Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Conceição - PB 2019 para Professor - Inglês

Foram encontradas 40 questões

Q1289850 Pedagogia
A avaliação assume um caráter de mediar à melhoria dos processos pedagógicos, traçando um diagnóstico, refletindo ações e intervenções, sem, é claro desconsiderar a síntese de todo o processo que se constitui em um resultado.
O trecho acima apresenta características da avaliação:
Q1289851 Direito da Criança e do Adolescente - Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA) - Lei nº 8.069 de 1990
Analise o trecho abaixo e assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente as lacunas.
Em conformidade com a Lei 8.069/90, artigo 131. O Conselho Tutelar é órgão______________ e autônomo, não jurisdicional, encarregado pela______________ de zelar pelo ______________ dos direitos da criança e do adolescente, definidos nesta Lei.
Q1289852 Pedagogia
O projeto pedagógico da escola, como ponto de referência para definir a prática escolar, deve orientar a operacionalização do currículo, como um recurso para promover o desenvolvimento e a aprendizagem dos alunos, considerando-se os seguintes aspectos:
(___) A atitude favorável da escola para padronizar e inflexibilizar o processo de ensino – aprendizagem, de modo a atender às diferenças individuais dos alunos. (___) A identificação das necessidades educacionais especiais para justificar a priorização de recursos e meios favoráveis à sua educação. (___) A adoção de currículos abertos e propostas curriculares diversificadas em lugar de uma concepção desigual e imprópria de currículo. (___) A possibilidade de incluir professores especializados, serviços de apoio e outros, não convencionais, para favorecer o processo educacional. (___) A flexibilidade quanto à organização e ao funcionamento da escola, para atender à demanda diversificada dos alunos.
Julgue os itens acima em verdadeiro (V) ou falso (F) e, em seguida, assinale a alternativa CORRETA.
Q1289853 Direito Constitucional
Analise o trecho abaixo e assinale a alternativa que completa CORRETAMENTE as lacunas.
De acordo com a Constituição Federal de 1988, artigo 207. As universidades gozam de ____________ didático-científica, administrativa e de gestão financeira e _________________, e obedecerão ao princípio de ________________ entre ensino, pesquisa e extensão.
Q1289854 Direito da Criança e do Adolescente - Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA) - Lei nº 8.069 de 1990
De acordo com a Lei 8.069/90, artigo 69. O adolescente tem direito à profissionalização e à proteção no trabalho, observado o seguinte aspecto:
Q1289855 Pedagogia

Percebemos esta tendência como decorrência de uma abertura para uma sociedade democrática, que vai se firmando lentamente a partir do início dos anos 80, com a volta dos exilados políticos e a liberdade de expressão nos meios acadêmicos, políticos e culturais do país.

Firmando-se os interesses por escolas realmente democráticas e inclusivas. E a ideia do projeto político-pedagógico da escola como forma de identificação política que atenda aos interesses locais e regionais, primando por uma educação de qualidade para todos.

O trecho acima se refere à tendência chamada:

Q1289856 Pedagogia
As mudanças provocadas com a inclusão escolar e social da pessoa com deficiência produzem benefícios no âmbito das atitudes humanas, nas políticas públicas, nas inovações tecnológicas, nos processos de gestão, nas concepções, no conhecimento do tempo, do ambiente e do ser humano.
Sendo assim, o papel da educação inclusiva é:
I – Favorecer o Atendimento Educacional Especializado (AEE). II – Fortalecer a garantia das matrículas dos alunos especiais na rede regular de ensino III – Acompanhar as atividades curriculares independente das limitações vinculadas às causas orgânicas e específicas de cada um. IV – O desenvolvimento da capacidade de aprendizagem, tendo em vista a aquisição de conhecimentos e habilidades. V – A formação de atitudes e valores.
Dos itens acima:
Q1289857 Pedagogia
Analise o trecho abaixo e assinale a alternativa que completa CORRETAMENTE a lacuna.
Na Tendência_________________ o aluno é um recebedor do conteúdo, cabendo-lhe a obrigação de memoriza-lo. O professor tende a encaixar os alunos num modelo idealizado de homem que nada tem a ver com a vida presente e futura.
Q1289858 Pedagogia
Conforme a Lei 9.394/96, artigo 12. Os estabelecimentos de ensino, respeitadas as normas comuns e as do seu sistema de ensino, terá a incumbência de:
Q1290089 Inglês

