Questões de Concurso Público SEED - RR 2021 para Professor de Educação Básica - Língua Inglesa

Foram encontradas 3 questões

Q1877297 Inglês
Leia as orações abaixo e identifique as palavras destacadas em cada uma delas:

I. I met someone who said he knew you;
II. The noise that hem ade woke everybody up.
III. I saw something in the paper which would interest you.

Assinale a alternativa que classifica as palavras em destaque:
Q1877314 Inglês
Select the alternative that correctly fills the gap, with the correct preposition placement.

I. Some people talk _________ their work all the time.
II. She goes to work _______ foot.
III. Do you like travelling ______ train? IV. Do you coffee _____ sugar?
Q1877315 Inglês
Read the text:

     “Students review and extend important language for learning English, including how to say some letters of the alphabet, ask questions about language and identify parts of speech. The lesson includes an interactive game to test mastery of the content, which can be played in both online and face-to-face contexts. There is also a short optional extension activity about the NATO alphabet.” by Stephanie Hirschman.

Select the alternative that has only preposition.
1: C
2: D
3: A