Questões de Concurso Público BANRISUL 2018 para Suporte a Infraestrutura de TI – Turno Noturno

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Q917334 Inglês

Instrução: The question is related to the text below.

From: The Impact of Bitcoin on Central Banks acesso em 27/12/2107 April 11, [email protected]
Consider whether the statements below are true (T) or false (F), according to the text.
( ) When compared to the value of notes and coins, the overall value of bitcoin is very low. ( ) The impact caused by bitcoin is provoking many changes in the bank systems globally. ( ) The ample adoption of bitcoin is the best response to the impact exerted by the cryptocurrencies on world economy. ( ) A global network of users may offer a safer and more efficient control over the payment systems than the central banks.
The sequence that adequately fills in the parentheses, from top to bottom, is
2: C