Teen gives voice to Brazilian student protest
(CNN) A soft-spoken teenage girl has become the voice of a frustrated generation of Brazilian high school students after a video of her speaking to legislators in her home state of Parana became a viral sensation. Sixteen-year-old Ana Julia Ribeiro turned into a household name overnight after testifying before the legislative assembly in Curitiba and defending the student-led movement that has occupied hundreds of state schools since October 14. She has also drawn comparisons to Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani activist and youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize who fought for equal access to education for girls in Talibancontrolled regions. "To whom do these schools belong?" Ribeiro asked, with a slight tremble in her voice, at the beginning of her 10-minute speech. "This is our country, it will be the country of my children and the children of my children and I am concerned about the future." The students are protesting a provisional measure that would change the high school curriculum in public schools throughout the country. It would make classes like art and physical education optional and increase class time. The students also are against a proposed constitutional amendment, known as PEC 241, drafted by President Michel Temer, that would cap government spending for 20 years to reduce budget deficits and pay the country's debt. "We can't just sit back with our arms crossed," Ribeiro said. "We know that we need a reform in high school education and the educational system as a whole, but we need a reform that has been debated and discussed and promoted by education professionals." In Parana, 850 of the state's 2,100 public schools were seized by the student movements this month. Lawmakers accused the students of being influenced by leftist leaders who opposed the Temer government, which took office after former President Dilma Rousseff was impeached in August. "This isn't a game for us, we know what we are fighting for. Our flag is education, our only flag is education," Ribeiro said. "We are a nonpartisan movement. We are a student movement for the students." Her speech drew a loud roar of applause from sympathizers in the assembly audience and a scolding from its president, who threatened to suspend the session, when she accused lawmakers of "having blood on their hands" after the death of fellow student Lucas Mota in one of the occupied schools. "I went to Lucas' funeral yesterday and I don't remember seeing any of the faces there that I am seeing today. Not one," Ribeiro said. "Lucas' blood is on your hands. You represent the state." While the Mota incident was isolated and unrelated to the protest movement, Ribeiro took advantage of her time at the lectern to challenge the representatives as they chastised her for her "insults." "I apologize, but the Statute of the Child and Adolescent says that society, the family and the state are the ones responsible for the well-being of this country's youth and for its students." According to the Ministry of Education, 315 schools are still occupied by the student movements. Ribeiro traveled to Brasilia earlier this week and participated in a debate on the disputed constitutional amendment at a senate human rights commission meeting. The amendment, which was approved by the lower house, will be debated on the senate floor this month and is expected to be called to a vote on November 29.

Adaptado de: acesso em 09/11/2016.

The text can be classified as a(n)
Q1290090 Inglês

Teen gives voice to Brazilian student protest
(CNN) A soft-spoken teenage girl has become the voice of a frustrated generation of Brazilian high school students after a video of her speaking to legislators in her home state of Parana became a viral sensation. Sixteen-year-old Ana Julia Ribeiro turned into a household name overnight after testifying before the legislative assembly in Curitiba and defending the student-led movement that has occupied hundreds of state schools since October 14. She has also drawn comparisons to Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani activist and youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize who fought for equal access to education for girls in Talibancontrolled regions. "To whom do these schools belong?" Ribeiro asked, with a slight tremble in her voice, at the beginning of her 10-minute speech. "This is our country, it will be the country of my children and the children of my children and I am concerned about the future." The students are protesting a provisional measure that would change the high school curriculum in public schools throughout the country. It would make classes like art and physical education optional and increase class time. The students also are against a proposed constitutional amendment, known as PEC 241, drafted by President Michel Temer, that would cap government spending for 20 years to reduce budget deficits and pay the country's debt. "We can't just sit back with our arms crossed," Ribeiro said. "We know that we need a reform in high school education and the educational system as a whole, but we need a reform that has been debated and discussed and promoted by education professionals." In Parana, 850 of the state's 2,100 public schools were seized by the student movements this month. Lawmakers accused the students of being influenced by leftist leaders who opposed the Temer government, which took office after former President Dilma Rousseff was impeached in August. "This isn't a game for us, we know what we are fighting for. Our flag is education, our only flag is education," Ribeiro said. "We are a nonpartisan movement. We are a student movement for the students." Her speech drew a loud roar of applause from sympathizers in the assembly audience and a scolding from its president, who threatened to suspend the session, when she accused lawmakers of "having blood on their hands" after the death of fellow student Lucas Mota in one of the occupied schools. "I went to Lucas' funeral yesterday and I don't remember seeing any of the faces there that I am seeing today. Not one," Ribeiro said. "Lucas' blood is on your hands. You represent the state." While the Mota incident was isolated and unrelated to the protest movement, Ribeiro took advantage of her time at the lectern to challenge the representatives as they chastised her for her "insults." "I apologize, but the Statute of the Child and Adolescent says that society, the family and the state are the ones responsible for the well-being of this country's youth and for its students." According to the Ministry of Education, 315 schools are still occupied by the student movements. Ribeiro traveled to Brasilia earlier this week and participated in a debate on the disputed constitutional amendment at a senate human rights commission meeting. The amendment, which was approved by the lower house, will be debated on the senate floor this month and is expected to be called to a vote on November 29.

