Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Rio do Oeste - SC 2025 para Professor - Língua Inglesa (Anos Iniciais e Finais) Direitos

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Q3222688 Não definido
Sob a égide da Lei Orgânica do Município, a formalização dos atos administrativos de competência do Prefeito, mediante portaria, será feita quando se tratar de:
Q3222689 Não definido
Acerca da admissão ao serviço público, conforme a Lei Complementar nº 21/2006 − Regime Jurídico dos Servidores Públicos do Município, é CORRETO afirmar que:
Q3222690 Não definido
De acordo com a Lei Complementar nº 21/2006 − Regime Jurídico dos Servidores Públicos do Município, o servidor responde civil, penal e administrativamente pelo exercício irregular de suas atribuições. Considerando essas responsabilidades, analisar os itens.

I. A obrigação de reparar o dano estende-se aos sucessores e contra eles será executada, até o limite do valor da herança recebida.
II. A responsabilidade administrativa do servidor não será afastada no caso de absolvição criminal que negue a existência do fato ou sua autoria.
III. A responsabilidade civil resulta de ato comissivo, praticado no desempenho do cargo.

Está CORRETO o que se afirma:
Q3222691 Não definido
No que tange à Lei Complementar nº 21/2006 − Regime Jurídico dos Servidores Públicos do Município, a demissão NÃO será aplicada ao seguinte caso: 
Q3222692 Não definido
De acordo com a Lei nº 8.069/1990 — Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente, NÃO é considerado dever do Estado:
Q3222693 Não definido
A respeito do esporte e lazer, fundamentando-se na Lei nº 12.288/2010 – Estatuto da Igualdade Racial, analisar a sentença.

É obrigatório o ensino da capoeira nas instituições públicas e privadas pelos capoeiristas e mestres tradicionais, pública e formalmente reconhecidos (1ª parte). A atividade de capoeirista será reconhecida em todas as modalidades em que a capoeira se manifesta, seja como esporte, luta, dança ou música, sendo livre o exercício em todo o território nacional (2ª parte).

A sentença está:
Q3222694 Não definido
Em relação aos princípios pelos quais o ensino será ministrado, com base na Lei nº 9.394/1996 — Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional, avaliar se as afirmativas são certas (C) ou erradas (E) e assinalar a sequência correspondente.

( ) Individualismo de ideias e conservação de concepções pedagógicas.
( ) Igualdade de condições para o acesso e a permanência na escola.
( ) Gratuidade do ensino público em estabelecimentos oficiais.
( ) Valorização do descaso com a qualidade do ensino.
Q3222695 Não definido
De acordo com a Resolução nº 7/2010 — Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para o Ensino Fundamental de nove anos, entre os princípios que sistemas de ensino e as escolas devem adotar como norteadores das políticas educativas e das ações pedagógicas, está(ão):

I. Éticos: de justiça, solidariedade, liberdade e autonomia; de respeito à dignidade da pessoa humana e de compromisso com a promoção do bem de todos, contribuindo para combater e eliminar quaisquer manifestações de preconceito de origem, raça, sexo, cor, idade e quaisquer outras formas de discriminação.
II. Políticos: de reconhecimento dos direitos e deveres de cidadania, de respeito ao bem comum e à preservação do regime democrático e dos recursos ambientais; da busca da equidade no acesso à educação, à saúde, ao trabalho, aos bens culturais e outros benefícios; da exigência de diversidade de tratamento para assegurar a igualdade de direitos entre os alunos que apresentam diferentes necessidades; da redução da pobreza e das desigualdades sociais e regionais.
III. Estéticos: do cultivo da sensibilidade juntamente com o da racionalidade; do enriquecimento das formas de expressão e do exercício da criatividade; da valorização das diferentes manifestações culturais, especialmente a da cultura brasileira; da construção de identidades plurais e solidárias.

Está CORRETO o que se afirma: 
Q3222696 Não definido
Freire afirmava que o educador democrático não podia negar-se o dever de, na sua prática docente, reforçar a capacidade crítica do educando, sua curiosidade e sua insubmissão. Em conformidade com alguns saberes necessários para a prática educativa, é INCORRETO afirmar que:
Q3222697 Não definido
A educação é um instrumento fundamental para a inclusão social. A respeito da inclusão social, avaliar se as afirmativas são certas (C) ou erradas (E) e assinalar a sequência correspondente.

