Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Juru - PB 2024 para Professor de Inglês

Foram encontradas 40 questões

Q2452076 Noções de Informática
Os sistemas de arquivos são componentes fundamentais dos sistemas operacionais, responsáveis pela organização, armazenamento e recuperação de dados em dispositivos de armazenamento, como discos rígidos, SSDs e dispositivos removíveis. Eles estabelecem a forma como os arquivos e diretórios são nomeados, armazenados, organizados e acessados por usuários e aplicativos, além de gerenciar permissões de acesso e garantir a integridade dos dados.

Analise as seguintes afirmações sobre os diferentes tipos de sistema de arquivos:

I. O NTFS não oferece suporte a compactação de arquivos e pastas, exigindo que os usuários utilizem softwares de terceiros para compactar seus dados.

II. FAT16 refere-se ao sistema de arquivos File Allocation Table com uma tabela de 16 bits, tendo sido amplamente utilizado em sistemas operacionais mais antigos, como MS-DOS e versões iniciais do Windows.

III. EXT4 é um sistema de arquivo popularmente usado no Linux, e tem esse nome pois suporta tamanhos de partição de até 4 TB.

Está(ão )CORRETO(S):
Q2452077 Noções de Informática
A funcionalidade de comentários no Microsoft Word desempenha um papel essencial na melhoria da qualidade e na eficiência da colaboração no ambiente de trabalho moderno. Com a capacidade de adicionar comentários e sugestões, os colaboradores podem discutir ideias, esclarecer dúvidas e tomar decisões de maneira mais eficaz. Analise o texto abaixo sobre a utilização de comentários no Microsoft Word.

“Para inserir um comentário, na guia ________, no grupo ________, clique em Novo Comentário.”

Assinale a alternativa que COMPLETA CORRETAMENTE as lacunas do texto.
Q2452078 Noções de Informática
A segurança da informação é fundamental para proteger informações e serviços contra acessos não autorizados. Neste contexto, qual das opções abaixo melhor descreve uma estratégia eficaz e viável de segurança da informação:
Q2452079 Noções de Informática
Em um mundo cada vez mais conectado, os golpes na internet se tornaram uma ameaça constante para a segurança de indivíduos e empresas. Entre as diversas técnicas utilizadas por criminosos virtuais, qual se destaca como a mais prevalente nos golpes de phishing:
Q2452080 Noções de Informática
Considerando as características e o funcionamento do correio eletrônico, analise as afirmativas abaixo e assinale a opção CORRETA:

I. O protocolo SMTP é utilizado somente para enviar emails, não para recebê-los.

II. A principal funcionalidade do protocolo POP3 (Post Office Protocol version 3) é o envio de emails.

III. O protocolo IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) é especialmente útil em ambientes onde o armazenamento local de emails é preferido, já que ele baixa os emails do servidor para o cliente de email e os armazena localmente, permitindo o acesso offline aos emails.

Está(ão )CORRETO(S):
Q2452346 Pedagogia
Segundo a LDB, Lei nº 9.394/96, Art. 12. “Os estabelecimentos de ensino, respeitadas as normas comuns e as do seu sistema de ensino, terão os Municípios a incumbência de”, entre outros, EXCETO:
Q2452347 Pedagogia
De acordo com a Resolução nº 4, de 2 de outubro de 2009, Art. 4º Considera-se público-alvo do AEE:

I. Alunos com deficiência: aqueles que têm impedimentos de longo prazo de natureza física, intelectual, mental ou sensorial.

II. Alunos com transtornos globais do desenvolvimento: aqueles que apresentam um quadro de alterações no desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor, comprometimento nas relações sociais, na comunicação ou estereotipias motoras. Incluem-se nessa definição alunos com autismo clássico, síndrome de Asperger, síndrome de Rett, transtorno desintegrativo da infância (psicoses) e transtornos invasivos sem outra especificação.

III. Alunos com altas habilidades/superdotação: aqueles que apresentam um potencial elevado e grande envolvimento com as áreas do conhecimento humano, isoladas ou combinadas: intelectual, liderança, psicomotora, artes e criatividade.