Adaptado de: acesso em 09/11/2016.

Why did Ana Julia make a comparison with Malala Yousafzai?
Q1290091 Inglês

Teen gives voice to Brazilian student protest
(CNN) A soft-spoken teenage girl has become the voice of a frustrated generation of Brazilian high school students after a video of her speaking to legislators in her home state of Parana became a viral sensation. Sixteen-year-old Ana Julia Ribeiro turned into a household name overnight after testifying before the legislative assembly in Curitiba and defending the student-led movement that has occupied hundreds of state schools since October 14. She has also drawn comparisons to Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani activist and youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize who fought for equal access to education for girls in Talibancontrolled regions. "To whom do these schools belong?" Ribeiro asked, with a slight tremble in her voice, at the beginning of her 10-minute speech. "This is our country, it will be the country of my children and the children of my children and I am concerned about the future." The students are protesting a provisional measure that would change the high school curriculum in public schools throughout the country. It would make classes like art and physical education optional and increase class time. The students also are against a proposed constitutional amendment, known as PEC 241, drafted by President Michel Temer, that would cap government spending for 20 years to reduce budget deficits and pay the country's debt. "We can't just sit back with our arms crossed," Ribeiro said. "We know that we need a reform in high school education and the educational system as a whole, but we need a reform that has been debated and discussed and promoted by education professionals." In Parana, 850 of the state's 2,100 public schools were seized by the student movements this month. Lawmakers accused the students of being influenced by leftist leaders who opposed the Temer government, which took office after former President Dilma Rousseff was impeached in August. "This isn't a game for us, we know what we are fighting for. Our flag is education, our only flag is education," Ribeiro said. "We are a nonpartisan movement. We are a student movement for the students." Her speech drew a loud roar of applause from sympathizers in the assembly audience and a scolding from its president, who threatened to suspend the session, when she accused lawmakers of "having blood on their hands" after the death of fellow student Lucas Mota in one of the occupied schools. "I went to Lucas' funeral yesterday and I don't remember seeing any of the faces there that I am seeing today. Not one," Ribeiro said. "Lucas' blood is on your hands. You represent the state." While the Mota incident was isolated and unrelated to the protest movement, Ribeiro took advantage of her time at the lectern to challenge the representatives as they chastised her for her "insults." "I apologize, but the Statute of the Child and Adolescent says that society, the family and the state are the ones responsible for the well-being of this country's youth and for its students." According to the Ministry of Education, 315 schools are still occupied by the student movements. Ribeiro traveled to Brasilia earlier this week and participated in a debate on the disputed constitutional amendment at a senate human rights commission meeting. The amendment, which was approved by the lower house, will be debated on the senate floor this month and is expected to be called to a vote on November 29.

Adaptado de: acesso em 09/11/2016.