( ) É um processo ao qual a sociedade se adapta para poder incluir, em seus sistemas sociais gerais, pessoas com necessidades especiais e, simultaneamente, essas se preparam para assumir seus papéis na sociedade.
( ) Constitui um processo bilateral no qual as pessoas, ainda excluídas, e a sociedade buscam em parceria equacionar problemas, decidir sobre soluções e efetivar a equiparação de oportunidades para todos.
Q3223433 Não definido
A educadora Maria Nilde Mascellani foi um dos grandes nomes da educação no Brasil. Entre outros teóricos, ela acreditava na pedagogia da autonomia, que tem como característica:
Q3223434 Não definido
Considerando-se a BNCC — Língua Inglesa, analisar a sentença.

Situar a língua inglesa em seu status de língua franca implica compreender que determinadas crenças — como a de que há um “inglês melhor” para se ensinar, ou um “nível de proficiência” específico a ser alcançado pelo aluno — precisam ser relativizadas (1ª parte). Isso exige do professor uma atitude de acolhimento e legitimação de diferentes formas de expressão na língua, como o uso de ain’t para fazer a negação, e não apenas formas “padrão” como isn’t ou aren’t. Em outras palavras, não queremos tratar esses usos como uma exceção, uma curiosidade local da língua, que foge ao “padrão” a ser seguido (2ª parte).

A sentença está:
Q3223435 Não definido

    Hanji is the name of the handmade paper produced in ancient Korea from the 1st century BCE. Made from mulberry trees, its exceptional quality made it a successful export, and it was widely used not only for writing but also for interior walls and everyday objects, such as fans and umbrellas. Hanji, famed throughout Asia for its whiteness, texture, and strength, is still made today in specialized Korean workshops.

   Initially Korean paper was made using hemp fiber, but the highest quality hanji was, for many centuries, made only from the pith of mulberry trees (tak in Korean, Latin: Broussonetia papyrifera). The toughness of hanji meant that it was ideally suited for use in printing presses that used blocks made from magnolia wood, which had been soaked and boiled in saltwater and then dried for several years before use. Each block was 24x4x64cm and carried 23 lines of vertical text on each side. These were then covered in ink and paper was pressed against them. The resilience of hanji was especially useful from the 12th century CE when printing was done using heavier moveable metal type made of bronze, a Korean invention.

    In the Joseon Period (from the 15th century CE), such was the demand for hanji, that Sejong the Great (r. 1418 - 1450 CE) permitted other plant materials to be used in its manufacture, especially bamboo. The paper was made in specialized workshops in the capital and the five provincial capitals. The hanji which was produced for state use was supervised by a government agency, the Chonjo-chang.

World History Encyclopedia. Adaptation.
According to the text, mark the INCORRECT item.
Q3223436 Não definido

    Hanji is the name of the handmade paper produced in ancient Korea from the 1st century BCE. Made from mulberry trees, its exceptional quality made it a successful export, and it was widely used not only for writing but also for interior walls and everyday objects, such as fans and umbrellas. Hanji, famed throughout Asia for its whiteness, texture, and strength, is still made today in specialized Korean workshops.

   Initially Korean paper was made using hemp fiber, but the highest quality hanji was, for many centuries, made only from the pith of mulberry trees (tak in Korean, Latin: Broussonetia papyrifera). The toughness of hanji meant that it was ideally suited for use in printing presses that used blocks made from magnolia wood, which had been soaked and boiled in saltwater and then dried for several years before use. Each block was 24x4x64cm and carried 23 lines of vertical text on each side. These were then covered in ink and paper was pressed against them. The resilience of hanji was especially useful from the 12th century CE when printing was done using heavier moveable metal type made of bronze, a Korean invention.

