Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Linhares - ES 2022 para Professor de Inglês - Não Habilitado
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1. Piaget. 2. Vygotsky. 3. Wallon. ( ) A aprendizagem depende do processo de desenvolvimento cognitivo. ( ) O desenvolvimento e a aprendizagem são processos concomitantes, interdependentes e recíprocos. ( ) A emoção ocupa um lugar privilegiado no desenvolvimento do sujeito, em especial da criança. ( ) É o aluno quem constrói o próprio conhecimento; assim, o papel da escola é dar à criança oportunidade de agir sobre os objetos de conhecimento. ( ) O professor é o mediador do processo de ensino-aprendizagem e, por isso, a ação docente deve acontecer dentro da Zona de Desenvolvimento Proximal.
A sequência está correta em
(LIBÂNEO, 1994.)
Existem variadas maneiras de classificar os métodos de ensino e, por sua vez, cada método tem técnicas que lhes são mais ajustadas. Diversos autores os classificam em: individualizado; socializado; e socioindividualizado. Considerando o método socializado, indique-o dentre as alternativas a seguir.
(BRASIL, 2017.) Sobre a Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), analise as afirmativas a seguir.
I. Empenha-se em ações e políticas públicas e avaliações externas em âmbito das três esferas referentes com atenção à formação continuada de professores. II. Aspira-se a superação da fragmentação das políticas educacionais, com o fortalecimento entre as três esferas de governo, sendo balizadora da qualidade da educação. III. Constitui uma relação de conteúdos, conceitos e habilidades que, prescritivamente, devem orientar a elaboração dos currículos dos sistemas de ensino. IV. Visa substituir os currículos das disciplinas escolares das redes públicas federal, estaduais e municipais, uma vez que determina o que deve ser ensinado em cada escola. V. Trata-se de uma referência nacional para formulação dos currículos dos sistemas escolares dos estados, do Distrito Federal e dos municípios e das propostas pedagógicas das instituições escolares.
Está correto o que se afirma apenas em
(Revista e-Ped – FACOS/CNEC Osório. Vol. 2. nº 1. AGO/2012 – ISSN2237-7077.)
Considerando as informações anteriores, é correto afirmar que se trata da teoria de:
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The Story Behind TIME’s ‘Resilience of Ukraine’ Cover
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The Story Behind TIME’s ‘Resilience of Ukraine’ Cover
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Woman Work
(Maya Angelou.)
I’ve got the children to tend The clothes to mend The floor to mop The food to shop Then the chicken to fry The baby to dry I got company to feed The garden to weed I've got shirts to press The tots to dress The cane to be cut I gotta clean up this hut Then see about the sick And the cotton to pick. Shine on me, sunshine Rain on me, rain Fall softly, dewdrops And cool my brow again. Storm, blow me from here with your fiercest wind Let me float across the sky ‘til I can rest again, fall gently, snowflakes Cover me with white cold icy kisses and let me rest tonight. Sun, rain, curving sky, mountain, oceans, leaf and stone
You're all that I can call my own
In “Fall softly, dewdrops” and “Let me float across the sky ‘til I can rest again, fall gently, snowflakes” the words GENTLY and SOFTLY convey the concept of:
Read the text to answer.
English teaching methods and approaches
Throughout the history of teaching languages a number of different teaching approaches and methodologies have been tried and tested with some being more popular and effective than others. It’s beneficial to be familiar with a few of these.
1 – The Direct Method
The direct method of teaching English is also known as the Natural Method. It’s used to teach a number of different languages not just English, and the main idea of the Direct Method is that it only uses the target language that the students are trying to learn. Its main focus is oral skill and it is taught via repetitive drilling. Grammar is taught using an inductive way and students need to try and guess the rules through the teacher’s oral presentation.
2 – The Grammar Translation Method
This is the traditional or ‘classical’ way of learning a language and it’s still commonly used. Some countries prefer this style of teaching and the main idea behind this method is that the students learn all grammar rules, so they’re able to translate a number of sentences.