The text exposes the main reasons why students are protesting. One of them is:
Q1290092 Inglês

Teen gives voice to Brazilian student protest
(CNN) A soft-spoken teenage girl has become the voice of a frustrated generation of Brazilian high school students after a video of her speaking to legislators in her home state of Parana became a viral sensation. Sixteen-year-old Ana Julia Ribeiro turned into a household name overnight after testifying before the legislative assembly in Curitiba and defending the student-led movement that has occupied hundreds of state schools since October 14. She has also drawn comparisons to Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani activist and youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize who fought for equal access to education for girls in Talibancontrolled regions. "To whom do these schools belong?" Ribeiro asked, with a slight tremble in her voice, at the beginning of her 10-minute speech. "This is our country, it will be the country of my children and the children of my children and I am concerned about the future." The students are protesting a provisional measure that would change the high school curriculum in public schools throughout the country. It would make classes like art and physical education optional and increase class time. The students also are against a proposed constitutional amendment, known as PEC 241, drafted by President Michel Temer, that would cap government spending for 20 years to reduce budget deficits and pay the country's debt. "We can't just sit back with our arms crossed," Ribeiro said. "We know that we need a reform in high school education and the educational system as a whole, but we need a reform that has been debated and discussed and promoted by education professionals." In Parana, 850 of the state's 2,100 public schools were seized by the student movements this month. Lawmakers accused the students of being influenced by leftist leaders who opposed the Temer government, which took office after former President Dilma Rousseff was impeached in August. "This isn't a game for us, we know what we are fighting for. Our flag is education, our only flag is education," Ribeiro said. "We are a nonpartisan movement. We are a student movement for the students." Her speech drew a loud roar of applause from sympathizers in the assembly audience and a scolding from its president, who threatened to suspend the session, when she accused lawmakers of "having blood on their hands" after the death of fellow student Lucas Mota in one of the occupied schools. "I went to Lucas' funeral yesterday and I don't remember seeing any of the faces there that I am seeing today. Not one," Ribeiro said. "Lucas' blood is on your hands. You represent the state." While the Mota incident was isolated and unrelated to the protest movement, Ribeiro took advantage of her time at the lectern to challenge the representatives as they chastised her for her "insults." "I apologize, but the Statute of the Child and Adolescent says that society, the family and the state are the ones responsible for the well-being of this country's youth and for its students." According to the Ministry of Education, 315 schools are still occupied by the student movements. Ribeiro traveled to Brasilia earlier this week and participated in a debate on the disputed constitutional amendment at a senate human rights commission meeting. The amendment, which was approved by the lower house, will be debated on the senate floor this month and is expected to be called to a vote on November 29.

Adaptado de: acesso em 09/11/2016.

Analyze this piece from the text: "Lucas' blood is on your hands. You represent the state." The expression in bold in this context means:
Q1290093 Inglês

Teen gives voice to Brazilian student protest
(CNN) A soft-spoken teenage girl has become the voice of a frustrated generation of Brazilian high school students after a video of her speaking to legislators in her home state of Parana became a viral sensation. Sixteen-year-old Ana Julia Ribeiro turned into a household name overnight after testifying before the legislative assembly in Curitiba and defending the student-led movement that has occupied hundreds of state schools since October 14. She has also drawn comparisons to Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani activist and youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize who fought for equal access to education for girls in Talibancontrolled regions. "To whom do these schools belong?" Ribeiro asked, with a slight tremble in her voice, at the beginning of her 10-minute speech. "This is our country, it will be the country of my children and the children of my children and I am concerned about the future." The students are protesting a provisional measure that would change the high school curriculum in public schools throughout the country. It would make classes like art and physical education optional and increase class time. The students also are against a proposed constitutional amendment, known as PEC 241, drafted by President Michel Temer, that would cap government spending for 20 years to reduce budget deficits and pay the country's debt. "We can't just sit back with our arms crossed," Ribeiro said. "We know that we need a reform in high school education and the educational system as a whole, but we need a reform that has been debated and discussed and promoted by education professionals." In Parana, 850 of the state's 2,100 public schools were seized by the student movements this month. Lawmakers accused the students of being influenced by leftist leaders who opposed the Temer government, which took office after former President Dilma Rousseff was impeached in August. "This isn't a game for us, we know what we are fighting for. Our flag is education, our only flag is education," Ribeiro said. "We are a nonpartisan movement. We are a student movement for the students." Her speech drew a loud roar of applause from sympathizers in the assembly audience and a scolding from its president, who threatened to suspend the session, when she accused lawmakers of "having blood on their hands" after the death of fellow student Lucas Mota in one of the occupied schools. "I went to Lucas' funeral yesterday and I don't remember seeing any of the faces there that I am seeing today. Not one," Ribeiro said. "Lucas' blood is on your hands. You represent the state." While the Mota incident was isolated and unrelated to the protest movement, Ribeiro took advantage of her time at the lectern to challenge the representatives as they chastised her for her "insults." "I apologize, but the Statute of the Child and Adolescent says that society, the family and the state are the ones responsible for the well-being of this country's youth and for its students." According to the Ministry of Education, 315 schools are still occupied by the student movements. Ribeiro traveled to Brasilia earlier this week and participated in a debate on the disputed constitutional amendment at a senate human rights commission meeting. The amendment, which was approved by the lower house, will be debated on the senate floor this month and is expected to be called to a vote on November 29.

