Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Espumoso - RS 2023 para Professor de Séries Finais - Língua Inglesa

Foram encontradas 4 questões

Q2210427 Inglês

Stop Wasting Time: A 15-minute Planning Session That Will Save You Hours

(Available at:– textespecially adapted for this test).
Analyze the following sentences below about the excerpt “It has been two months since I started this work-from-home part-time arrangement”.
I. The structure “it has been two months” is in the past perfect tense. II. The structure used suggests an ongoing action – the author is still working this way. III. The word “since” is connected to the point in the past in which the action started.
Which ones are correct?
Q2210428 Inglês

Stop Wasting Time: A 15-minute Planning Session That Will Save You Hours

(Available at:– textespecially adapted for this test).
Mark the INCORRECT alternative about the excerpt “Every Sunday, I set aside 15 minutes to plan out my upcoming work week”. 
Q2210431 Inglês

Stop Wasting Time: A 15-minute Planning Session That Will Save You Hours

(Available at:– textespecially adapted for this test).
The underlined phrasal verb “figure out” (l. 27) could be replaced by the options below, with no significative changes in meaning, EXCEPT for: 
Q2210439 Inglês

Stop Wasting Time: A 15-minute Planning Session That Will Save You Hours

(Available at:– textespecially adapted for this test).
We can use auxiliary and modal verbs in structures to show interest, avoid repetition, state differences and similarities, etc. Mark the sentence in which the use of the verb in bold is INCORRECT. 
1: E
2: D
3: A
4: D