Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Cerquilho - SP 2019 para Professor de Educação Básica - Inglês

Foram encontradas 60 questões

Q1142230 Pedagogia
Libâneo, Oliveira e Toschi (2003), no cap. III, da 4ª parte da obra: Educação Escolar: políticas, estrutura e organização, analisam que “as atividades e as formas de organização e de gestão da escola podem favorecer ou prejudicar o alcance dos objetivos pedagógicos”. Os autores sugerem seis áreas de atuação da organização e da gestão da escola: a) o planejamento e o Projeto Pedagógico-curricular; b) a organização e o desenvolvimento do currículo; c) a organização e o desenvolvimento do ensino; d) as práticas de gestão técnico-administrativas e pedagógico-curriculares; e) o desenvolvimento profissional; f) a avaliação institucional e da aprendizagem, sendo essas áreas permeadas pela cultura organizacional.
Os autores destacam que “a razão de buscar um melhor funcionamento das escolas se deve ao fato de a instituição escolar [...] precisar investir nas condições que favoreçam
Q1142231 Pedagogia
No art. 5º da Resolução CNE/ CEB no 4/2010, a qual estabelece as Diretrizes Curriculares para a Educação Básica no Brasil, afirma-se que esse nível da educação nacional “é direito universal e alicerce indispensável para o exercício da cidadania em plenitude”, pois dela depende a possibilidade de conquistar todos os demais direitos, definidos na Constituição Federal, no Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA), na legislação ordinária e nas demais disposições que consagram as prerrogativas do cidadão.” Na sequência, no art. 6º , afirma-se que, “na Educação Básica, buscando recuperar, para a função social desse nível da educação, a sua centralidade, que é o educando, pessoa em formação na sua essência humana”, “é necessário
Q1142232 Pedagogia
No Brasil, raízes étnico-culturais, bastante diversas, engendraram uma realidade multicultural à qual articularam- -se relações desiguais de poder, resultando em desigual valorização das identidades étnico-culturais, atribuindo “lugar” hegemônico a algumas delas e tratando com discriminação e preconceito outras. Na perspectiva da construção de uma sociedade democrática, os princípios constitucionais os quais embasam a legislação educacional brasileira apontam para a valorização das diferenças e o combate à desigualdade. De acordo com Resende, (1998), caminhar nessa direção ainda é um desafio muito grande para a sociedade em geral e particularmente para os educadores, pois envolve, além de reconhecer a realidade multicultural, agir deliberadamente para intervir entre diferentes culturas. Para que a educação escolar atue efetivamente no sentido da valorização da diversidade étnico-cultural, do desvelamento da desigualdade e do combate à discriminação e ao preconceito, Resende entende que é preciso revisitar essas questões nos espaços de formação dos professores para se ter capacidade de enfrentar os desafios de incorporar o multiculturalismo ao currículo, de promover o diálogo entre os diferentes em prol de objetivos comuns, de
Q1142233 Pedagogia
Lendo o texto Transversalidade e Interdisciplinaridade, de Lenise Garcia (s.d.), Joel verificou que “A transversalidade e a interdisciplinaridade são modos de se trabalhar o conhecimento que buscam uma reintegração de aspectos que ficaram isolados uns dos outros pelo tratamento disciplinar”. O texto em questão permitiu que Joel tomasse consciência de que “Existem temas cujo estudo exige uma abordagem particularmente ampla e diversificada. Alguns deles foram inseridos nos parâmetros curriculares nacionais, que os denominam Temas ________ e os caracteriza como temas que “tratam de processos que estão sendo intensamente vividos pela sociedade, pelas comunidades, pelas famílias, pelos alunos e educadores em seu cotidiano”.

