Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Corumbá - MS 2018 para Professor - Inglês

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Q1300104 Inglês

A questão refere-se ao texto abaixo.

Fonte: Angelou, M., & Broun, H. H. (1994). And still I rise. Jeffrey Norton Publishers.
Analyse the following statements; then answer the question.
I. In the first stanza, the speaker’s tone is humorous and patronising. II. In the second stanza, you can find an image that shows the poet as confident. III. In the last couple of stanzas, more seriousness is aded by the use of historical references to slavery.
Which ones are correct?
Q1300105 Inglês

A questão refere-se ao texto abaixo.

Fonte: Angelou, M., & Broun, H. H. (1994). And still I rise. Jeffrey Norton Publishers.
In the sixth stanza, ‘may’ is used to express
Q1300106 Inglês

A questão refere-se ao texto abaixo.

Fonte: Angelou, M., & Broun, H. H. (1994). And still I rise. Jeffrey Norton Publishers.
Analyse the following statements.
I. ‘trod’ (l.03) is the past form of ‘tread’. II. ‘Cause’ (l.07) is an example of colloquial phrase.? III. The use of the pronoun "you" grabs the reader's attention and imposes an accusatory tone.
Which ones are correct?
Q1300107 Inglês

A questão refere-se ao texto abaixo.

Fonte: Angelou, M., & Broun, H. H. (1994). And still I rise. Jeffrey Norton Publishers.
Analyse the different uses of figures of speech:
I. An example of simile is the verse ‘But still, like air, I'll rise.’ (l.24). II. “I’m a black ocean, leaping and wide, / Welling and swelling I bear in the tide” (l.33-34) is an example of metaphor. III. The verse ‘I am the dream and the hope of the slave’ (l.40) is an example of hyperbole.
Which ones are INCORRECT?
Q1300108 Inglês

A questão refere-se ao texto abaixo.

Fonte: Angelou, M., & Broun, H. H. (1994). And still I rise. Jeffrey Norton Publishers.
Consider the following statements.
I. The message of the poem is to show the human's strength and ability to retaliate against discrimination of races and gender, overcoming hurt. II. The poem can be linked to the slave narrative, but it focuses in the story of a unique black woman who overcome her difficulties. III. A possible interpretation is that women must raise their voice against the conventional marginalization.
Which ones are correct?
41: D
42: B
43: E
44: C
45: D