Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Blumenau - SC 2019 para Professor - Inglês - Matutino

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Q1074218 Inglês
Match the second column according to the first, which relates activity objectives with the steps that you can find in the teacher’s book. Identify the correct one (s):
ACTIVITY STEPS 1- objectives and steps 2- developing student interactive strategies 3- making students predict content
ACTIVITY OBJECTIVES ( ) reading activity ( ) planning a lesson ( ) acting out

Check the alternative presents the correct association between the columns:
Q1074220 Inglês
Learning a language, according to the Municipal Curriculum Guidelines for Basic Education, should be:
Q1074221 Inglês
According to the Municipal Curriculum Guidelines for Basic Education, it is through the genres of discourse that:
I- Learning will be materialized in daily life, with its own characteristics and specific social functions. II- social interactions of the user of this language and the exercise of citizenship are not observed. III- III. practicing help develop competences and skills in communication situations, whether oral or written. IV- possibilities for participation in social practices involving reading, writing, production and listening of texts are increased
Check the correct answer:
Q1074222 Inglês
The teaching of English in Municipal schools in Blumenau follows which three axes:
Q1074223 Inglês
What does the document of the Municipal Curriculum Guidelines for Basic Education suggest about the contextualization in foreign language teaching? Identify the correct one (s):
I- Activities with instructions in the mother tongue II- Activities that focus on writing III- Using only subjects that interest students IV- Requires text work, excluding single isolated sentences
Check the correct answer:
6: C
7: B
8: C
9: A
10: C