Assinale a alternativa que complementa o texto de forma correta.
Q1142234 Pedagogia
Joana, ao estudar as relações entre educação e sociedade, encontrou em Libâneo (1985, cap. 6), uma explicação sobre as tendências pedagógicas na escola. Dentre as tendências por ele apresentadas, chamou-lhe atenção as progressistas, que “são as que concebem a educação como inserida no contexto das relações sociais; abrangem a pedagogia libertadora, a pedagogia libertária e a pedagogia crítico-social dos conteúdos. De certa forma, incluem, também, as teorias
Q1142235 Pedagogia
Visando atingir, entre outros aspectos, a competência leitora, que interfere no aproveitamento de todas as disciplinas escolares, o Plano Nacional de Educação – PNE (Lei nº 13.005/2014) estabeleceu metas e estratégias a serem cumpridas no prazo de sua vigência. Dessa forma, no encalço de atingir a meta de número 7, o PNE aponta entre outras estratégias a de: “promover, com especial ênfase, em consonância com as diretrizes do Plano Nacional do Livro e da Leitura, a formação de leitores e leitoras e a capacitação de professores e professoras, bibliotecários e bibliotecárias e agentes da comunidade para atuar como mediadores e mediadoras da leitura, de acordo com a especificidade
Q1142236 Pedagogia

Em sua obra A Prática Educativa: como ensinar, Zabala (1998, cap. 2) destaca o princípios do construtivismo e apresenta, também, diferentes tipos de conteúdos, os quais são diferentemente aprendidos mas devem ser explorados de maneira mais global e que atenda à diversidade dos alunos, em seus processos autônomos de construção de conhecimento, com vistas à sua formação integral.

Na mesma linha do pensamento de Zabala, tem-se a pedagogia de projetos, a qual tem pontos comuns com a teoria construtivista e, segundo Moura (s. d.), pode ter o trabalho pedagógico por projetos divididos em 4 etapas, a saber: problematização (expressão das ideias dos alunos), desenvolvimento, aplicação e

Q1142237 Pedagogia
Mauri (In: Coll, 1999, cap. 4) aborda a aprendizagem escolar e como os alunos aprendem na perspectiva construtivista, bem como o trabalho docente com vista ao desenvolvimento de conteúdos para a obtenção de uma aprendizagem significativa. Na mesma perspectiva de Mauri, Onrubia (In: Coll, 1999, cap. 5) ressalta a relevância de ensinar, ajudar, ajustar, dar assistência na zona de desenvolvimento proximal dos alunos. Os aspectos levantados pelos autores são de extrema importância quando pensamos na avaliação, perguntando-nos: por que os alunos não aprendem? A esse respeito, Hoffmann propõe a avaliação enquanto relação dialógica na construção do conhecimento, privilegiando a feição de mediação sobre a de informação na avaliação do aluno e buscando a compreensão da prática avaliativa dos professores. Ao abordarmos a avaliação da aprendizagem, devemos nos reportar à legislação, mais especificamente, ao art. 32, da Resolução CNE/CEB nº 07/2010, o qual corrobora essa visão de mediação ao estabelecer que a avaliação dos alunos, como parte integrante da proposta curricular e da implementação do currículo, “é redimensionadora da ação pedagógica” e “deve assumir um caráter processual, formativo e participativo, ser
Q1142238 Pedagogia
Moran (2004) destaca que, com o aparecimento da internet e das modernas tecnologias, uma das tarefas mais importantes das universidades, escolas e secretarias de educação hoje é planejar e flexibilizar, no currículo de cada curso, o tempo e as atividades de presença física em sala de aula e o tempo e as atividades de aprendizagem conectadas, a distância. Assim, surgem novos desafios pedagógicos para as universidades e escolas, isso porque os professores precisam
Q1142239 Pedagogia
De acordo com a Resolução CNE/CEB nº 4/2010, art. 57, “entre os princípios definidos para a educação nacional está a valorização do profissional da educação, com a compreensão de que valorizá-lo é valorizar a escola, com qualidade gestorial, educativa, social, cultural, ética, estética, ambiental”. E, no § 1º desse artigo, afirma-se que a valorização do profissional da educação escolar vincula-se à obrigatoriedade da garantia de qualidade e ambas se associam à exigência de
Q1159377 Inglês

Leia os quadrinhos e responda à questão. 