Está(ão) CORRETO(S):
Q2452348 Pedagogia
De acordo com Lei Federal nº 9.795/1999 (Institui a Política Nacional de Educação Ambiental), Art. 8o As atividades vinculadas à Política Nacional de Educação Ambiental devem ser desenvolvidas na educação em geral e na educação escolar, por meio das seguintes linhas de atuação inter-relacionadas, EXCETO:
Q2452349 Direito da Criança e do Adolescente - Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA) - Lei nº 8.069 de 1990
É o instrumento legal - Lei 12.852/2013(Estatuto da Juventude)- que determina quais são os direitos dos jovens que devem ser garantidos e promovidos pelo Estado brasileiro, independente de quem esteja à frente da gestão dos poderes públicos.

De acordo com o Estatuto da Juventude, são consideradas pessoas jovens:
Q2452350 Pedagogia
De acordo com a LDB, Lei nº 9.394/96, “Art. 18. “Os sistemas municipais de ensino compreendem”:

I. As instituições do ensino fundamental, médio e de educação infantil mantidas pelo Poder Público municipal.

II. As instituições de educação infantil criadas e mantidas pela iniciativa privada.

III. Os órgãos municipais de educação.

Está(ão) CORRETO(S): 
Q2452351 Inglês
“Languages vary” this is a very coherent statement when it comes to the study of language change phenomenon. That being said, check the answer that can be equally considered as coherent, on what matters to the study of such phenomenon.
Q2452352 Inglês
“Language is a communicative tool manipulated by speakers within social networks, for communities and societies vary. Thus, language and its functions are changed”. Based on the statement provided, check the answer that better explains the picture below.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão
Q2452353 Inglês
Stephen Krashen (1985) is an expert in the field of linguistics, specializing in theories of language acquisition and development. Much of his research has involved the study of non-English and bilingual language acquisition. In a brief mention of Krashen's widely known and well-accepted theory of second language acquisition, which has had a large impact in all areas of second language research and teaching, it is correct to say that it is made of five hypotheses, which are presented below. Considering all the 5 (five) hypotheses provided by Krashen in his Acquisition Theory, match the second column by using the information provided in the first, then check the correct answer.

(A) The Natural Order hypothesis.
(B) The Affective Filter hypothesis.
(C) The Acquisition-Learning hypothesis
(D) The Monitor hypothesis
(E) The Input hypothesis

( ) This hypothesis reinforces that our ability to produce statements in another language is the result of unconscious knowledge and that conscious knowledge has the function of editing and correcting the output (oral productions).

( ) According to this hypothesis, learners who are poorly motivated, insecure, anxious and with low self-esteem would be prevented from connecting the input with the LAD (Language Acquisition Device).

( ) This hypothesis predicts that there is only one way to acquire the language: understanding messages.

( ) This hypothesis predicts that there are two ways to develop a second language. The first one would be unconscious and the second one would be conscious.

( ) This hypothesis suggests that we acquire the rules of a language regardless of how these rules are taught in the classroom.
Q2452354 Inglês
When it comes to Language Acquisition, Connectionism denies both innate rules and the existence of any innate language-learning module, for L2 input would be of greater importance than it is in processing models based on innate approaches. In Connectionism, input is the source of both the units and the rules of language. An important contribution of Connectionism to Second Language Acquisition studies is usually associated with the premise that adults are not better second language learners when compared to children. That would because, despite having superior skills than children, adults would not be considered as better second language learners. Based on such premise, check the answer whose information contains the adequate explanation for it in accordance with the Connectionist Theory.
Q2452355 Inglês
Paragraphs are the basic building blocks of any writing. A paragraph is a group of sentences that deal with a single topic. The parts of the paragraph are linked together by phrases and conjunctions. They guide the reader through the arguments presented. That being said, check the alternative whose information provided is the only one correct when it comes to the different types of sentences of a well-structured paragraph.
Q2452356 Inglês
Verb forms help us to make time reference through their tense. Tense shows whether an action or a state took, take or will take place. For example, the simple past tense is used to express actions that have already happened; the simple present tense is used to express an action that is taking place or happening now; and, the simple future tense is used to express an action which will certainly take place at a time later than now. With that in mind, check the answer whose information provided is the only one correct about simple tenses sentences structure and verb conjugation.
Q2452357 Inglês
When it comes to word formation, a prefix is an affix which is placed before a word. Adding it to the beginning of one word changes it into another word. Some prefixes are used to convey a “negative meaning”. That being said, check the answer whose prefix was not used to convey a negative meaning.
Q2452358 Inglês
Sentence can be defined as a group of one or more words. On the other hand, sentence structure is understood as the way basic grammatical elements (a subject, predicate, and sometimes direct or indirect objects) of a sentence are combined. The rules for how a sentence is constructed are simple. These include the necessity for a subject, predicate, and object (in that order) in every sentence. Beyond that, we can also add elements like prepositions and conjunctions. In English, for example, sentences can be classified as simple, complex and compound. That being said, check the answer that provides the correct information about the types of sentence structure in English.
Q2452359 Inglês
Comparative Adjectives compare one person or thing with another and enable us to say whether a person or thing has more or less of a particular quality. On the other hand, Superlative Adjectives describe one person or thing as having more of a quality than all other people or things in a group. Both Comparatives and Superlatives Adjectives can be used to highlight SUPERIORITY, as their principles and rules of formation may differ typically based on the type of adjectives, may it be short or long. That being said, check (T) for TRUE and (F) for FALSE, considering the information provided on Comparatives and Superlatives Adjectives formation to highlight SUPERIORITY, then check the correct answer.

