Questões de Concurso Público Câmara Legislativa do Distrito Federal 2018 para Analista de Sistemas - Área 2

Foram encontradas 60 questões

Q2028453 Legislação Estadual
A Lei Complementar nº 13, de 3 de setembro de 1996, que disciplina a redação, alteração e consolidação das leis n⁰ Distrito Federal, dispõe, a respeito da estruturação das leis, que
Q2028454 Legislação Estadual
Nos termos da Lei Orgânica do Distrito Federal, constitui matéria que pode ser objeto de lei ordinária 
Q2028455 Regimento Interno
O Regimento Interno da Câmara Legislativa do Distrito Federal dispõe, a respeito das proposições no processo legislativo, que: 
Q2028456 História e Geografia de Estados e Municípios
Na crise hídrica enfrentada pelo Distrito Federal em 2017, Planaltina e Sobradinho sofreram interrupção no fornecimento de água por alguns dias. A área foi considerada a mais crítica nos períodos de estiagem, pelo presidente da Companhia de Saneamento do Distrito Federal, porque
Q2028457 História e Geografia de Estados e Municípios
O bioma Cerrado, característico da região do Distrito Federal, ocupa, em relação à área total do Brasil, cerca de
Q2028458 Inglês
Legislative Management and Information System

               In May 2001, the Sangguniang Panlalawigan (SP − Provincial Council in English) under the leadership of Vice-Governor Loreto Leo S. Ocampos embarked on the computerization of its legislative function through the acquisition of the “Legislative Management and Tracking System”. The “Legislative Management and Tracking System” or “Legtrack” as it is commonly called, is a software program developed as a tool to track, monitor and store communications, requests, proposed resolutions and ordinances, communications, Sangguniang Bayan Resolutions and ordinances from different municipalities and cities to be acted upon.

          The Provincial Government only spent sixty-six thousand pesos (P 66,000.00) for the cost of installation, airfare and accommodation of two Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP) consultants and the training of five SP personnel on its operation and application. Now, over a million worth of software program was given to the Sangguniang Panlalawigan for free.
          The SP’s “Legtrack” can be considered as one of the most updated versions of the Tracking System used by different Local Government Units in the country. It also holds the distinction of being the first “Legtrack” to be synced to a Paperless Legislation Program.
        The actual performance of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan and its individual members can also be gauged through statistics on session attendance; committee meeting attendance; committee reports made, number of resolutions and ordinances authored, sponsored and passed.

           Furthermore, the System upgrade(s) enhances not only the intellectual capability of the Secretariat but also its technical competence in support to the Sanggunian’s Office vows to be responsive, active and sensitive to the needs of the people. It has undergone a total of seven upgrades over the years.

(Adapted from
Segundo o texto, o Legtrack
Q2028459 Inglês
Legislative Management and Information System

               In May 2001, the Sangguniang Panlalawigan (SP − Provincial Council in English) under the leadership of Vice-Governor Loreto Leo S. Ocampos embarked on the computerization of its legislative function through the acquisition of the “Legislative Management and Tracking System”. The “Legislative Management and Tracking System” or “Legtrack” as it is commonly called, is a software program developed as a tool to track, monitor and store communications, requests, proposed resolutions and ordinances, communications, Sangguniang Bayan Resolutions and ordinances from different municipalities and cities to be acted upon.

          The Provincial Government only spent sixty-six thousand pesos (P 66,000.00) for the cost of installation, airfare and accommodation of two Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP) consultants and the training of five SP personnel on its operation and application. Now, over a million worth of software program was given to the Sangguniang Panlalawigan for free.
          The SP’s “Legtrack” can be considered as one of the most updated versions of the Tracking System used by different Local Government Units in the country. It also holds the distinction of being the first “Legtrack” to be synced to a Paperless Legislation Program.
        The actual performance of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan and its individual members can also be gauged through statistics on session attendance; committee meeting attendance; committee reports made, number of resolutions and ordinances authored, sponsored and passed.

