Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Arcoverde - PE 2024 para Professor II de Língua Inglesa

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Q2520331 Pedagogia

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The teaching of English language in elementary school, according to the BNCC, disregards the impact of culture on the teaching-learning process of the language.

Q2520332 Pedagogia

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According to Federal Decree N. 11,556, dated June 12, 2023, one of the implementation strategies of the Commitment is to address regional, socioeconomic, ethnic-racial, and gender inequalities.

Q2520333 Pedagogia

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The Linguistic Knowledge axis, according to the BNCC text, prioritizes the study of English language in a contextualized manner, considering notions such as "adequacy," "standard," and "linguistic variation".

Q2520338 Pedagogia

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The teaching of English language in elementary school, according to the BNCC, prioritizes an ideal model of speaker, seeking aspects such as correctness, precision, and linguistic proficiency.

Q2520341 Pedagogia

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According to Law N. 13,146/2015, in the selection processes for admission and retention in courses offered by higher education institutions and vocational and technological education, both public and private, it is not necessary to provide tests in accessible formats to meet the specific needs of candidates with disabilities.

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