Adaptado de: acesso em 09/11/2016.

Ana Julia says: "This is our country, it will be the country of my children and the children of my children and I am concerned about the future." The word concerned means:
Q1290094 Inglês

Teen gives voice to Brazilian student protest
(CNN) A soft-spoken teenage girl has become the voice of a frustrated generation of Brazilian high school students after a video of her speaking to legislators in her home state of Parana became a viral sensation. Sixteen-year-old Ana Julia Ribeiro turned into a household name overnight after testifying before the legislative assembly in Curitiba and defending the student-led movement that has occupied hundreds of state schools since October 14. She has also drawn comparisons to Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani activist and youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize who fought for equal access to education for girls in Talibancontrolled regions. "To whom do these schools belong?" Ribeiro asked, with a slight tremble in her voice, at the beginning of her 10-minute speech. "This is our country, it will be the country of my children and the children of my children and I am concerned about the future." The students are protesting a provisional measure that would change the high school curriculum in public schools throughout the country. It would make classes like art and physical education optional and increase class time. The students also are against a proposed constitutional amendment, known as PEC 241, drafted by President Michel Temer, that would cap government spending for 20 years to reduce budget deficits and pay the country's debt. "We can't just sit back with our arms crossed," Ribeiro said. "We know that we need a reform in high school education and the educational system as a whole, but we need a reform that has been debated and discussed and promoted by education professionals." In Parana, 850 of the state's 2,100 public schools were seized by the student movements this month. Lawmakers accused the students of being influenced by leftist leaders who opposed the Temer government, which took office after former President Dilma Rousseff was impeached in August. "This isn't a game for us, we know what we are fighting for. Our flag is education, our only flag is education," Ribeiro said. "We are a nonpartisan movement. We are a student movement for the students." Her speech drew a loud roar of applause from sympathizers in the assembly audience and a scolding from its president, who threatened to suspend the session, when she accused lawmakers of "having blood on their hands" after the death of fellow student Lucas Mota in one of the occupied schools. "I went to Lucas' funeral yesterday and I don't remember seeing any of the faces there that I am seeing today. Not one," Ribeiro said. "Lucas' blood is on your hands. You represent the state." While the Mota incident was isolated and unrelated to the protest movement, Ribeiro took advantage of her time at the lectern to challenge the representatives as they chastised her for her "insults." "I apologize, but the Statute of the Child and Adolescent says that society, the family and the state are the ones responsible for the well-being of this country's youth and for its students." According to the Ministry of Education, 315 schools are still occupied by the student movements. Ribeiro traveled to Brasilia earlier this week and participated in a debate on the disputed constitutional amendment at a senate human rights commission meeting. The amendment, which was approved by the lower house, will be debated on the senate floor this month and is expected to be called to a vote on November 29.

Adaptado de: acesso em 09/11/2016.

According to the text Lawmakers accused the students of being influenced by leftist leaders who opposed the Temer government, which took office after former President Dilma Rousseff was impeached in August. Took office is the past of take office that has the meaning of:
Q1290095 Inglês