Depreende-se do diálogo e das imagens dos quadrinhos que, ao comentar “Yeah, I agree”, a personagem concorda que
Q1159378 Inglês

Leia os quadrinhos e responda à questão. 

The -ing and -ed endings are frequently used in English to form adjectives – just as in the words “boring” and “bored” in the cartoon. Mark the alternative in which the adjective with an -ing or -ed ending is correctly used.
Q1159379 Inglês

Leia o texto e responda à questão.

      In a research project at the University of Illinois, US, Savignon (1972) adopted the term ‘communicative competence’ to characterize the ability of classroom language learners to interact with other speakers, to make meaning, as distinct from their ability to recite dialogs or perform on discrete-point tests of grammatical knowledge.

      At a time when pattern practice and error avoidance were the rule in language teaching, this study of classroom acquisition of language looked at the effect of practice on the use of coping strategies as part of an instructional program. By encouraging students to ask for information, to seek out clarification, or to use whatever linguistic or nonlinguistic resources they could gather to negotiate meaning and stick to the communicative task at hand, teachers were invariably leading learners to take risks and speak in other than memorized patterns.

      Test results at the end of the instructional period showed conclusively that learners who practiced communication in place of laboratory pattern drills performed with no less accuracy on discrete-points tests of grammatical structure. On the other hand, their communicative competence as measured in terms of fluency, comprehensibility, effort and amount of communication in unrehearsed oral communication tasks significantly surpassed that of learners who had had no such practice. Learners’ reactions to the test formats added further support to the view that even beginners respond well to activities that let them focus on meaning rather than formal features.

(Sandra J. Savignon. Communicative language teaching for the twenty-first century. In: Marianne Celce-Murcia. Teaching English as a second or foreign language. Adaptado)

Este texto tem como objetivo
Q1159380 Inglês

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      In a research project at the University of Illinois, US, Savignon (1972) adopted the term ‘communicative competence’ to characterize the ability of classroom language learners to interact with other speakers, to make meaning, as distinct from their ability to recite dialogs or perform on discrete-point tests of grammatical knowledge.

      At a time when pattern practice and error avoidance were the rule in language teaching, this study of classroom acquisition of language looked at the effect of practice on the use of coping strategies as part of an instructional program. By encouraging students to ask for information, to seek out clarification, or to use whatever linguistic or nonlinguistic resources they could gather to negotiate meaning and stick to the communicative task at hand, teachers were invariably leading learners to take risks and speak in other than memorized patterns.

      Test results at the end of the instructional period showed conclusively that learners who practiced communication in place of laboratory pattern drills performed with no less accuracy on discrete-points tests of grammatical structure. On the other hand, their communicative competence as measured in terms of fluency, comprehensibility, effort and amount of communication in unrehearsed oral communication tasks significantly surpassed that of learners who had had no such practice. Learners’ reactions to the test formats added further support to the view that even beginners respond well to activities that let them focus on meaning rather than formal features.

(Sandra J. Savignon. Communicative language teaching for the twenty-first century. In: Marianne Celce-Murcia. Teaching English as a second or foreign language. Adaptado)

A key expression in the text, ‘coping strategies’ refers to the
Q1159381 Inglês

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      In a research project at the University of Illinois, US, Savignon (1972) adopted the term ‘communicative competence’ to characterize the ability of classroom language learners to interact with other speakers, to make meaning, as distinct from their ability to recite dialogs or perform on discrete-point tests of grammatical knowledge.

      At a time when pattern practice and error avoidance were the rule in language teaching, this study of classroom acquisition of language looked at the effect of practice on the use of coping strategies as part of an instructional program. By encouraging students to ask for information, to seek out clarification, or to use whatever linguistic or nonlinguistic resources they could gather to negotiate meaning and stick to the communicative task at hand, teachers were invariably leading learners to take risks and speak in other than memorized patterns.

