Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Corumbá - MS 2018 para Professor - Inglês

Foram encontradas 3 questões

Q1300093 Inglês

A questão refere-se ao texto abaixo.

Fonte: adaptado de 

Analyse the statements below about the use of the simple past in the third paragraph:
I. It’s used to refer to single events that took place simultaneous. II. There is no explicit time marker, so it would be possible to transforme all verbs into present perfect form. III. It is used to make reference to a definite past time clearly separated from the moment of speaking.
Which ones are correct?
Q1300102 Inglês

A questão refere-se ao texto abaixo.

Fonte: Angelou, M., & Broun, H. H. (1994). And still I rise. Jeffrey Norton Publishers.
Considering only the form of the verb, mark the alternative in which the sentence ‘Does my sassiness upset you?’ (l.05) is in the future perfect.
Q1300111 Inglês

A questão refere-se ao texto abaixo.

Fonte: adaptado de <>.
Consider the following statements about the word ‘award-winning’ (l.18).
I. It’s classified as a noun. II. It’s compound noun formed by an adverb and a verb. III. The stress is on the second word.
Which ones are INCORRECT?
1: C
2: C
3: E