Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Blumenau - SC 2019 para Professor - Inglês - Matutino

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Q1074223 Inglês
What does the document of the Municipal Curriculum Guidelines for Basic Education suggest about the contextualization in foreign language teaching? Identify the correct one (s):
I- Activities with instructions in the mother tongue II- Activities that focus on writing III- Using only subjects that interest students IV- Requires text work, excluding single isolated sentences
Check the correct answer:
Q1074224 Inglês
Look at the language skills and their description. Which sequence shows the correct description of the language skill?
1- Speaking accurately involves paraphrasing parts of a text. 2- Productive skills involve expressing rather than understanding language. 3- Re-drafting involves making changes to a piece of writing. 4- Process writing involves speaking and writing 5- Listening for gist involves forming a general idea of what a text is about 6- Proofreading involves being able to understand every word of a text.
Mark the alternative that presents the correct sequence:
Q1074225 Inglês
What are the learning objectives related to the axis of orality (speaking / listening) to Preschool Classes III and 1st and 2nd grades, according to the Blumenau Municipal Curriculum Guidelines for Basic Education?
( ) Know how to listen, wait for their turn, respect the speech of others. ( ) Whether in small or large groups, express their opinions, feelings, needs and curiosities, taking into account clarity, intonation, diction / articulation, gesture and posture. ( ) Respect the diversity of oral expression, language variants. ( ) Recognize and reproduce phonemes. ( ) Understand and differentiate the particularities (vocabulary, medium, intonation and purposes of the various oral genres circulating in society;
Mark the alternative that presents the correct sequence:
Q1074226 Inglês
Which is the correct sequence for the “Methodological Possibilities” baed on Blumenau Municipal Curriculum Guidelines for Basic Education?
I- Use of Songs and Oral Practice Situations II- Play activities and interaction through games III- Role play of small pieces or textbook dialogues IV- Students reserach about cultural curiosities about the target language
Check the correct answer:
Q1074227 Inglês
What is the sequence that presents the correct example assessment items with their grammatical focus listed below?
Grammatical focus: A superlative B past simple C gerunds and infinitives D relative pronouns E present simple passive F second conditional
Example assessment items: 1) Complete the sentences with the correct word(s). I .......... there for six years before moving to Budapest. 2) Complete the descriptions with who or which. This is a kind of cheese .......... is made from goat’s milk not cow’s milk. 3) Rewrite the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Where (you/fly) if (you/be) a bird? 4) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Coffee (grow) in Brazil. It (export) to many countries in the world. 5) Complete the sentences with ... +ing or to + ... . I decided (send) a letter to my friend. 6) Complete the sentences with an appropriate adjective. Shanghai is the .......... city in the world.
Mark the alternative that presents the correct sequence:
11: C
12: E
13: D
14: A
15: A