      Test results at the end of the instructional period showed conclusively that learners who practiced communication in place of laboratory pattern drills performed with no less accuracy on discrete-points tests of grammatical structure. On the other hand, their communicative competence as measured in terms of fluency, comprehensibility, effort and amount of communication in unrehearsed oral communication tasks significantly surpassed that of learners who had had no such practice. Learners’ reactions to the test formats added further support to the view that even beginners respond well to activities that let them focus on meaning rather than formal features.

(Sandra J. Savignon. Communicative language teaching for the twenty-first century. In: Marianne Celce-Murcia. Teaching English as a second or foreign language. Adaptado)

One common trait of courses which favor pattern practice and error avoidance is
Q1159382 Inglês

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      In a research project at the University of Illinois, US, Savignon (1972) adopted the term ‘communicative competence’ to characterize the ability of classroom language learners to interact with other speakers, to make meaning, as distinct from their ability to recite dialogs or perform on discrete-point tests of grammatical knowledge.

      At a time when pattern practice and error avoidance were the rule in language teaching, this study of classroom acquisition of language looked at the effect of practice on the use of coping strategies as part of an instructional program. By encouraging students to ask for information, to seek out clarification, or to use whatever linguistic or nonlinguistic resources they could gather to negotiate meaning and stick to the communicative task at hand, teachers were invariably leading learners to take risks and speak in other than memorized patterns.

      Test results at the end of the instructional period showed conclusively that learners who practiced communication in place of laboratory pattern drills performed with no less accuracy on discrete-points tests of grammatical structure. On the other hand, their communicative competence as measured in terms of fluency, comprehensibility, effort and amount of communication in unrehearsed oral communication tasks significantly surpassed that of learners who had had no such practice. Learners’ reactions to the test formats added further support to the view that even beginners respond well to activities that let them focus on meaning rather than formal features.

(Sandra J. Savignon. Communicative language teaching for the twenty-first century. In: Marianne Celce-Murcia. Teaching English as a second or foreign language. Adaptado)

A teacher who understands adequately what the text says about the practice of coping strategies in an oral communicative activity will
Q1159383 Inglês

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      In a research project at the University of Illinois, US, Savignon (1972) adopted the term ‘communicative competence’ to characterize the ability of classroom language learners to interact with other speakers, to make meaning, as distinct from their ability to recite dialogs or perform on discrete-point tests of grammatical knowledge.

      At a time when pattern practice and error avoidance were the rule in language teaching, this study of classroom acquisition of language looked at the effect of practice on the use of coping strategies as part of an instructional program. By encouraging students to ask for information, to seek out clarification, or to use whatever linguistic or nonlinguistic resources they could gather to negotiate meaning and stick to the communicative task at hand, teachers were invariably leading learners to take risks and speak in other than memorized patterns.

      Test results at the end of the instructional period showed conclusively that learners who practiced communication in place of laboratory pattern drills performed with no less accuracy on discrete-points tests of grammatical structure. On the other hand, their communicative competence as measured in terms of fluency, comprehensibility, effort and amount of communication in unrehearsed oral communication tasks significantly surpassed that of learners who had had no such practice. Learners’ reactions to the test formats added further support to the view that even beginners respond well to activities that let them focus on meaning rather than formal features.

(Sandra J. Savignon. Communicative language teaching for the twenty-first century. In: Marianne Celce-Murcia. Teaching English as a second or foreign language. Adaptado)

No trecho do terceiro parágrafo “learners who practiced communication in place of laboratory pattern drills performed with no less accuracy on discrete-points tests of grammatical structure.”, o trecho sublinhado pode ser compreendido como
Q1159384 Inglês

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      In a research project at the University of Illinois, US, Savignon (1972) adopted the term ‘communicative competence’ to characterize the ability of classroom language learners to interact with other speakers, to make meaning, as distinct from their ability to recite dialogs or perform on discrete-point tests of grammatical knowledge.