Carlos Alberto: Brazil soccer hero of 1970 World
Cup dies at age 72
(CNN) Carlos Alberto, the man who captained the Brazil team often described as soccer's greatest ever to victory at the 1970 World Cup, died Tuesday at age 72. FIFA, world football's governing body, confirmed his death on its website. A short statement said: "It is with tremendous sadness that FIFA has learned that Carlos Alberto Torres died at the age of 72 on Tuesday 25 October 2016." Alberto scored one of the most memorable goals in World Cup history in the final as his side beat Italy 4-1 in Mexico City. He rampaged forward from right-back to put the seal on victory, hammering home the most emphatic of finishes after a stunning move involving eight players including Tostao and Pele, who rolled the ball to him. Then aged 25, Alberto became the youngest-ever World Cup-winning captain having already skippered Santos, his club at the time. He had been appointed two years before the tournament and in an interview with FIFA recalled: "I was elevated to the captaincy of a team regarded at the time as the best in Brazil, and by many as the best in the world. "It included world champions like Pele, Coutinho, Pepe, Gilmar and Mauro. "There's no doubt that being the Santos skipper led to me getting the Selecao armband. I'm very proud still to be the youngest captain of a World Cup-winning team."
Dazzling performance
Alberto won 53 caps for Brazil, scoring eight goals, but it is for his dazzling 1970 performance that he is best remembered. He was the last captain to lift the Jules Rimet trophy, which passed into Brazil's possession after what was their third World Cup win. He missed the 1974 tournament with a knee injury but played for Brazil for a further three years before quitting international football in 1977. Alberto's achievements saw him named in the World Team of the 20th Century in 1998, while FIFA included him on its list of the greatest 100 living players in 2004. "Carlos Alberto is an icon of world football," Brazilian sports journalist Emerson Vicente told CNN. "Besides being a great technical player, he was one of the first defensive players to play in attack with the same efficiency. The fourth goal for Brazil in the 1970 final shows that. Read: Carlos Alberto on the decline of Brazilian football "His was a well-respected voice, and as a commentator he was a critic of the current state of Brazilian football." Santos will hold three days of official mourning for Alberto, saying in a statement: "Santos FC is saddened by the death of Carlos Alberto, an idol."
Outstanding defender
Alberto started his club career with Fluminese, establishing himself as an outstanding defender whose superb tackling, ability to break forward and instinctive reading of the game quickly attracted acclaim. In 1966 he joined Pele at Santos, moving briefly to Botafogo in 1971 but returning to Santos later that year and staying until 1974. He rejoined Fluminese the same year at the end of a domestic career in which he was a Brazilian Championship winner in both 1965 and 1968. He was to be reunited with Pele again in 1977 when both starred for New York Cosmos, becoming a title-winner in 1997 and 1978 before spending a year at California Surf in 1981 and then rejoining Cosmos, where he retired as a player in 1982. In a tweet, the Cosmos said: "We're deeply saddened by the loss of Carlos Alberto, a legendary player and wonderful person. He'll always remain part of the Cosmos family." Alberto coached clubs including Flamengo and Corinthians after calling time on his playing days and also coached in international football, most recently with Azerbaijan.

Adaptado de : acesso em 09/11/2016
Why did Carlos Alberto miss the 1974 tournament?
Q1290096 Inglês

