Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Maricá - RJ 2024 para Docente I – Língua Estrangeira – Inglês

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Q2574144 Inglês
Question relate to teaching skills and abilities:
Harmer (2015) suggests a basic procedure for teaching receptive skills that involves two types of tasks:
I (1) Lead in; (2) T directs comprehension task; (3) SS read/listen for task; (4) T directs feedback; (5) T directs text-related texts.
II (1) Lead in; (2) T directs comprehension task; (3) SS read/listen for task; (4) T directs feedback; (5) T directs comprehension task; (6) SS read/listen for task; (7) T directs feedback; (8) T directs text-related texts.
Looking at I and II, the most appropriate conclusion is that:
Q2574145 Inglês
Question relate to teaching skills and abilities:
Scrivener (2011) presents alternative ways to teach grammar opposed to the traditional “present-practice” structure lesson shape. One of these ways is Task-Based Learning, which comprises the following procedures:
Q2574146 Inglês
Question relate to teaching skills and abilities:
Cope & Kalantzis (2000) present the discussions made by the New London Group in 1996, when different educators met to discuss traditional literacy pedagogy and the need of new literacy practices in contemporary society. They assert that they “attempt to broad this understanding of literacy and literacy teaching and learning to include negotiating a multiplicity of discourses” (p. 9). Within this perspective, the two principal aspects of this multiplicity of discourses include:
Q2574147 Inglês
Question relate to teaching skills and abilities:
The Pedagogy of Multiliteracies is presented by the New London Group as this attempt to broaden the traditional concept of literacy practices due to the constant changes in contemporary societies and the need to incorporate new literacy practices. This pedagogy includes four components that are related in complex ways. The components described by the authors are:
Q2574148 Inglês
Question relate to teaching skills and abilities:
Baladeli and Ferreira (2012) defend that due to the increasingly use of web 2.0 technologies in contemporary society, new digital literacies need to be approached in both pre-service and in-service teacher education. The concept of digital literacy can be defined as:
41: E
42: C
43: A
44: D
45: B