Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Viana - ES 2019 para Professor de Educação Básica - Língua Inglesa

Foram encontradas 50 questões

Q1133233 Pedagogia

Tanto a Didática como a Metodologia estudam os métodos de ensino, no entanto, o que as diferem são os pontos de vista que cada um possibilita. Analise as afirmativas e marque a opção CORRETA.

( ) A metodologia estuda os métodos de ensino, classificando-os e descrevendo-os com juízo de valor.

( ) A didática faz um julgamento ou uma crítica do valor dos métodos de ensino.

( ) Podemos ser metodológicos sem sermos didáticos.

( ) Metodologia é o “para que este ensino será utilizado” e Didática é “como o ensino será aplicado”.

Q1133234 Pedagogia
A avaliação é um processo de ensino e aprendizagem, que deve ser realizada de forma continua e sistemática, onde não devemos priorizar somente resultados, mas investigar, interrogar e buscar identificar conhecimentos e dificuldades de cada aluno. De acordo com os estudos de Bloom (1993), a avaliação apresenta três tipos de funções, que são:
Q1133235 Pedagogia
Bullying é uma prática de atos de violência sejam físicos ou psicológicos, que são cometidos por um ou mais agressores contra uma determinada vítima. Sobre as consequências deste ato, é CORRETO afirmar:
Q1133236 Pedagogia
A equipe pedagógica se reúne e discute sobre o desempenho dos discentes, além de elaborarem estratégias de ensino, adequação da organização curricular e outros aspectos referentes ao processo de ensino-aprendizagem. A esse processo chamamos de:
Q1133237 Pedagogia

Segundo Vygotsky existem três momentos importantes da aprendizagem da criança.

( 1 ) Zona de desenvolvimento potencial.

( 2 ) Zona de desenvolvimento real.

( 3 ) Zona de desenvolvimento proximal.

( ) Tudo que a criança realiza com o apoio de outras pessoas.

( ) Tudo que a criança ainda não domina, mas que se espera que ela seja capaz de realizar.

( ) Tudo que a criança já é capaz de realizar sozinha.

A ordem CORRETA está inserida na alternativa:

Q1133238 Pedagogia
Itens fundamentais que o processo de avaliação formativa e permanente propõe:
Q1133239 Pedagogia

A formação cultural da criança está em primeiro plano relacionada ao seu convívio familiar e secundariamente a sua formação educacional. É na educação infantil que a criança começa a criar a base fundamental para seu desenvolvimento. Analise as assertivas abaixo sobre o tema mencionado, e assinale a opção CORRETA.

I – É no ambiente escolar que a criança deve ser observada por profissionais gabaritados, os quais poderão detectar possíveis dificuldades para que possam ser trabalhadas a tempo e não virem a ser um problema em suas futuras aprendizagens.

II – As práticas de educação e cuidados voltadas à criança pequena se destinam a possibilitar a ela a integração entre os aspetos físicos, emocionais, afetivos, cognitivos e sociais.

III – A identificação precoce das necessidades individuais abre portas para o desenvolvimento das potencialidades da criança de uma forma mais ampla.

Q1136349 Noções de Informática
No Windows 7 quais teclas combinadas são utilizadas para selecionar todos os itens da área de trabalho?
Q1136394 Legislação dos Municípios do Estado do Espírito Santo
Para efeitos da lei que dispõe sobre o Plano de Cargos, Carreira e Vencimentos do Magistério Público do Município de Viana-ES, sobre a progressão horizontal, indique a alternativa CORRETA.
Q1139115 Inglês

“Marianne would have thought herself very inexcusable had she been able to sleep at all the first night after parting from Willoughby. She would have been ashamed to look her family in the face the next morning, had she not risen from her bed in more need of repose than when she lay down in it. But the feelings which made such composure a disgrace, left her in no danger of incurring it. She was awake the whole night, and she wept the greatest part of it. She got up with a headache, was unable to talk, and unwilling to take any nourishment; giving pain every moment to her mother and sisters, and forbidding all attempt at consolation from either. Her sensibility was potent enough!”

(Extract from Sense and Sensibility, by Jane Austen. First published in 1811)

The expression “thought herself very inexcusable” means:
Q1139116 Inglês

“Marianne would have thought herself very inexcusable had she been able to sleep at all the first night after parting from Willoughby. She would have been ashamed to look her family in the face the next morning, had she not risen from her bed in more need of repose than when she lay down in it. But the feelings which made such composure a disgrace, left her in no danger of incurring it. She was awake the whole night, and she wept the greatest part of it. She got up with a headache, was unable to talk, and unwilling to take any nourishment; giving pain every moment to her mother and sisters, and forbidding all attempt at consolation from either. Her sensibility was potent enough!”

