Questões de Concurso Público Potigás - RN 2012 para Técnico de Segurança do Trabalho Júnior

Foram encontradas 50 questões

Q813393 Direito Administrativo
Assinale a alternava correta. Segundo a Lei 8.666/93, o órgão ou entidade signatária do instrumento contratual é chamado de:
Q813394 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho
Para a chegada do gás natural ao consumidor final são utilizadas redes de distribuição constituídas por malhas de tubulações. Com a modernização do mercado estão sendo empregados na fabricação dessas tubulações, novos materiais, como por exemplo o: 
I. Aço. II. Cobre. III. Policloreto de vinila (PVC). IV. Ferro fundido. V. Polietileno
Está correto afirmar que:
Q813395 Química
O gás natural é o mais limpo de todos os combustíveis fósseis, porém, na sua combustão libera alguns gases. Dos gases abaixo, na combustão do gás natural, é liberado em maior quantidade o: 
I. Monóxido de carbono. II. Dióxido de carbono. III. Oxido de nitrogênio. IV. Dióxido de enxofre. V. Monóxido de nitrogênio.
Está correto afirmar que: 
Q813396 Química
A mistura entre combustível gasoso e ar, adicionado de uma fonte de ignição irá gerar uma reação de combustão. No caso do gás natural, dá-se entre o limite inferior e superior de explosividade, medidos em porcentagem de volume. O limite inferior e o superior de explosividade, em porcentagem de volume, está entre:
Q813397 Geologia
Na aplicação de métodos geofísicos usam-se medidas das propriedades físicas da Terra para estudá-la. Os mais utilizados na indústria do petróleo são:
I. Gravimetria e Magnetometria II. Altimetria e Resonância III. Composições das rochas IV. Estratigráficos  
Está correto afirmar que: 
Q813398 Geologia
Os reservatórios de gás natural são constituídos de rochas porosas capazes de reter petróleo e gás. Em função do teor de petróleo bruto e de gás livre, classifica-se o gás, quanto ao seu estado de origem, sendo: 
I. Em gás associado e gás não-associado. II. Em gás liquefeito e gás natural III. Em gás puro e gás composto IV. Em gás complexo e gás não-associado
Está correto afirmar que: 
Q813399 Inglês

The Great Wall of China

Walls and wall building have played a very important role in Chinese culture. These people, from the dim mists of prehistory have been wallconscious; from the Neolithic period – when barriers were used - to the Communist Revolution, walls were an essential part of any village. Not only towns and villages; the houses and the temples within them were somehow walled, and the houses also had no windows overlooking the street, thus giving the feeling of wandering around a huge maze. The name for “city” in Chinese (ch’eng) means wall, and over these walled cities, villages, houses and temples presides the god of walls and mounts, whose duties were, and still are, to protect and be responsible for the welfare of the inhabitants. Thus a great and extremely laborious task such as constructing a wall, which was supposed to run throughout the country, must not have seemed such an absurdity. 

However, it is indeed a common mistake to perceive the Great Wall as a single architectural structure, and it would also be erroneous to assume that it was built during a single dynasty. For the building of the wall connected the various dynasties, and each of these dynasties somehow contributed to the refurbishing and the construction of a wall, whose foundations had been laid many centuries ago. It was during the fourth and third century B.C. that each warring state started building walls to protect their kingdoms, both against one another and against the northern nomads. Especially three of these states: the Ch’in, the Chao and the Yen, corresponding respectively to the modern provinces of Shensi, Shanzi and Hopei, over and above building walls that surrounded their kingdoms, also laid the foundations on which Ch’in Shih Huang Di would build his first continuous Great Wall. 

