Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Corumbá - MS 2018 para Professor - Inglês

Foi encontrada 1 questão

Q1300089 Inglês

A questão refere-se ao texto abaixo.

Fonte: adaptado de 

Match column A with B regarding how sentences are classified.

A.Type of sentence
1. Simple Sentence.
2. Coordination.
3. Subordination.
4. Embbedding.

B. Examples
( ) She became a celebrated calypso singer and dancer in a San Francisco cabaret (l.21).
( ) She recently guest conducted the Boston Pops simply because she felt like it. (l.30-31).
( ) She has written more than 20 books, and she once had three titles (l.31).
( ) She prepares the kind of food that makes you want to take a bite and tell about it. (l.38-39).

Mark the correct order.

1: A