           Furthermore, the System upgrade(s) enhances not only the intellectual capability of the Secretariat but also its technical competence in support to the Sanggunian’s Office vows to be responsive, active and sensitive to the needs of the people. It has undergone a total of seven upgrades over the years.

(Adapted from
De acordo com o texto, o Legtrack
Q2028460 Inglês
Reno, Nevada, Improves Efficiency while Complying with Stringent Open Meeting Law Requirements


The Reno City Council meets regularly to set priorities, approve the budget and address issues facing the community. These meetings are guided by incredibly stringent open meeting law requirements. Staff must post the agenda, along with all supporting materials, on their website at least three days prior to a meeting. Additionally, if any documents are presented during a Council meeting to help make a decision, it must be uploaded within 24 hours after the meeting.

As a Senior Management Analyst, Jaime Schroeder has been responsible for all staff reports, supporting materials and the agendas for the Reno City Council and the Reno Redevelopment Agency Board since early 2012. Back then, the agency was using a government shareware product. “We realized we had quickly outgrown that system,” recalls Jaime.

The City’s communications and technology departments conducted a thorough search of alternatives and narrowed the list down to three contenders. “We looked at Accela Legislative Management and realized it was the full package,” says Jaime. “It was something we felt we could implement and get comfortable with quickly.”


One of the things Jaime appreciates about Accela is that “they believe in their product so much, you don’t have to sign on for a year. With Accela, we didn’t feel they were trying to get the most money they could from the agency. We felt they truly were a company that wanted to work with us and were understanding of all the different requirements we had.”

City Council meetings are on average four to six hours long. In the past, citizens had to fast forward and rewind through an entire meeting online in order to find what they were looking for. “The great thing about this product and why we chose it is that the video of each meeting is integrated with the meeting documents and it also has time-stamp features, making it easy for staff and citizens to quickly find what they’re interested in. I love that transparency.”


Once a document is posted online, staff and citizens alike can access it through a meeting portal 24/7. When citizens request a Council or staff report, employees can simply direct them to the portal, where they can click on the meeting date, see the agenda and then click on the item that interests them. When the media requests information, the Communications department can send links to staff reports online, saving time, paper and money and helping to ensure accurate media coverage.

In the future, the City of Reno is looking forward to using the electronic voting feature available within Accela Digital Boardroom that shows meeting participants’ votes on a screen during the meeting in real time.

(Adapted from
De acordo com o texto,
Q2028461 Inglês
Reno, Nevada, Improves Efficiency while Complying with Stringent Open Meeting Law Requirements


The Reno City Council meets regularly to set priorities, approve the budget and address issues facing the community. These meetings are guided by incredibly stringent open meeting law requirements. Staff must post the agenda, along with all supporting materials, on their website at least three days prior to a meeting. Additionally, if any documents are presented during a Council meeting to help make a decision, it must be uploaded within 24 hours after the meeting.

As a Senior Management Analyst, Jaime Schroeder has been responsible for all staff reports, supporting materials and the agendas for the Reno City Council and the Reno Redevelopment Agency Board since early 2012. Back then, the agency was using a government shareware product. “We realized we had quickly outgrown that system,” recalls Jaime.

The City’s communications and technology departments conducted a thorough search of alternatives and narrowed the list down to three contenders. “We looked at Accela Legislative Management and realized it was the full package,” says Jaime. “It was something we felt we could implement and get comfortable with quickly.”


One of the things Jaime appreciates about Accela is that “they believe in their product so much, you don’t have to sign on for a year. With Accela, we didn’t feel they were trying to get the most money they could from the agency. We felt they truly were a company that wanted to work with us and were understanding of all the different requirements we had.”

City Council meetings are on average four to six hours long. In the past, citizens had to fast forward and rewind through an entire meeting online in order to find what they were looking for. “The great thing about this product and why we chose it is that the video of each meeting is integrated with the meeting documents and it also has time-stamp features, making it easy for staff and citizens to quickly find what they’re interested in. I love that transparency.”