The role that the Great Wall played in the growth of Chinese economy was an important one. Throughout the centuries many settlements were established along the new border. The garrison troops were instructed to reclaim wasteland and to plant crops on it, roads and canals were built, to mention just a few of the works carried out. All these undertakings greatly helped to increase the country’s trade and cultural exchanges with many remote areas and also with the southern, central and western parts of Asia – the formation of the Silk Route. Builders, garrisons, artisans, farmers and peasants left behind a trail of objects, including inscribed tablets, household articles, and written work, which have become extremely valuable archaeological evidence to the study of defence institutions of the Great Wall and the everyday life of these people who lived and died along the wall

Chinese cities resembled a maze
Q813400 Inglês

The Great Wall of China

Walls and wall building have played a very important role in Chinese culture. These people, from the dim mists of prehistory have been wallconscious; from the Neolithic period – when barriers were used - to the Communist Revolution, walls were an essential part of any village. Not only towns and villages; the houses and the temples within them were somehow walled, and the houses also had no windows overlooking the street, thus giving the feeling of wandering around a huge maze. The name for “city” in Chinese (ch’eng) means wall, and over these walled cities, villages, houses and temples presides the god of walls and mounts, whose duties were, and still are, to protect and be responsible for the welfare of the inhabitants. Thus a great and extremely laborious task such as constructing a wall, which was supposed to run throughout the country, must not have seemed such an absurdity. 

However, it is indeed a common mistake to perceive the Great Wall as a single architectural structure, and it would also be erroneous to assume that it was built during a single dynasty. For the building of the wall connected the various dynasties, and each of these dynasties somehow contributed to the refurbishing and the construction of a wall, whose foundations had been laid many centuries ago. It was during the fourth and third century B.C. that each warring state started building walls to protect their kingdoms, both against one another and against the northern nomads. Especially three of these states: the Ch’in, the Chao and the Yen, corresponding respectively to the modern provinces of Shensi, Shanzi and Hopei, over and above building walls that surrounded their kingdoms, also laid the foundations on which Ch’in Shih Huang Di would build his first continuous Great Wall. 

The role that the Great Wall played in the growth of Chinese economy was an important one. Throughout the centuries many settlements were established along the new border. The garrison troops were instructed to reclaim wasteland and to plant crops on it, roads and canals were built, to mention just a few of the works carried out. All these undertakings greatly helped to increase the country’s trade and cultural exchanges with many remote areas and also with the southern, central and western parts of Asia – the formation of the Silk Route. Builders, garrisons, artisans, farmers and peasants left behind a trail of objects, including inscribed tablets, household articles, and written work, which have become extremely valuable archaeological evidence to the study of defence institutions of the Great Wall and the everyday life of these people who lived and died along the wall

Constructing a wall that ran the length of the country
Q813401 Inglês

The Great Wall of China

Walls and wall building have played a very important role in Chinese culture. These people, from the dim mists of prehistory have been wallconscious; from the Neolithic period – when barriers were used - to the Communist Revolution, walls were an essential part of any village. Not only towns and villages; the houses and the temples within them were somehow walled, and the houses also had no windows overlooking the street, thus giving the feeling of wandering around a huge maze. The name for “city” in Chinese (ch’eng) means wall, and over these walled cities, villages, houses and temples presides the god of walls and mounts, whose duties were, and still are, to protect and be responsible for the welfare of the inhabitants. Thus a great and extremely laborious task such as constructing a wall, which was supposed to run throughout the country, must not have seemed such an absurdity. 

However, it is indeed a common mistake to perceive the Great Wall as a single architectural structure, and it would also be erroneous to assume that it was built during a single dynasty. For the building of the wall connected the various dynasties, and each of these dynasties somehow contributed to the refurbishing and the construction of a wall, whose foundations had been laid many centuries ago. It was during the fourth and third century B.C. that each warring state started building walls to protect their kingdoms, both against one another and against the northern nomads. Especially three of these states: the Ch’in, the Chao and the Yen, corresponding respectively to the modern provinces of Shensi, Shanzi and Hopei, over and above building walls that surrounded their kingdoms, also laid the foundations on which Ch’in Shih Huang Di would build his first continuous Great Wall. 

