Questões de Concurso Público Instituto Rio Branco 2007 para Diplomata - 1ª Etapa PAPA

Foram encontradas 22 questões

Q10302 Inglês
Imagem 008.jpg

In accordance with the previous text, judge - right (C) or
wrong (E) - each item below.
The setting free of the French and British colonies took place approximately at the same time as the fight for political freedom in some of the Portuguese African dominions.
Q10303 Inglês
Imagem 008.jpg

In accordance with the previous text, judge - right (C) or
wrong (E) - each item below.
Land owners feared Salazar would freeze their properties.
Q10304 Inglês
Imagem 008.jpg

In accordance with the previous text, judge - right (C) or
wrong (E) - each item below.
Salazar's support in the south of Portugal derived from the fact that landowners believed that if communists came to power they would confiscate their land.
Q10305 Inglês
Imagem 008.jpg

In accordance with the previous text, judge - right (C) or
wrong (E) - each item below.
The word "Unlike" (R.1) introduces the notion that Pombal's and Salazar's view on progress differed.
Q10306 Inglês
In the sentence "He had rooted his regime sufficiently in Portuguese social realities to garner for it a small measure of popular approbation" (l.8-10), "rooted" and "to garner" mean, respectively,
16: C
17: E
18: C
19: C
20: C