Questões de Concurso Público INPI 2013 para Tecnologista em Propriedade Industrial

Foram encontradas 19 questões

Q305115 Inglês
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According to the information provided by text, judge the items below.
Before regulation, British monarchs would use the patent system unfairly, thus favoring some people over others, which led to the increase in the prices of goods.
Q305116 Inglês
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According to the information provided by text, judge the items below.
The word “patentees” (l.12) can be understood as patent holders.
Q305117 Inglês
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According to the information provided by text, judge the items below.
The new class of administrators that emerged from the patent fees system would not agree with the high costs of the patent procedure.
Q305118 Inglês
Imagem 003.jpg

According to the information provided by text, judge the items below.
In mid-nineteenth century, the British patent system was adjusted in order to be able to face business competition with the expanding American market.
Q305119 Inglês
Imagem 003.jpg

According to the information provided by text, judge the items below.
Up to the end of the nineteenth century, not all patents requested would be granted; they had to be approved by the Crown.
6: C
7: C
8: E
9: C
10: C