Carlos Alberto: Brazil soccer hero of 1970 World
Cup dies at age 72
(CNN) Carlos Alberto, the man who captained the Brazil team often described as soccer's greatest ever to victory at the 1970 World Cup, died Tuesday at age 72. FIFA, world football's governing body, confirmed his death on its website. A short statement said: "It is with tremendous sadness that FIFA has learned that Carlos Alberto Torres died at the age of 72 on Tuesday 25 October 2016." Alberto scored one of the most memorable goals in World Cup history in the final as his side beat Italy 4-1 in Mexico City. He rampaged forward from right-back to put the seal on victory, hammering home the most emphatic of finishes after a stunning move involving eight players including Tostao and Pele, who rolled the ball to him. Then aged 25, Alberto became the youngest-ever World Cup-winning captain having already skippered Santos, his club at the time. He had been appointed two years before the tournament and in an interview with FIFA recalled: "I was elevated to the captaincy of a team regarded at the time as the best in Brazil, and by many as the best in the world. "It included world champions like Pele, Coutinho, Pepe, Gilmar and Mauro. "There's no doubt that being the Santos skipper led to me getting the Selecao armband. I'm very proud still to be the youngest captain of a World Cup-winning team."
Dazzling performance
Alberto won 53 caps for Brazil, scoring eight goals, but it is for his dazzling 1970 performance that he is best remembered. He was the last captain to lift the Jules Rimet trophy, which passed into Brazil's possession after what was their third World Cup win. He missed the 1974 tournament with a knee injury but played for Brazil for a further three years before quitting international football in 1977. Alberto's achievements saw him named in the World Team of the 20th Century in 1998, while FIFA included him on its list of the greatest 100 living players in 2004. "Carlos Alberto is an icon of world football," Brazilian sports journalist Emerson Vicente told CNN. "Besides being a great technical player, he was one of the first defensive players to play in attack with the same efficiency. The fourth goal for Brazil in the 1970 final shows that. Read: Carlos Alberto on the decline of Brazilian football "His was a well-respected voice, and as a commentator he was a critic of the current state of Brazilian football." Santos will hold three days of official mourning for Alberto, saying in a statement: "Santos FC is saddened by the death of Carlos Alberto, an idol."
Outstanding defender
Alberto started his club career with Fluminese, establishing himself as an outstanding defender whose superb tackling, ability to break forward and instinctive reading of the game quickly attracted acclaim. In 1966 he joined Pele at Santos, moving briefly to Botafogo in 1971 but returning to Santos later that year and staying until 1974. He rejoined Fluminese the same year at the end of a domestic career in which he was a Brazilian Championship winner in both 1965 and 1968. He was to be reunited with Pele again in 1977 when both starred for New York Cosmos, becoming a title-winner in 1997 and 1978 before spending a year at California Surf in 1981 and then rejoining Cosmos, where he retired as a player in 1982. In a tweet, the Cosmos said: "We're deeply saddened by the loss of Carlos Alberto, a legendary player and wonderful person. He'll always remain part of the Cosmos family." Alberto coached clubs including Flamengo and Corinthians after calling time on his playing days and also coached in international football, most recently with Azerbaijan.

Adaptado de : acesso em 09/11/2016
According to the text, mark what is correct:
Q1290097 Inglês

Carlos Alberto: Brazil soccer hero of 1970 World
Cup dies at age 72
(CNN) Carlos Alberto, the man who captained the Brazil team often described as soccer's greatest ever to victory at the 1970 World Cup, died Tuesday at age 72. FIFA, world football's governing body, confirmed his death on its website. A short statement said: "It is with tremendous sadness that FIFA has learned that Carlos Alberto Torres died at the age of 72 on Tuesday 25 October 2016." Alberto scored one of the most memorable goals in World Cup history in the final as his side beat Italy 4-1 in Mexico City. He rampaged forward from right-back to put the seal on victory, hammering home the most emphatic of finishes after a stunning move involving eight players including Tostao and Pele, who rolled the ball to him. Then aged 25, Alberto became the youngest-ever World Cup-winning captain having already skippered Santos, his club at the time. He had been appointed two years before the tournament and in an interview with FIFA recalled: "I was elevated to the captaincy of a team regarded at the time as the best in Brazil, and by many as the best in the world. "It included world champions like Pele, Coutinho, Pepe, Gilmar and Mauro. "There's no doubt that being the Santos skipper led to me getting the Selecao armband. I'm very proud still to be the youngest captain of a World Cup-winning team."
Dazzling performance
Alberto won 53 caps for Brazil, scoring eight goals, but it is for his dazzling 1970 performance that he is best remembered. He was the last captain to lift the Jules Rimet trophy, which passed into Brazil's possession after what was their third World Cup win. He missed the 1974 tournament with a knee injury but played for Brazil for a further three years before quitting international football in 1977. Alberto's achievements saw him named in the World Team of the 20th Century in 1998, while FIFA included him on its list of the greatest 100 living players in 2004. "Carlos Alberto is an icon of world football," Brazilian sports journalist Emerson Vicente told CNN. "Besides being a great technical player, he was one of the first defensive players to play in attack with the same efficiency. The fourth goal for Brazil in the 1970 final shows that. Read: Carlos Alberto on the decline of Brazilian football "His was a well-respected voice, and as a commentator he was a critic of the current state of Brazilian football." Santos will hold three days of official mourning for Alberto, saying in a statement: "Santos FC is saddened by the death of Carlos Alberto, an idol."
Outstanding defender
Alberto started his club career with Fluminese, establishing himself as an outstanding defender whose superb tackling, ability to break forward and instinctive reading of the game quickly attracted acclaim. In 1966 he joined Pele at Santos, moving briefly to Botafogo in 1971 but returning to Santos later that year and staying until 1974. He rejoined Fluminese the same year at the end of a domestic career in which he was a Brazilian Championship winner in both 1965 and 1968. He was to be reunited with Pele again in 1977 when both starred for New York Cosmos, becoming a title-winner in 1997 and 1978 before spending a year at California Surf in 1981 and then rejoining Cosmos, where he retired as a player in 1982. In a tweet, the Cosmos said: "We're deeply saddened by the loss of Carlos Alberto, a legendary player and wonderful person. He'll always remain part of the Cosmos family." Alberto coached clubs including Flamengo and Corinthians after calling time on his playing days and also coached in international football, most recently with Azerbaijan.

