Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Vacaria - RS 2015 para Professor - Inglês

Foram encontradas 3 questões

Q1359377 Inglês

(Source: TRUSS, L. (2003). EATS, SHOOTS AND LEAVES - The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation. Profile Books Ltd,

London, UK. P.55)

The idiom “to bark up the wrong tree” (lines 8 and 9) means
Q1359378 Inglês

(Source: TRUSS, L. (2003). EATS, SHOOTS AND LEAVES - The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation. Profile Books Ltd,

London, UK. P.55)

The definition for the adjective “murky” (line 02) is
Q1359379 Inglês

(Source: TRUSS, L. (2003). EATS, SHOOTS AND LEAVES - The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation. Profile Books Ltd,

London, UK. P.55)

The negative prefix un-, as in unpronounced (line 11), is also used with the adjectives below, EXCEPT:
1: B
2: D
3: A