Once a document is posted online, staff and citizens alike can access it through a meeting portal 24/7. When citizens request a Council or staff report, employees can simply direct them to the portal, where they can click on the meeting date, see the agenda and then click on the item that interests them. When the media requests information, the Communications department can send links to staff reports online, saving time, paper and money and helping to ensure accurate media coverage.

In the future, the City of Reno is looking forward to using the electronic voting feature available within Accela Digital Boardroom that shows meeting participants’ votes on a screen during the meeting in real time.

(Adapted from
Segundo o texto, 
Q2028462 Inglês
Reno, Nevada, Improves Efficiency while Complying with Stringent Open Meeting Law Requirements


The Reno City Council meets regularly to set priorities, approve the budget and address issues facing the community. These meetings are guided by incredibly stringent open meeting law requirements. Staff must post the agenda, along with all supporting materials, on their website at least three days prior to a meeting. Additionally, if any documents are presented during a Council meeting to help make a decision, it must be uploaded within 24 hours after the meeting.

As a Senior Management Analyst, Jaime Schroeder has been responsible for all staff reports, supporting materials and the agendas for the Reno City Council and the Reno Redevelopment Agency Board since early 2012. Back then, the agency was using a government shareware product. “We realized we had quickly outgrown that system,” recalls Jaime.

The City’s communications and technology departments conducted a thorough search of alternatives and narrowed the list down to three contenders. “We looked at Accela Legislative Management and realized it was the full package,” says Jaime. “It was something we felt we could implement and get comfortable with quickly.”


One of the things Jaime appreciates about Accela is that “they believe in their product so much, you don’t have to sign on for a year. With Accela, we didn’t feel they were trying to get the most money they could from the agency. We felt they truly were a company that wanted to work with us and were understanding of all the different requirements we had.”

City Council meetings are on average four to six hours long. In the past, citizens had to fast forward and rewind through an entire meeting online in order to find what they were looking for. “The great thing about this product and why we chose it is that the video of each meeting is integrated with the meeting documents and it also has time-stamp features, making it easy for staff and citizens to quickly find what they’re interested in. I love that transparency.”


Once a document is posted online, staff and citizens alike can access it through a meeting portal 24/7. When citizens request a Council or staff report, employees can simply direct them to the portal, where they can click on the meeting date, see the agenda and then click on the item that interests them. When the media requests information, the Communications department can send links to staff reports online, saving time, paper and money and helping to ensure accurate media coverage.

In the future, the City of Reno is looking forward to using the electronic voting feature available within Accela Digital Boardroom that shows meeting participants’ votes on a screen during the meeting in real time.

