Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Viana - ES 2019 para Professor de Educação Básica - Língua Inglesa

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Q1139122 Inglês

Aided by the rise of new digital communication technologies, as well as an Internet that allows messages and images to be distributed anonymously, episodes of cyberbullying have become much more common. According to a 2013 review of cyberbullying research, online harassment can take two primary forms: direct cyberbullying in which threatening or insulting messages or images are sent directly to the intended victim and indirect or relational cyberbullying, which involves the spread of rumours and/or demeaning content behind the victim's back. And there are a variety of ways for cyberbullying to happen, including texting, emails, or through posts relayed through social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.”

(What Makes Cyberbullying So Popular? By Romeo Vitelli. Psychology Today. Available in what-makes-cyberbullying-so-popular.)

Look at the common sayings above and choose the one that bests describes its meaning:
Q1139126 Inglês


The quote “from upbringing”, means that morals are:
Q1139128 Inglês

The expression “meet each other halfway” means:

Q1139129 Inglês
“She was always reclaiming that nobody recognized her skills. She never admitted any deception but we all knew our coordinator had a comprehensive list of sources and several reasons not to promote her. I pretend not to be aware and I’m very adept to make myself invisible when I need to.”
The underlined word used incorrectly in the text is:
Q1139133 Inglês
“Alice wasn’t very trustworthy. On the contrary, she needed constant supervision. Even though she lived off the money inherited from her father, she had been caught stealing twice from her boss. It had come to light that she also faked some invoices and pocketed the money.” 
When we say that Alice “lived off the money inherited from her father”, we meant:
6: B
7: B
8: C
9: A
10: C