Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Gaspar - SC 2021 para Professor de Inglês

Foram encontradas 5 questões

Q2423869 Inglês

Leia o trecho do discurso “Ain’t I a Woman?” de autoria de Sojourner Truth (1797 – 1883) e assinale a alternativa correta.

"That man over there says that women need to be helped into carriages, and lifted over ditches, and to have the best place everywhere. Nobody ever helps me into carriages, or over mud-puddles, or gives me any best place! And ain't I a woman? Look at me! Look at my arm! I have ploughed and planted, and gathered into barns, and no man could head me! And ain't I a woman? I could work as much and eat as much as a man - when I could get it - and bear the lash as well! And ain't I a woman? I have borne thirteen children, and seen most all sold off to slavery, and when I cried out with my mother's grief, none but Jesus heard me! And ain't I a woman?"

Q2423870 Inglês

Escolha a alternativa que corretamente completa a sentença abaixo.

Every night ______________ eating before 10 p.m.

Q2423874 Inglês

What climate scientists can teach us about dealing with climate change doom

By Joe Whitwell (BBC News)

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"It's a kind of hopelessness I guess. Helplessness," says Ross Simpson, 22, from Glasgow. He's telling me how he and his friends feel about stopping the worst effects of climate change.

The warnings keep coming of more heatwaves, droughts, floods, and global temperatures going up and up and up. Seeing so many negative stories in the news only makes Ross feel worse. Like many, he worries it's already too late.

"What difference does changing your lifestyle actually make in the grand scheme of things? Why do anything, if we're all doomed anyway?"

Noor Elmasry, 22, has been having similar conversations with her friends across the Atlantic, in Chicago. "I think a lot of the frustration manifests from seeing people in power just constantly disappoint you," she says.

Their feelings are shared by young people around the world. In a recent survey, 10,000 young people were asked about climate change. Three quarters said the future of the world was frightening, while more than half said they thought humanity was doomed.

Feelings of fear, shame, guilt, anger and frustration have been given a name: climate anxiety. And it's on the rise.


A palavra “while”, destacada no artigo jornalístico acima, pode ser traduzida sem alteração de sentido no texto, da seguinte forma:

Q2423875 Inglês

Miss you. Would like to grab that chilled tofu we love.


Do not care if you bring only your light body.

Would just be so happy to sit at the table

and talk about the menu. Miss you.

Wish we could bet which chilis they’ll put

on the cubes of tofu. Our favorite.

Sometimes green. Sometimes red. Roasted

we always thought. But so cold and fresh.

How did they do it? Wish you could be here

to talk about it like it was so important.

Wish you could. Watched you on the screens

as I was walking, as I was cooking. Wished you

could get out of the hospital. Can’t

bring myself to order our dish and eat it

in the car. Miss you laughing. Miss

you coming in from the cold or one

too many meetings. Laughing. I’ll order

already. I’ll order seven helpings, some

dumplings, those cold yam noodles that you

like. You can come in your light

body or skeleton or be invisible I don’t even

care. Know you have a long way to travel.

Know I don’t even know if it’s long

at all. Wish you could tell me. What

you’re reading. If you’re reading.

Miss you. I’m at the table in the back.


The preposition “about” highlighted in the poem means:

Q2423878 Inglês

Murders of environment and land defenders hit record high

Figures from Global Witness for 2020 show violent resource grab continued unabated despite pandemic

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Deforestation in Colombia, the country that had the largest number of people killed while trying to protect forests, rivers and ecosystems in 2020. Photograph: Raúl Arboleda/AFP/Getty Images

Murders of environment and land defenders hit a record high last year as the violent resource grab in the global south continued unabated despite the pandemic.

New figures released by Global Witness show that 227 people were killed in 2020 while trying to protect forests, rivers and other ecosystems that their livelihoods depended on.

All but one of the deadly attacks took place outside North America, Europe and Oceania. The authors say environment-related conflict is, like the climate crisis, disproportionately affecting lower-income nations. Indigenous communities suffered more than a third of the killings, despite accounting for only 5% of the world population.


De acordo com o texto, é possível afirmar que:

1: D
2: C
3: A
4: D
5: D