      At a time when pattern practice and error avoidance were the rule in language teaching, this study of classroom acquisition of language looked at the effect of practice on the use of coping strategies as part of an instructional program. By encouraging students to ask for information, to seek out clarification, or to use whatever linguistic or nonlinguistic resources they could gather to negotiate meaning and stick to the communicative task at hand, teachers were invariably leading learners to take risks and speak in other than memorized patterns.

      Test results at the end of the instructional period showed conclusively that learners who practiced communication in place of laboratory pattern drills performed with no less accuracy on discrete-points tests of grammatical structure. On the other hand, their communicative competence as measured in terms of fluency, comprehensibility, effort and amount of communication in unrehearsed oral communication tasks significantly surpassed that of learners who had had no such practice. Learners’ reactions to the test formats added further support to the view that even beginners respond well to activities that let them focus on meaning rather than formal features.

(Sandra J. Savignon. Communicative language teaching for the twenty-first century. In: Marianne Celce-Murcia. Teaching English as a second or foreign language. Adaptado)

A teacher interested in developing coping strategies in her English reading class would instruct students to
Q1159385 Inglês

Leia o texto e responda à questão.

      In a research project at the University of Illinois, US, Savignon (1972) adopted the term ‘communicative competence’ to characterize the ability of classroom language learners to interact with other speakers, to make meaning, as distinct from their ability to recite dialogs or perform on discrete-point tests of grammatical knowledge.

      At a time when pattern practice and error avoidance were the rule in language teaching, this study of classroom acquisition of language looked at the effect of practice on the use of coping strategies as part of an instructional program. By encouraging students to ask for information, to seek out clarification, or to use whatever linguistic or nonlinguistic resources they could gather to negotiate meaning and stick to the communicative task at hand, teachers were invariably leading learners to take risks and speak in other than memorized patterns.

      Test results at the end of the instructional period showed conclusively that learners who practiced communication in place of laboratory pattern drills performed with no less accuracy on discrete-points tests of grammatical structure. On the other hand, their communicative competence as measured in terms of fluency, comprehensibility, effort and amount of communication in unrehearsed oral communication tasks significantly surpassed that of learners who had had no such practice. Learners’ reactions to the test formats added further support to the view that even beginners respond well to activities that let them focus on meaning rather than formal features.

(Sandra J. Savignon. Communicative language teaching for the twenty-first century. In: Marianne Celce-Murcia. Teaching English as a second or foreign language. Adaptado)

Suppose you had never seen the idiom “seek out” before, as used in the fragment “to seek out clarification”. In order to arrive at its meaning in the text you would try the coping strategy named
Q1159386 Inglês

Leia o texto e responda à questão.

      In a research project at the University of Illinois, US, Savignon (1972) adopted the term ‘communicative competence’ to characterize the ability of classroom language learners to interact with other speakers, to make meaning, as distinct from their ability to recite dialogs or perform on discrete-point tests of grammatical knowledge.

      At a time when pattern practice and error avoidance were the rule in language teaching, this study of classroom acquisition of language looked at the effect of practice on the use of coping strategies as part of an instructional program. By encouraging students to ask for information, to seek out clarification, or to use whatever linguistic or nonlinguistic resources they could gather to negotiate meaning and stick to the communicative task at hand, teachers were invariably leading learners to take risks and speak in other than memorized patterns.

      Test results at the end of the instructional period showed conclusively that learners who practiced communication in place of laboratory pattern drills performed with no less accuracy on discrete-points tests of grammatical structure. On the other hand, their communicative competence as measured in terms of fluency, comprehensibility, effort and amount of communication in unrehearsed oral communication tasks significantly surpassed that of learners who had had no such practice. Learners’ reactions to the test formats added further support to the view that even beginners respond well to activities that let them focus on meaning rather than formal features.

(Sandra J. Savignon. Communicative language teaching for the twenty-first century. In: Marianne Celce-Murcia. Teaching English as a second or foreign language. Adaptado)

In communicative classes, errors
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