Questões de Concurso Público SEDUC-AM 2014 para Professor - Língua Inglesa

Foram encontradas 60 questões

Q579726 Inglês

Read text II and answer the question:

Text II

When people say that something “fits your needs" (lines 40 and 41), they mean it is
Q579727 Inglês

Read text III and answer the question:

Text III

According to the text, 21st century EFL students should 
Q579728 Inglês

Read text III and answer the question:

Text III

The word that has the same pronunciation as the first vowel in “migration" (line 6) is 
Q579729 Inglês

Read text III and answer the question:

Text III

According to the PCN's, critical literacy is in line with 
Q579730 Inglês

Read text III and answer the question:

Text III

Read the following items:

I. Discussing gender issues.

II. Emphasizing oral drilling.

III. Translating famous poets.

IV. Practicing critical literacy.

According to Text III, the strategies in line with the Brazilian National Parameters are 
56: D
57: A
58: B
59: E
60: C