Questões de Concurso Público SEFAZ-PR 2012 para Auditor Fiscal - Manhã
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Based on the five elements of the Service Lifecycle of ITIL - Information Technology Infrastructure Library, match the column 1 with the one 2.
Column 1
(I) Service Transition.
(II) Service Strategy.
(III) Service Design.
(IV) Service Operation.
(V) Continual Service Improvement.
Column 2
(A) Day-to-day execution of services and service management processes.
(B) Activities embedded in the service lifecycle.
(C) Standards, Policies and Strategies.
(D) Management of the changeover of a new or changed service and/or service management process into production TI.
(E) Plans to create and modify services and service management processes.
Choose the alternative with the right association.
Prototyping is the development of a system by means of a series of iterations to incorporate midstream changes until the system meets all the business requirements.
Choose the alternative that shows the correct sequence of Prototyping Development Life Cycle.
The term Waterfall Development Life Cycle is used to describe the classical SDLC model.
Choose the alternative that shows the correct sequence of the Waterfall Development Life Cycle model.
About the Control Objectives of COBIT, consider the following statements.
I. Monitor Future Trends and Regulations - to establish an IT architecture board to provide architecture guidelines and advice on their application and to verify compliance.
II. Technological Direction Planning - to analyze existing and emerging technologies and plan which technological direction is appropriate to realize the IT strategy and the business systems architecture.
III. Technology Infrastructure Plan - to create and maintain a technology infrastructure plan that is in accordance with the IT strategic and tactical plans and based on the technological direction.
IV. Technology Standards - to provide consistent, effective and secure technological solutions enterprisewide and establish a technology forum to provide technology guidelines.
Choose the correct alternative.
The concept of time sharing was developed to improve resource utilization by allowing multiple users to access a single computer system simultaneously, with each user being given the illusion of having access to a full set of system resources. System virtual machines take this concept one step further by providing a similar illusion for complete systems.
Regarding virtual machines, assign T (true) or F (false) to the following statements
( ) A system VM environment is capable of supporting multiple system images simultaneously, each running its own operating system.
( ) Each operating system controls and manages a set of virtualized hardware resources.
( ) Each virtual resource may or may not have a corresponding physical resource.
( ) Real resources of the host platform are shared among the guest system VMs, with a layer of hardware.
( ) Both virtual machines and native systems have the same capabilities.
Choose the alternative that shows, top-down, the correct sequence.
Some Intel processors provide hardware-assisted virtualization to improve the fundamental flexibility and robustness of traditional software-based virtualization solutions by accelerating key functions of the virtualized platform.
About hardware-assisted virtualization, consider the following statements.
I. It enables the VMM to share I/O devices with several guest OSs at the same time.
II. It speeds up the transfer of platform control between the guest operating systems (OSs) and the virtual machine manager (VMM)/hypervisor.
III. It optimizes the network for virtualization with adapter-based acceleration.
IV. It is used in data centers for disaster recovery, high availability and business continuity, and in desktops to increase flexibility, improve security, and reduce costs.
Choose the correct alternative.
Consider the following statements about object-oriented programming.
I. Using different names for operations in the same types is called overloading.
II. Overloaded operators are useful to add functions to enable conventional notation.
III. A derived class is said to inherit properties from its base, so the relationship is also called inheritance.
IV. Pointers to functions can be used to provide a simple form of polymorphic routines.
Choose the right alternative.
A structural problem for digital signatures is that everyone has to agree to trust a central authority that knows everything and is trusted by everyone. The most logical candidates for central authority are the government, the banks, the accountants, and the lawyers. Unfortunately, none of these organizations inspire total confidence in all citizens. Hence, it would be nice if signing documents did not require a trusted authority. Fortunately, Public-key cryptography can make an important contribution to the improvement of digital signature security, allowing person A to send a digital signed message to person B without requiring a central authority.
