Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Cabo de Santo Agostinho - PE 2019 para Professor II - Inglês
Foram encontradas 40 questões
( ) Os pais ou responsável têm a obrigação de matricular seus filhos ou pupilos na rede regular de ensino. ( ) Os dirigentes de estabelecimentos de ensino fundamental comunicarão ao Conselho Tutelar os casos de reiteração de faltas injustificadas e de evasão escolar, esgotados os recursos escolares. ( ) No processo educacional respeitar-se-ão os valores culturais, artísticos e históricos próprios do contexto social da criança e do adolescente, garantindo-se a estes a liberdade de aprenderem saberes diversos em uma instituição formal ou somente no seio familiar. Assinale a alternativa que apresente a sequência correta de cima para baixo.
Segundo a Resolução CNE/CP nº2/2017 que institui e orienta a implantação da Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), a ser respeitada obrigatoriamente ao longo das etapas e respectivas modalidades no âmbito da Educação Básica, analise as afirmativas abaixo e dê valores Verdadeiro (V) ou Falso (F).
( ) A BNCC, como documento de caráter normativo que define o conjunto orgânico e progressivo de aprendizagens essenciais como direito das crianças e adolescentes, excetuando-se os adultos, que terão norteador curricular diferenciado, no âmbito da Educação Básica escolar.
( ) No âmbito da BNCC, competência é definida como a mobilização de conhecimentos (conceitos e procedimentos), habilidades (práticas cognitivas e socioemocionais), atitudes e valores, para resolver demandas complexas da vida cotidiana, do pleno exercício da cidadania e do mundo do trabalho.
( ) As escolas indígenas e quilombolas terão no seu núcleo comum curricular suas línguas, saberes e pedagogias, além das áreas do conhecimento, das competências e habilidades correspondentes, de exigência nacional da BNCC.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a
sequência correta de cima para baixo.
I. As Instituições de Ensino Superior incluirão nos conteúdos de disciplinas e atividades curriculares dos cursos que ministram a Educação das Relações Étnico-Raciais, bem como o tratamento de questões e temáticas que dizem respeito aos afrodescendentes. II. Os sistemas e os estabelecimentos de ensino poderão estabelecer canais de comunicação com grupos do Movimento Negro, grupos culturais negros, instituições formadoras de professores, núcleos de estudos e pesquisas, como os Núcleos de Estudos Afro-Brasileiros, com a finalidade de buscar subsídios e trocar experiências para planos institucionais, planos pedagógicos e projetos de ensino. III. O ensino sistemático de História e Cultura Afro-Brasileira e Africana na Educação Básica refere-se, em especial, aos componentes curriculares de Educação Física, Geografia e História do Brasil.
I. O MEC realiza este programa desde o ano de _____. II. O Brasil Alfabetizado é desenvolvido em todo o território nacional, com o atendimento prioritário a municípios que apresentam alta taxa de analfabetismo, sendo que 90% destes localizam-se na região _____. III. O objetivo deste programa é promover a superação do analfabetismo entre jovens com _____, adultos e idosos e contribuir para a universalização do ensino _____no Brasil.
Assinale a alternativa que preencha correta e respectivamente as lacunas.
I. Para os anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental, a duração deve ficar a critério dos sistemas de ensino. II. Para os anos finais do Ensino Fundamental, a duração mínima deve ser de 1.800 (mil e oitocentas) horas. III. Para o Ensino Médio, a duração mínima deve ser de 1.200 (mil e duzentas) horas.
Leia o texto abaixo e responda à questão.
The Aral Sea was once the fourth biggest landlocked sea in the world – 66,100 square kilometers of surface. With abundant fishing resources, the Sea provided a healthy life for thousands of people.
The Aral receives its waters from two rivers – the Amu Dar’ya and the Syr Dar’ya. In 1918, the Soviet government decided to divert the two rivers and use their water to irrigate cotton plantations. These diversions dramatically reduced the volume of the Aral.
As a result, the concentration of salt has doubled and important changes have taken place: fishing industry and other enterprises have ceased: salt concentration in the soil has reduced the area available for agriculture and pastures; unemployment has risen dramatically; quality of drinking water has been declining because of increasing salinity, and bacteriological contamination; the health of the people, animal and plant life have suffered as well.
