Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Valença do Piauí - PI 2023 para Professor – Inglês

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Q2320147 Inglês
Which noun does not have the correct definition? Choose the incorrect answer:
Q2320148 Inglês

Identify the type of Figurative Language used in the following sentences:

I. I am a deeply superficial person.

II. Round the rugged rocks the ragged rascal ran.

III. Mellow wedding bells.

IV. The mind is an ocean.

Select the alternative that identifies correctly them: 

Q2320149 Inglês
Analyze the following sentences below:

I. “What will you have been doing?” is in the simple future and future perfect tense.
II. “I was studying English when you called yesteday” is in the past continuous.
III. “She wrote last night” is in simple past.
IV. “Have they ever been abroad?” is in the past perfect.
V. “What are you doing now?” is in the present continuous.

Which ones are correct?
Q2320150 Inglês
The nouns below follow a different spelling rule when in its plural form:

I. child > children
II. country > countries
III. sheep > sheep
IV. day > days
V. stereo > stereos

Which combination of words below follow the same rules, in the same order?
Q2320151 Inglês
Which of the following sentences is an example of a third conditional structure?
31: C
32: B
33: B
34: C
35: E