(Extract from Sense and Sensibility, by Jane Austen. First published in 1811)

The expression “parting from” defines:
Q1139117 Inglês

“Marianne would have thought herself very inexcusable had she been able to sleep at all the first night after parting from Willoughby. She would have been ashamed to look her family in the face the next morning, had she not risen from her bed in more need of repose than when she lay down in it. But the feelings which made such composure a disgrace, left her in no danger of incurring it. She was awake the whole night, and she wept the greatest part of it. She got up with a headache, was unable to talk, and unwilling to take any nourishment; giving pain every moment to her mother and sisters, and forbidding all attempt at consolation from either. Her sensibility was potent enough!”

(Extract from Sense and Sensibility, by Jane Austen. First published in 1811)

In the text, the word “incurring” is synonymous with the following words, except:
Q1139118 Inglês

“Marianne would have thought herself very inexcusable had she been able to sleep at all the first night after parting from Willoughby. She would have been ashamed to look her family in the face the next morning, had she not risen from her bed in more need of repose than when she lay down in it. But the feelings which made such composure a disgrace, left her in no danger of incurring it. She was awake the whole night, and she wept the greatest part of it. She got up with a headache, was unable to talk, and unwilling to take any nourishment; giving pain every moment to her mother and sisters, and forbidding all attempt at consolation from either. Her sensibility was potent enough!”

(Extract from Sense and Sensibility, by Jane Austen. First published in 1811)

The extracts shows Marianne behaviour as being:
Q1139119 Inglês

Aided by the rise of new digital communication technologies, as well as an Internet that allows messages and images to be distributed anonymously, episodes of cyberbullying have become much more common. According to a 2013 review of cyberbullying research, online harassment can take two primary forms: direct cyberbullying in which threatening or insulting messages or images are sent directly to the intended victim and indirect or relational cyberbullying, which involves the spread of rumours and/or demeaning content behind the victim's back. And there are a variety of ways for cyberbullying to happen, including texting, emails, or through posts relayed through social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.”

(What Makes Cyberbullying So Popular? By Romeo Vitelli. Psychology Today. Available in what-makes-cyberbullying-so-popular.)

“Aided”, within the Article’s context, can be best replaced by:
Q1139120 Inglês

Aided by the rise of new digital communication technologies, as well as an Internet that allows messages and images to be distributed anonymously, episodes of cyberbullying have become much more common. According to a 2013 review of cyberbullying research, online harassment can take two primary forms: direct cyberbullying in which threatening or insulting messages or images are sent directly to the intended victim and indirect or relational cyberbullying, which involves the spread of rumours and/or demeaning content behind the victim's back. And there are a variety of ways for cyberbullying to happen, including texting, emails, or through posts relayed through social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.”

(What Makes Cyberbullying So Popular? By Romeo Vitelli. Psychology Today. Available in what-makes-cyberbullying-so-popular.)

When he says “demeaning content behind the victim’s back”, it implies that:
Q1139121 Inglês

Aided by the rise of new digital communication technologies, as well as an Internet that allows messages and images to be distributed anonymously, episodes of cyberbullying have become much more common. According to a 2013 review of cyberbullying research, online harassment can take two primary forms: direct cyberbullying in which threatening or insulting messages or images are sent directly to the intended victim and indirect or relational cyberbullying, which involves the spread of rumours and/or demeaning content behind the victim's back. And there are a variety of ways for cyberbullying to happen, including texting, emails, or through posts relayed through social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.”

(What Makes Cyberbullying So Popular? By Romeo Vitelli. Psychology Today. Available in what-makes-cyberbullying-so-popular.)

When we have something “relayed through”, we can say that:
Q1139122 Inglês

Aided by the rise of new digital communication technologies, as well as an Internet that allows messages and images to be distributed anonymously, episodes of cyberbullying have become much more common. According to a 2013 review of cyberbullying research, online harassment can take two primary forms: direct cyberbullying in which threatening or insulting messages or images are sent directly to the intended victim and indirect or relational cyberbullying, which involves the spread of rumours and/or demeaning content behind the victim's back. And there are a variety of ways for cyberbullying to happen, including texting, emails, or through posts relayed through social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.”

(What Makes Cyberbullying So Popular? By Romeo Vitelli. Psychology Today. Available in what-makes-cyberbullying-so-popular.)

Look at the common sayings above and choose the one that bests describes its meaning:
Q1139123 Inglês
"Nowadays, families are totally transferring the responsibility of their children’ education to the school.” 
Choose the correct the passive voice option, using a synonym for the word “totally”:
Q1139124 Inglês
"Nowadays, families are totally transferring the responsibility of their children’ education to the school.” 
The word nowadays can be classified as:
21: C
22: A
23: D
24: D
25: D
26: C
27: D
28: B
29: A
30: A
31: D
32: B
33: D
34: C
35: C
36: C
37: D
38: B
39: A
40: D