by 2014.
And now that the Great Recession is easing, the
earth’s hoard of conventional oil is waning even
faster. The International Energy Agency reckons the
world will need to find 65 million additional barrels a
25 day by 2030. If the U.S. offshore-drilling moratorium
drags on, look for idled rigs heading to other shores.
Available in:
Retrieved on: June 19, 2011.
In Text II, Herbert illustrates the possibility of “...idled rigs heading to other shores.” (line 26) EXCEPT when he mentions