The role that the Great Wall played in the growth of Chinese economy was an important one. Throughout the centuries many settlements were established along the new border. The garrison troops were instructed to reclaim wasteland and to plant crops on it, roads and canals were built, to mention just a few of the works carried out. All these undertakings greatly helped to increase the country’s trade and cultural exchanges with many remote areas and also with the southern, central and western parts of Asia – the formation of the Silk Route. Builders, garrisons, artisans, farmers and peasants left behind a trail of objects, including inscribed tablets, household articles, and written work, which have become extremely valuable archaeological evidence to the study of defence institutions of the Great Wall and the everyday life of these people who lived and died along the wall

‘Thus’ on line 7 can be replaced by____________ without changing the idea.
Q813402 Inglês

The Great Wall of China

Walls and wall building have played a very important role in Chinese culture. These people, from the dim mists of prehistory have been wallconscious; from the Neolithic period – when barriers were used - to the Communist Revolution, walls were an essential part of any village. Not only towns and villages; the houses and the temples within them were somehow walled, and the houses also had no windows overlooking the street, thus giving the feeling of wandering around a huge maze. The name for “city” in Chinese (ch’eng) means wall, and over these walled cities, villages, houses and temples presides the god of walls and mounts, whose duties were, and still are, to protect and be responsible for the welfare of the inhabitants. Thus a great and extremely laborious task such as constructing a wall, which was supposed to run throughout the country, must not have seemed such an absurdity. 

However, it is indeed a common mistake to perceive the Great Wall as a single architectural structure, and it would also be erroneous to assume that it was built during a single dynasty. For the building of the wall connected the various dynasties, and each of these dynasties somehow contributed to the refurbishing and the construction of a wall, whose foundations had been laid many centuries ago. It was during the fourth and third century B.C. that each warring state started building walls to protect their kingdoms, both against one another and against the northern nomads. Especially three of these states: the Ch’in, the Chao and the Yen, corresponding respectively to the modern provinces of Shensi, Shanzi and Hopei, over and above building walls that surrounded their kingdoms, also laid the foundations on which Ch’in Shih Huang Di would build his first continuous Great Wall. 

The role that the Great Wall played in the growth of Chinese economy was an important one. Throughout the centuries many settlements were established along the new border. The garrison troops were instructed to reclaim wasteland and to plant crops on it, roads and canals were built, to mention just a few of the works carried out. All these undertakings greatly helped to increase the country’s trade and cultural exchanges with many remote areas and also with the southern, central and western parts of Asia – the formation of the Silk Route. Builders, garrisons, artisans, farmers and peasants left behind a trail of objects, including inscribed tablets, household articles, and written work, which have become extremely valuable archaeological evidence to the study of defence institutions of the Great Wall and the everyday life of these people who lived and died along the wall

Crops were planted
Q813403 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho
Analisando uma situação existente de desconforto ambiental: Em qual alternativa (grau de importância), de “a” a “b”, você aplicaria seus conhecimentos?
Q813404 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho
Assinale a alternativa que NÃO corresponde à realidade:
Q813405 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho
Assinale a alternativa correta:
Q813406 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho
Conceitue: “Abordagem Reativa” assinalando a alternativa INCORRETA:
Q813407 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho
Conceitue: “Abordagem Pró-Ativa” assinalando a alternativa correta:
Q813408 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho
Assinale a alternativa que NÃO está relacionada a problemas relacionados ao trabalho em locais com altas temperaturas:
Q813409 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho
Interprete o Slide abaixo e responda em qual fase do Sistema abaixo você gastaria suas “fichas”, afim de buscar a excelência em seu Sistema de Gestão? Assinale a alternativa correta: 
Imagem associada para resolução da questão
Q813410 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho
Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA em relação a Fatores limitantes da conscientização em Segurança:
Q813411 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho
Defina a palavra Risco, assinalando a alternativa INCORRETA:
Q813412 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho
Conceitue o termo “Segurança”, assinalando a alternativa que NÃO consiste com a realidade do termo:
21: A
22: A
23: C
24: A
25: B
26: C
27: B
28: B
29: A
30: C
31: A
32: A
33: D
34: B
35: A
36: B
37: B
38: C
39: A
40: C