3 – The Audio Lingual Method
The Audio Lingual Method otherwise known as the New Key Method or Army Method is based on a behaviourist theory that things are able to be learned by constant reinforcement. This is related to the Direct Method and just like its predecessor it only uses the target language. The biggest difference between the Audio Lingual Method and the Direct Method is its focus of teaching. The Direct Methods focuses on the teaching of vocabulary whereas the Audio Lingual Method focuses on specific grammar teachings.
4 – The Structural Approach
As the name suggests, the method is all about structure. The idea is that any language is made up of complex grammar rules. These rules, according to this approach need to be learnt in a specific order, for example the logical thing would be to teach the verb “to be” prior to teaching the present continuous which requires using the auxiliary form of the verb “to be”.
5 – Suggestopedia
This is a behaviourist theory and related to pseudoscience. This
theory is intended to offer learners various choices. It relies a lot
on the atmosphere and the physical surroundings of the class.
It’s essential that all learners feel equally comfortable and
confident. When teachers are training to use the Suggestopedia
method, there’s a lot of art and music involved. Each Suggestopedia lesson is divided into three different phases – 1. Deciphering 2. Concert Session 3. Elaboration.
6 – Total Physical Response
Total Physical Response, otherwise known as TPR is an approach that follows the idea of ‘learning by doing’. Beginners will learn English through a series of repetitive actions such as “Stand up”, “Open your book”, “Close the door”, and “Walk to the window and open it.” With TPR, the most important skill is aural comprehension and everything else will follow naturally later.
7 – Communicative Language Teaching CLT
The idea behind this approach is to help learners communicate more effectively and correctly in realistic situations that they may find themselves in. This type of teaching involves focusing on important functions like suggesting, thanking, inviting, complaining, and asking for directions to name but a few.
8 – The Silent Way
The main of this way of teaching is for the teacher to say very little, so students can take control of their learning. There’s a big emphasis on pronunciation and a large chunk of the lesson focuses on it. This method of learning English follows a structural syllabus and grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation are constantly drilled and recycled for reinforcement. The teacher evaluates their students through careful observation, and it’s even possible that they may never set a formal test as learners are encouraged to correct their own language errors.
9 – Community Language Learning
This is probably one of the English teaching methods where the student feels the safest as there’s a great emphasis on the relationship and bond between the student and teacher. Unlike a lot of the other methods and approaches of teaching English as a Second Language, a lot of the L1 (mother tongue) is used for translation purposes.
10 – Task Based Language Learning
The main aim of this approach to learning is task completion. Usually, relevant and interesting tasks are set by the teacher and students are expected to draw on their pre-existing knowledge of English to complete the task with as few errors as possible.
11 – The Lexical Approach
The Lexical syllabus or approach is based on computer studies that have previously identified the most commonly used words. This approach in teaching focuses on vocabulary acquisition and teaching lexical chunks in order of their frequency and use. Teachers of the Lexical Approach place a great emphasis on authentic materials.
(Available: Adapted.)
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English teaching methods and approaches
Throughout the history of teaching languages a number of different teaching approaches and methodologies have been tried and tested with some being more popular and effective than others. It’s beneficial to be familiar with a few of these.
1 – The Direct Method
The direct method of teaching English is also known as the Natural Method. It’s used to teach a number of different languages not just English, and the main idea of the Direct Method is that it only uses the target language that the students are trying to learn. Its main focus is oral skill and it is taught via repetitive drilling. Grammar is taught using an inductive way and students need to try and guess the rules through the teacher’s oral presentation.
2 – The Grammar Translation Method
This is the traditional or ‘classical’ way of learning a language and it’s still commonly used. Some countries prefer this style of teaching and the main idea behind this method is that the students learn all grammar rules, so they’re able to translate a number of sentences.
3 – The Audio Lingual Method
The Audio Lingual Method otherwise known as the New Key Method or Army Method is based on a behaviourist theory that things are able to be learned by constant reinforcement. This is related to the Direct Method and just like its predecessor it only uses the target language. The biggest difference between the Audio Lingual Method and the Direct Method is its focus of teaching. The Direct Methods focuses on the teaching of vocabulary whereas the Audio Lingual Method focuses on specific grammar teachings.