Adaptado de : acesso em 09/11/2016
“Alberto started his club career with Fluminese, establishing himself as an outstanding defender”. The word in bold verb tense is:
Q1290098 Inglês

Carlos Alberto: Brazil soccer hero of 1970 World
Cup dies at age 72
(CNN) Carlos Alberto, the man who captained the Brazil team often described as soccer's greatest ever to victory at the 1970 World Cup, died Tuesday at age 72. FIFA, world football's governing body, confirmed his death on its website. A short statement said: "It is with tremendous sadness that FIFA has learned that Carlos Alberto Torres died at the age of 72 on Tuesday 25 October 2016." Alberto scored one of the most memorable goals in World Cup history in the final as his side beat Italy 4-1 in Mexico City. He rampaged forward from right-back to put the seal on victory, hammering home the most emphatic of finishes after a stunning move involving eight players including Tostao and Pele, who rolled the ball to him. Then aged 25, Alberto became the youngest-ever World Cup-winning captain having already skippered Santos, his club at the time. He had been appointed two years before the tournament and in an interview with FIFA recalled: "I was elevated to the captaincy of a team regarded at the time as the best in Brazil, and by many as the best in the world. "It included world champions like Pele, Coutinho, Pepe, Gilmar and Mauro. "There's no doubt that being the Santos skipper led to me getting the Selecao armband. I'm very proud still to be the youngest captain of a World Cup-winning team."
Dazzling performance
Alberto won 53 caps for Brazil, scoring eight goals, but it is for his dazzling 1970 performance that he is best remembered. He was the last captain to lift the Jules Rimet trophy, which passed into Brazil's possession after what was their third World Cup win. He missed the 1974 tournament with a knee injury but played for Brazil for a further three years before quitting international football in 1977. Alberto's achievements saw him named in the World Team of the 20th Century in 1998, while FIFA included him on its list of the greatest 100 living players in 2004. "Carlos Alberto is an icon of world football," Brazilian sports journalist Emerson Vicente told CNN. "Besides being a great technical player, he was one of the first defensive players to play in attack with the same efficiency. The fourth goal for Brazil in the 1970 final shows that. Read: Carlos Alberto on the decline of Brazilian football "His was a well-respected voice, and as a commentator he was a critic of the current state of Brazilian football." Santos will hold three days of official mourning for Alberto, saying in a statement: "Santos FC is saddened by the death of Carlos Alberto, an idol."
Outstanding defender
Alberto started his club career with Fluminese, establishing himself as an outstanding defender whose superb tackling, ability to break forward and instinctive reading of the game quickly attracted acclaim. In 1966 he joined Pele at Santos, moving briefly to Botafogo in 1971 but returning to Santos later that year and staying until 1974. He rejoined Fluminese the same year at the end of a domestic career in which he was a Brazilian Championship winner in both 1965 and 1968. He was to be reunited with Pele again in 1977 when both starred for New York Cosmos, becoming a title-winner in 1997 and 1978 before spending a year at California Surf in 1981 and then rejoining Cosmos, where he retired as a player in 1982. In a tweet, the Cosmos said: "We're deeply saddened by the loss of Carlos Alberto, a legendary player and wonderful person. He'll always remain part of the Cosmos family." Alberto coached clubs including Flamengo and Corinthians after calling time on his playing days and also coached in international football, most recently with Azerbaijan.

Adaptado de : acesso em 09/11/2016
According to the text, the word Dazzling means:
21: A
22: C
23: E
24: D
25: B
26: A
27: C
28: E
29: D
30: A
31: A
32: B
33: D
34: D
35: D
36: A
37: C
38: E
39: E
40: E