Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Santa Leopoldina - ES 2020 para Professor de Língua Inglesa

Foram encontradas 2 questões

Q1792131 Inglês

Instructions: answer the question based on the following text.

Source (adapted):

" Botswana has cancelled the licenses of two professional hunters who shot dead a research elephant.” (l.1-3) Which verb tense the sentence above is?
Q1792133 Inglês

Instructions: answer the question based on the following text.

Source (adapted):

Consider the sentence below from the text and the following assertives: “Elephants can be very destructive when they encroach onto farmland and move though villages - destroying crops and sometimes killing people.” (l. 49-52)
I. The word “farmland” could be translated as “terras agrícolas”. II. The word “very” can be a verb. III. The word “crops” could be replaced by “plague”. Which ones are correct?
1: A
2: A