Questões de Concurso Público IF Sul Rio-Grandense 2025 para Professor EBTT - Área 05: Letras - Inglês
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The words that complete the sentence correctly are:

The expanding circle is related to
Listening strategies are ways of _________ that are _________ and consciously _________ to improve _________ and _________ as well as cope with listening _________.
The words that complete the sentence correctly, from left to right, are
( ) Focusing on both fluency and accuracy. ( ) Providing intrinsically motivating techniques. ( ) Providing appropriate feedback and correction. ( ) Giving students the opportunities to initiate oral communication.
When teaching L2 literacy, there are many benefits to teaching reading and writing together.
It is possible to establish that the statement above corresponds to
The correct sequence of True and False statements about Celce-Murcia’s principles for an effective reading curriculum, from top to bottom, is
( ) Integrate reading skills instruction with extensive practice and exposure to print.
( ) Use reading resources that are interesting, varied, attractive, abundant and accessible.
( ) Don't build expectations about reading that occurs in every lesson.
( ) Connect reading to students’ background knowledge.
What is the goal of teaching the mechanism of reading and writing?
Teacher: We are studying English. Students: Are we studying English? Teacher: Yes, we are. We are using a book. Students: Are we using a book? Teacher: No, we aren’t. We are making questions. Students: Are we making questions?
Later in the morning, a girl turns to the teacher and asks:
We are going outside for recess?
The teacher silently takes note of the students' failure to invert the subject with the operator.
According to this example, it is correct to say that for the teacher,
Celse-Murcia (2013) affirms that, besides possession, the genitive form can indicate:
Celse-Murcia (2013) establishes that word knowledge includes the mastery of its:
The use of _________ in English language teaching and learning can also encourage the development of strategies necessary for modern survival: _________, _________, _________ and _________.
The group of words that best completes the sentence above is
I. The point of departure for developing courses and materials is the development of an inventory of learner needs rather than an inventory of phonological, lexical and grammatical items.
II. Learners develop the ability to communicate in a language through using the language rather than studying and memorizing bits of the linguistic system.
III. Learners' own personal experiences are central to the learning process.
IV. There is a focus on learning processes and strategies as well as on language content.
V. Classroom language learning is systematically linked to learning outside the classroom.
VI. Learners are exposed to authentic listening and reading texts.
According to the author, the statements above refer to the methodology known as
Celse-Murcia (2013) establishes that an absolute characteristic related to English for Specific Purposes is that it is
The sequence of words, from left to right, that best completes the sentence above is
1. Cognitively mature 2. Self directing 3. Focused on career paths 4. Psychologically vulnerable
A. Many go to school even though they may feel embarrassed.
B. This is based on the life and school experiences which help them understand the context and rules of language learning.
C. Learn best when learning something that has clear importance for future financial goals.
D. Adult learners need to select their own literacy goals to maintain interest and motivation.
Which is the correct association between numbers and letters?
The group of words that best completes the blank is
The option that names his four dichotomies is
The correct sequence of True and False statements, according to Chomsky’s considerations on language acquisition, from top to bottom, include:
( ) the short period of time within which a child achieves grammatical competence.
( ) the lack of correction or explicit teaching by adults.
( ) the ‘poverty of the stimulus’ available to the child in the form of natural speech with its hesitations, false starts and syntactic errors.
( ) the fact that not all normally developing children acquire full competence, regardless of differences in their intellectual capacity.
Which process is Krashen (1981) stating about?