4 – The Structural Approach
As the name suggests, the method is all about structure. The idea is that any language is made up of complex grammar rules. These rules, according to this approach need to be learnt in a specific order, for example the logical thing would be to teach the verb “to be” prior to teaching the present continuous which requires using the auxiliary form of the verb “to be”.
5 – Suggestopedia
This is a behaviourist theory and related to pseudoscience. This
theory is intended to offer learners various choices. It relies a lot
on the atmosphere and the physical surroundings of the class.
It’s essential that all learners feel equally comfortable and
confident. When teachers are training to use the Suggestopedia
method, there’s a lot of art and music involved. Each Suggestopedia lesson is divided into three different phases – 1. Deciphering 2. Concert Session 3. Elaboration.
6 – Total Physical Response
Total Physical Response, otherwise known as TPR is an approach that follows the idea of ‘learning by doing’. Beginners will learn English through a series of repetitive actions such as “Stand up”, “Open your book”, “Close the door”, and “Walk to the window and open it.” With TPR, the most important skill is aural comprehension and everything else will follow naturally later.
7 – Communicative Language Teaching CLT
The idea behind this approach is to help learners communicate more effectively and correctly in realistic situations that they may find themselves in. This type of teaching involves focusing on important functions like suggesting, thanking, inviting, complaining, and asking for directions to name but a few.
8 – The Silent Way
The main of this way of teaching is for the teacher to say very little, so students can take control of their learning. There’s a big emphasis on pronunciation and a large chunk of the lesson focuses on it. This method of learning English follows a structural syllabus and grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation are constantly drilled and recycled for reinforcement. The teacher evaluates their students through careful observation, and it’s even possible that they may never set a formal test as learners are encouraged to correct their own language errors.
9 – Community Language Learning
This is probably one of the English teaching methods where the student feels the safest as there’s a great emphasis on the relationship and bond between the student and teacher. Unlike a lot of the other methods and approaches of teaching English as a Second Language, a lot of the L1 (mother tongue) is used for translation purposes.
10 – Task Based Language Learning
The main aim of this approach to learning is task completion. Usually, relevant and interesting tasks are set by the teacher and students are expected to draw on their pre-existing knowledge of English to complete the task with as few errors as possible.
11 – The Lexical Approach
The Lexical syllabus or approach is based on computer studies that have previously identified the most commonly used words. This approach in teaching focuses on vocabulary acquisition and teaching lexical chunks in order of their frequency and use. Teachers of the Lexical Approach place a great emphasis on authentic materials.
(Available: Adapted.)
Analyse the image to answer.
As we embrace more and more new technology, troublesome
new trends – such as cyberbullying – have emerged that may
have more widespread effects than traditional bullying alone.
Choose the item which describes one sort of cyberbullying
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Dear Madam:
I have been shown in the files of the War Department a statement of the Adjutant-General of Massachusetts that you are the mother of five sons who have died gloriously on the field of battle. I feel how weak and fruitless must be any words of mine which should attempt to beguile you from the grief of a loss so overwhelming. But I cannot refrain from tendering to you the consolation that may be found in the thanks of the Republic they died to save. Hence, I pray that our Heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement, and the solemn pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom.
Your very sincerely and respectfully,
Abraham Lincoln.
(Lederer, Richard. The miracle of language. Pocket Books, New York, NY.)
Read the text to answer.
Dear Madam:
I have been shown in the files of the War Department a statement of the Adjutant-General of Massachusetts that you are the mother of five sons who have died gloriously on the field of battle. I feel how weak and fruitless must be any words of mine which should attempt to beguile you from the grief of a loss so overwhelming. But I cannot refrain from tendering to you the consolation that may be found in the thanks of the Republic they died to save. Hence, I pray that our Heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement, and the solemn pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom.
Your very sincerely and respectfully,
Abraham Lincoln.
(Lederer, Richard. The miracle of language. Pocket Books, New York, NY.)