Considering that person A has the private-key DA and the public-key EA and person B has the private-key DB and public-key EB, choose the alternative that shows the correct sequence of utilization of the keys when person A signs a message M, sends it to B and B checks he signature.
Nowadays the relational model is the primary data model for commercial data-processing applications mainly due to its simplicity, which eases the programmer’s job, when compared to earlier data models such as the network model or the hierarchical model.
Regarding the structure of relational databases, match the column 1 with the one 2.
Column 1
(I) Relation.
(II) Tuple.
(III) Attribute.
(IV) Table.
(V) Domain.
Column 2
(A) It refers to a row.
(B) It refers to permitted values.
(C) It refers to a table.
(D) It refers to a column.
(E) It has a single name.
Choose the alternative with the right association.
(Uso de palavrões no trabalho pode diminuir chances de promoção. Disponível em:<>
Sobre a substituição, sem prejuízo do sentido original, dos termos “preterido” (linha 1), “repúdio” (linha 10), “incidência” (linha 14) e “represálias” (linha 23), considere as afirmativas a seguir.
I. “preterido” pode ser substituído por “desfavorecido”.
II. “repúdio” pode ser substituído por “reiteração”.
III. “incidência” pode ser substituído por “intermitência”.
IV. “represálias” pode ser substituído por “retaliações”.
Assinale a alternativa correta.
(Uso de palavrões no trabalho pode diminuir chances de promoção. Disponível em:<>
(Uso de palavrões no trabalho pode diminuir chances de promoção. Disponível em:<>
(Uso de palavrões no trabalho pode diminuir chances de promoção. Disponível em:<>
(Uso de palavrões no trabalho pode diminuir chances de promoção. Disponível em:<>
Sobre a frase “E, embora os números sejam altos, quando o uso é exagerado pode criar problemas.” (linhas 29 e 30), considere as afirmativas a seguir.
I. Fica subentendida a expressão “de palavrões” logo após “uso”.
II. Fica subentendido que “uso exagerado” é aquele que excede os números apurados na pesquisa.
III. O conectivo “embora” pode ser substituído por “a despeito de”, sem necessidade de alteração na flexão verbal.
IV. O conectivo “embora” pode ser substituído por “ainda que”, sem prejuízo do sentido original.
Assinale a alternativa correta.
(Uso de palavrões no trabalho pode diminuir chances de promoção. Disponível em:<>
(Uso de palavrões no trabalho pode diminuir chances de promoção. Disponível em:<>
A respeito da ideia de tolerância, que aparece duas vezes ao longo do texto, considere as afirmativas a seguir.
I. Nas agências de publicidade, as pessoas são mais indulgentes com o uso de palavrões.
II. Os palavrões são recebidos com menos intransigência em empresas da área de TI.
III. Um dos participantes do treinamento demonstrou pouca condescendência com o colega que abusava dos palavrões.
IV. Um participante do treinamento exibiu falta de suscetibilidade ao excesso de palavrões proferidos pelo colega.
Assinale a alternativa correta.
(Uso de palavrões no trabalho pode diminuir chances de promoção. Disponível em:<>
Uma caixa retangular sem tampa tem volume de 20 m3 . O comprimento da base é o dobro da sua largura. O material para fabricar a base da caixa custa R$ 12, 00 o metro quadrado, e o material para fabricar as laterais custa R$ 5, 00 o metro quadrado.
Com base nessas informações, assinale a alternativa que apresenta, corretamente, a função que expressa o custo do material para fabricar a caixa em função da medida x da largura da base da caixa.
Em uma repartição pública, trabalham 256 funcionários, entre homens e mulheres, e suas funções são classificadas em escriturários e atendentes. Nesse grupo, o número de atendentes está para o número de escriturários assim como cinco está para três.
Sabendo-se que 50% dos escriturários são homens e 20% dos atendentes são mulheres, em relação aos funcionários dessa repartição, assinale a alternativa correta.