Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Florianópolis - SC 2022 para Professor de Inglês

Foram encontradas 40 questões

Q2037919 Inglês
The Methodological History of Language Teaching describes some methods of learning and teaching English as a second language.
Match them to their characteristics.
Column 1 Methods 1. The Audiolingual Method. 2. The Direct Method. 3. The Grammar Translation Method. 4. The Silent Way
Column 2 Characteristics ( ) It’s used to teach a number of different languages not just English, and the main idea of this Method is that it only uses the target language that the students are trying to learn. ( ) It is based on a behaviorist theory that things are able to be learned by constant reinforcement. ( ) The main of this way of teaching is for the teacher to say very little, so students can take control of their learning. ( ) This method of teaching English is grammar heavy and relies a lot on translation.

Choose the alternative which presents the correct sequence from top to botton.
Q2037920 Pedagogia
Analise as afirmativas abaixo, no que se refere ao aprendizado da Língua Inglesa nas escolas regulares brasileiras e as dificuldades encontradas nelas.
1. Carga horária suficiente para a disciplina. 2. Professores com formação insuficiente para lidar com os contextos difíceis em que se encontram. 3. Um grande número de alunos em sala de aula. 4. Recursos didáticos adequados e abundantes.

Assinale a alternativa que indica todas as afirmativas corretas.
Q2037921 Inglês
Read the following paragraph:
“The communicative language teaching ........................................... which have attracted a great deal of interest in recent decades are the most recent manifestation of ..................................... that have appealed to the ................................of teachers for a very long time.”

Choose the alternative that contains the correct missing words.
Q2037922 Inglês
Like any other Latin American countries, Brazil is committed to promoting educational reforms that will make it possible for the nation to overcome significant disadvantages. With respect to Secondary Education in particular, two factors of a very different nature have determined the pressing need to revisit the overall guidelines and curriculum parameters that serve as implicit in the guidance to this level of education.
These two factors are:
Q2037923 Legislação dos Municípios do Estado de Santa Catarina
De acordo com a Proposta Curricular da Rede Municipal de Ensino de Florianópolis (2016), a concepção de currículo propõe que sua construção seja pautada em quais áreas do conhecimento?
31: B
32: D
33: C
34: E
35: E