In the past few decades, the Aral Sea volume has decreased by 75 percent. This is a drastic change and it is human induced. During natural cycles, changes occur slowly, over hundreds of years.
The United Nations Environment Program has recently created the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea. Even if all steps are taken, a substantial recovery might be achieved only with 20 years.
Leia o texto abaixo e responda à questão.
The Aral Sea was once the fourth biggest landlocked sea in the world – 66,100 square kilometers of surface. With abundant fishing resources, the Sea provided a healthy life for thousands of people.
The Aral receives its waters from two rivers – the Amu Dar’ya and the Syr Dar’ya. In 1918, the Soviet government decided to divert the two rivers and use their water to irrigate cotton plantations. These diversions dramatically reduced the volume of the Aral.
As a result, the concentration of salt has doubled and important changes have taken place: fishing industry and other enterprises have ceased: salt concentration in the soil has reduced the area available for agriculture and pastures; unemployment has risen dramatically; quality of drinking water has been declining because of increasing salinity, and bacteriological contamination; the health of the people, animal and plant life have suffered as well.
In the past few decades, the Aral Sea volume has decreased by 75 percent. This is a drastic change and it is human induced. During natural cycles, changes occur slowly, over hundreds of years.
The United Nations Environment Program has recently created the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea. Even if all steps are taken, a substantial recovery might be achieved only with 20 years.
Leia o texto abaixo e responda à questão.
The Aral Sea was once the fourth biggest landlocked sea in the world – 66,100 square kilometers of surface. With abundant fishing resources, the Sea provided a healthy life for thousands of people.
The Aral receives its waters from two rivers – the Amu Dar’ya and the Syr Dar’ya. In 1918, the Soviet government decided to divert the two rivers and use their water to irrigate cotton plantations. These diversions dramatically reduced the volume of the Aral.
As a result, the concentration of salt has doubled and important changes have taken place: fishing industry and other enterprises have ceased: salt concentration in the soil has reduced the area available for agriculture and pastures; unemployment has risen dramatically; quality of drinking water has been declining because of increasing salinity, and bacteriological contamination; the health of the people, animal and plant life have suffered as well.
In the past few decades, the Aral Sea volume has decreased by 75 percent. This is a drastic change and it is human induced. During natural cycles, changes occur slowly, over hundreds of years.
The United Nations Environment Program has recently created the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea. Even if all steps are taken, a substantial recovery might be achieved only with 20 years.
Leia o texto abaixo e responda a questão.
Imagine you are planning a Holiday in Boston, say, or Sydney, or Dublin. Now, what if you could stay with locals who could give you a guided tour, take you to the best pub or beach, help you improve your English… and all for free? Welcome to the world of Couchsurfing! Yes, Couchsurfing is about a free couch – or bed, or room, or hammock, so it is great for budget travelers. But it is much more than that. The couchsurfing philosophy is about connecting people and cultures. The ethos is “Making the world a better place – one couch at a time.”
The idea was born in San Francisco in 1999. A young man called Casey Fenton was planning a long weekend in Reykjavik. Iceland is expensive and Casey needed cheap accommodation. So he e-mailed over 1,500 Icelandic students in Reykjavik to ask if he could sleep on their couch. Casey was not only offered couches, the students also showed him ‘their’ Reykjavik. Casey decided this was a great way to travel, and launched the site with three friends in 2003. Today the world has more than 2.5 million Couchsurfers, 86,347 of which live in Brazil, the eighth most popular CS country.
(From: BECKER, K. Couchsurfing. Speak up.
São Paulo, n. 290, p. 26, out.2011.)
De acordo com o texto, “Couchsurfing” é uma
maneira de viajar. A esse respeito, assinale a
alternativa correta.
Leia a tira em quadrinhos e analise as afirmativas abaixo.
I. No primeiro quadrinho Hagar consultou o velho sábio para saber sobre o segredo da felicidade.
II. No segundo quadrinho as palavras that e me se referem, respectivamente, ao “velho sábio” e a “Hagar”.
III. As palavras do velho sábio no último quadrinho são de que é melhor dar que receber.
Assinale a alternativa correta.