( ) The comparative of short adjectives such as “pretty, happy and heavy” are “prettyer than, happyer than and heavyer than”, for the vowel “y” is preceded by another consonant.

( ) The comparative of long adjectives such as “beautiful, interesting and expensive” are “beautifuler than, interestinger than and expensiver than”, as the suffix “ER” is considered to be the general rule for those type of adjectives.

( ) The comparative of short adjectives such as “grey, fey and stray” are “greier than, feier than and straier than”, for the vowel “y” is preceded by another vowel.

( ) The comparative of Latin origin adjectives such as “basic, famous and competent” are “more basic than, more famous than and more competent than”, for using “more” before adjectives like those is considered to be the most adequate rule to use.

( ) The comparative of short adjectives such as “nice, wise and late” are “nicer than, wiser than and later than”, for they are all ending in “E”, and adding only the suffix “R” at the end of those type of adjectives is the correct rule to use.

( ) The superlative of short adjectives such as “fat, thin and big” are “the fatter, the thinner and the bigger”, for they all are ending in “C-V-C” (consonant-vowel-consonant).

( ) The superlative of irregular adjectives such as “good, bad and far” are “the goodest, the baddest and the farrest”, for adding the suffix “EST” at the end of those type of adjectives is considered to be the most appropriate rule to use.

( ) The superlative of long adjectives such as “pleasant, intelligent and successful” are “the most pleasant, the most intelligent and the most successful”, for adding “most” before those types of adjectives, instead of suffixes such as “ST, EST or IEST”, is the correct rule to use.

( ) The superlative of short adjectives such as “much, some and many” is “the most”, not because those adjectives are necessarily short, but because they are all irregular and share at certain point and extent the same semantics – meaning.

( ) If it is correct to say adjectives such as “bad, good and far” are irregular, it is also correct to say that the comparative of these adjectives are “worse than, better than and farther than” in this respective order.
Q2452360 Inglês
Read the excerpt that follows from Khalid and Husnin’s (2019) paper “CHALLENGES AND SUPPORT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF NOVICE TEACHERS’ PROFESSIONAL IDENTITIES”.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

“In order to become effective, teachers have to be professionally prepared. Teachers therefore need to experience continuing professional development so as to become more effective (Harris, 2002). For pre-service teachers, teaching practice is one of the key elements in their training (Haigh and Tuck, 1999; Hill and Brodin, 2004). Through pre-service training, student teachers are provided with experience in teaching and learning in and outside the classroom, as well as opportunities to enhance the development of their characters so as to become ethical and professional (Kennedy, 2006). Some past studies have proven that teaching practice helps pre-service teachers to have better discussions with lecturers and mentors, and thus helps pre-service teachers to determine the approaches to use and their implications in teaching (Botha and Reddy, 2011; Agbo, 2003). In addition, teaching practice has been found to help pre-service teachers to enhance those skills related to problem identification, decision making, and the selection of approaches to overcome problems in classroom situations, and has also been found to be incredibly significant in developing pre-service teachers’ confidence in themselves (Khalid, 2014). Nevertheless, teachers’ professional development is not merely limited to preservice training. Berliner (1995) views the initial stage of new teachers’ professionalism as the critical stage in which novice teachers will face numerous conflicts, responsibilities and tasks”.

That being said, relying on linguistic skills and reading techniques, check the answer which is associated with the global meaning of the excerpt of the paper provided. 
21: B
22: A
23: C
24: C
25: A
26: A
27: E
28: D
29: E
30: A
31: B
32: C
33: A
34: D
35: A
36: B
37: A
38: B
39: D
40: C