Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Linhares - ES 2023 para Professor de Inglês - Habilitado

Foram encontradas 7 questões

Q2086824 Inglês

(Available: Imaged by Heritage Auctions. HA. Com.)
A humorous text is a type of discourse obeying particular cognitive and communicative requirements which will work together to reach the text purpose. As to language use, identification with the readers by employing coloquial register is present in 
Q2086825 Inglês
Imagem associada para resolução da questão
As we embrace more and more new technology, troublesome new trends – such as cyberbullying – have emerged that may have more widespread effects than traditional bullying alone. Choose the item which describes one sort of cyberbullying correctly.
3: A
4: B