    In the Joseon Period (from the 15th century CE), such was the demand for hanji, that Sejong the Great (r. 1418 - 1450 CE) permitted other plant materials to be used in its manufacture, especially bamboo. The paper was made in specialized workshops in the capital and the five provincial capitals. The hanji which was produced for state use was supervised by a government agency, the Chonjo-chang.

World History Encyclopedia. Adaptation.
Mark “T” (true) for the words that present the same “gh” sound as in “toughness” and “F” (false) for those who don’t. Then, mark the correct sequence.

( ) Ghost.
( ) Enough.
( ) Cough.
( ) Ghetto. 
Q3223437 Não definido

    Hanji is the name of the handmade paper produced in ancient Korea from the 1st century BCE. Made from mulberry trees, its exceptional quality made it a successful export, and it was widely used not only for writing but also for interior walls and everyday objects, such as fans and umbrellas. Hanji, famed throughout Asia for its whiteness, texture, and strength, is still made today in specialized Korean workshops.

   Initially Korean paper was made using hemp fiber, but the highest quality hanji was, for many centuries, made only from the pith of mulberry trees (tak in Korean, Latin: Broussonetia papyrifera). The toughness of hanji meant that it was ideally suited for use in printing presses that used blocks made from magnolia wood, which had been soaked and boiled in saltwater and then dried for several years before use. Each block was 24x4x64cm and carried 23 lines of vertical text on each side. These were then covered in ink and paper was pressed against them. The resilience of hanji was especially useful from the 12th century CE when printing was done using heavier moveable metal type made of bronze, a Korean invention.

    In the Joseon Period (from the 15th century CE), such was the demand for hanji, that Sejong the Great (r. 1418 - 1450 CE) permitted other plant materials to be used in its manufacture, especially bamboo. The paper was made in specialized workshops in the capital and the five provincial capitals. The hanji which was produced for state use was supervised by a government agency, the Chonjo-chang.

World History Encyclopedia. Adaptation.
The word “resilience”, underlined in the second paragraph of the text, in its context, means the ability:
Q3223438 Não definido

    Hanji is the name of the handmade paper produced in ancient Korea from the 1st century BCE. Made from mulberry trees, its exceptional quality made it a successful export, and it was widely used not only for writing but also for interior walls and everyday objects, such as fans and umbrellas. Hanji, famed throughout Asia for its whiteness, texture, and strength, is still made today in specialized Korean workshops.

   Initially Korean paper was made using hemp fiber, but the highest quality hanji was, for many centuries, made only from the pith of mulberry trees (tak in Korean, Latin: Broussonetia papyrifera). The toughness of hanji meant that it was ideally suited for use in printing presses that used blocks made from magnolia wood, which had been soaked and boiled in saltwater and then dried for several years before use. Each block was 24x4x64cm and carried 23 lines of vertical text on each side. These were then covered in ink and paper was pressed against them. The resilience of hanji was especially useful from the 12th century CE when printing was done using heavier moveable metal type made of bronze, a Korean invention.

    In the Joseon Period (from the 15th century CE), such was the demand for hanji, that Sejong the Great (r. 1418 - 1450 CE) permitted other plant materials to be used in its manufacture, especially bamboo. The paper was made in specialized workshops in the capital and the five provincial capitals. The hanji which was produced for state use was supervised by a government agency, the Chonjo-chang.

World History Encyclopedia. Adaptation.
A compound word is two or more words linked together to produce a word with a new meaning. Which of the words below, from the text, are compound words?
Q3223439 Não definido
F. Scott Fitzgerald’s This Side of Paradise (1920) showed the disillusionment and moral disintegration experienced by so many in the United States after World War I. This work marked the start of a promising literary journey, leading to The Great Gatsby (1925), which is:
Q3223440 Não definido
The first conditional is used to express the consequence of a realistic possibility now or in the future. Which item below displays that?
Q3223441 Não definido

Mark the CORRECT item to fill in the blank.

They ______ their house painted before they moved in.

Q3223442 Não definido
Which of the following sentences is grammatically CORRECT?
21: D
22: D
23: A
24: B
25: A
26: C
27: D
28: C
29: A
30: B
31: A
32: A
33: C
34: A
35: D
36: B
37: A
38: C
39: A
40: B