Questões de Concurso Público Instituto Rio Branco 2007 para Diplomata - 1ª Etapa PAPA

Foram encontradas 15 questões

Q10287 Inglês
Imagem 007.jpg

According to the previous text, judge - right (C) or
wrong (E) - each item below.
The Dutch government's introduction of the ban on the wearing of the burqa and niqab in all public places has had a disastrous impact on the local Muslim community.
Q10288 Inglês
Imagem 007.jpg

According to the previous text, judge - right (C) or
wrong (E) - each item below.
The Dutch immigration minister has exploited the ban on the Muslim veil for political gain.
Q10289 Inglês
Imagem 007.jpg

According to the previous text, judge - right (C) or
wrong (E) - each item below.
Turkey is the only Muslim country where women have never been allowed to wear veils in public.
Q10290 Inglês
Imagem 007.jpg

According to the previous text, judge - right (C) or
wrong (E) - each item below.
The idea conveyed by the proverb in English Clothes make men can be found in this text.
Q10291 Inglês
Imagem 007.jpg

In accordance with the previous text, judge - right (C) or
wrong (E) - each statement below.
One of the arguments offered by supporters of the ban on veils is that women are forced by their male relatives to wear them.
1: E
2: C
3: E
4: C
5: C