(Adapted from
De acordo com o texto, 
Q2028463 Engenharia de Software
Considere a situação em que, durante o projeto de um sistema de controle eleitoral, um Analista de Sistemas obteve os seguintes requisitos:
I. O cidadão exerce o papel de eleitor e pode exercer também o de mesário. Um caso de uso para cadastrar cidadão pode ter um desdobramento para os tipos eleitor e mesário.
II. Durante o processo de cadastro, se ocorrer de um cidadão eleitor solicitar ser também mesário, o sistema deverá realizar um caso de uso específico para cadastrá-lo como mesário.
III. Toda vez que um cidadão mesário necessitar acessar o sistema eleitoral para averiguar alguma situação, ele deve se “logar” e, então, sempre, nessa situação, o sistema deverá realizar um caso de uso para autenticar o mesário (validar login e senha).
Em um Diagrama de Caso de Uso, os relacionamentos derivados da especificação dos requisitos acima, correspondem, correta e respectivamente, a
Q2028464 Engenharia de Software
Considere, por hipótese, a seguinte situação:
− Uma classe de objetos denominada Regulamento possui características específicas e outras provenientes de uma superclasse denominada Lei. − Essa mesma classe Regulamento também possui outras características provenientes de outra superclasse denominada Decreto. − Uma classe denominada Minuta de Decreto também possui características específicas e outras provenientes das superclasses Lei e Decreto. − Os métodos invocados no tratamento das instâncias de Regulamento e Minuta de Decreto têm as mesmas assinaturas, no entanto se comportam de maneira diferente.
A situação acima denota o uso dos conceitos e princípios da orientação a objetos
Q2028465 Engenharia de Software
Um time de desenvolvimento de sistemas discutia acerca dos métodos que poderiam utilizar em uma determinada demanda, considerando que:
I. deveriam entregar software funcionando com frequência, na escala de semanas até meses, com preferência aos períodos mais curtos. II. mudanças de requisitos não deveriam ser aceitas no final do desenvolvimento para que não houvesse interferência na fase de testes. III. seriam blindados da interferência da área de negócios durante todo o curso do projeto.
Corresponde aos princípios do Manifesto Ágil de desenvolvimento de software o que consta APENAS em 
Q2028466 Engenharia de Software
Durante uma ponderação sobre a abordagem, princípios e características do Processo Unificado, os Analistas de Sistemas concluíram, corretamente, que este utiliza
Q2028467 Engenharia de Software
Uma equipe de Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas, orientada pelo Processo Unificado − PU, executou e entregou partes de um sistema ao seu cliente, seguindo disciplinas ou fluxos de trabalho do PU que compreendem, dentre outras,
Q2028468 Engenharia de Software
Considere as definições abaixo.
I. Sempre que uma pessoa se dirigir ao setor de Ouvidoria para registrar uma reclamação, esta pessoa deve se identificar com seu documento de identidade. O profissional da Ouvidoria deve certificar-se que o documento seja válido.
II. No módulo de busca, a localização dos projetos por assuntos, por ano e por autores é um processo oneroso em termos de memória e processamento devido ao alto volume de dados. Em função disso, o sistema deverá prover recursos de multithreading que possibilitem processar as buscas de forma paralela, de maneira que o tempo de resposta seja limitado a 30 minutos por busca.
III Todo Deputado da Mesa Diretora deverá receber e-mails de aviso por meio do sistema. As informações de recebimento e de abertura dos e-mails deverão ficar registradas eletronicamente.
Uma Analista de Sistemas, ao analisar as definições, conclui que
Q2028469 Engenharia de Software
Considere os exemplos de estratégias para construção de interfaces com o usuário. 
 00_37.png (662×391)
Considerando que cada um dos exemplos é formado por um par de imagens, conclui-se que
Q2028470 Engenharia de Software
Uma Analista de Sistemas da Câmara Legislativa deve utilizar uma ferramenta de teste de software do tipo 
Q2028471 Engenharia de Software
Considere que um software desenvolvido pela equipe de Analistas de Sistemas da Câmara Legislativa, ao longo de sua utilização, passou por processos de manutenção em que o software foi modificado
I. em função de uma mudança na legislação sobre a transparência das ações públicas, que obrigou a equipe a modificar uma função do sistema diretamente atingida. Como esta mudança exigiu a disponibilidade de um grande volume de informações ao público por meio da web, o sistema foi migrado para outra plataforma mais robusta;
II. para melhorar a sua qualidade, de forma que novos recursos de acessibilidade foram incluídos. Esses recursos não estavam previstos no documento de requisitos original do sistema; e
III. após ter apresentado defeitos ao ser utilizado por usuários da Câmara. Embora o sistema tenha passado pela fase de testes, os erros não foram detectados. Uma nova versão do sistema foi disponibilizada após as modificações.
Nas situações I, II e III o software passou, correta e respectivamente, por manutenções do tipo
Q2028472 Engenharia de Software

Considere a figura abaixo.

00_40.png (517×190)

(Adaptado de:

Com base na estrutura de gerenciamento de configuração de software apresentada na figura, conclui-se corretamente que 

21: C
22: B
23: E
24: D
25: C
26: A
27: D
28: B
29: A
30: C
31: B
32: D
33: A
34: E
35: D
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38: C
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40: D